Tuesday 29 September 2015

6 Ways to Make Money Online


Let’s get one thing out of the way: Working from home or online doesn’t mean you’ll end up making millions while sitting around in your underwear and barely lifting a finger. While it definitely is possible to make a living using some of the following tactics, they each require a certain amount of effort. However, unlike your average hourly job in which you get paid the same regardless of how much (or how little) effort you put into it, the best part about working online is you’ll be rewarded based on your willingness to commit to a specific task, and are free to create your own destiny. Here are some ways you can make money online.

1. Website Testing

Sites like UserTesting give you the opportunity to review new and upcoming websites, giving the creators feedback as you explore them. It’s possible to make a pretty decent hourly rate testing and reviewing websites, as a single task usually takes less than a half hour and pays around $10 per gig. However, sites like UserTesting often have a large pool of candidates, and you’ll only be asked to review sites that fit your interests, so the workload may not be steady enough to create a consistent cashflow.

2. Data Entry

If your keyboarding skills are up to snuff, you might want to consider signing up for websites such as VirtualBee, which connects typists with clients in need of data entry transfers. After signing up, you’ll be given an aptitude test to determine your eligibility. It’s possible to make up to $20 an hour on gigs, but, like website testing, the work is sporadic and may not be enough for a full-time income.

3. Completing Surveys

You’ve probably seen sites advertising surveys for cash, and blown them off as a pipe dream. While many of them are full of empty promises, some sites actually do follow through with their pledges. Sites like iPoll and MySurvey make it possible to earn some side cash while you relax on the couch watching TV. Some websites even offer signup bonuses that will result with quick cash just for logging in. You probably won’t make a killing completing surveys online, but it is possible.

4. Tutoring

Regardless of whether or not you’re a certified teacher, you can find ways to make money online by tutoring high school and college students in need of test prep. TruePrep is a site dedicated to connecting tutors with high school students who need help studying for the SATs. After completing an aptitude test and going through an audition, you’ll be able to set your own hours and rate of pay. Some tutors make around $50 per Skype session.

5. Proofreading

If you love poring over newspapers, magazines, and books looking for typographical and grammatical errors, you should look into getting paid to do it. While sites like Fiverr and Elance exist to connect proofreaders with clients, you’ll often end up underselling yourself due to the sheer volume of workers advertising their skills. Take a look at Proofread Anywhere, a site offering a course not only on how to become an expert proofreader, but how to find clients that pay well and will consistently need your assistance. Caitlin Pyle, the founder of Proofread Anywhere, makes a full-time income proofreading for less than 30 hours a week.

6. Create a personalized online store

This is perhaps the most involved entry on the list, but it also has the most potential to end up becoming a full-time gig. An entry on Bitcatcha’s blog fully details the best methods for creating an online store in which you can sell your personal crafts, creations, or services. Again, this is in no way meant to be a get rich quick scheme. However, creating a business that operates almost exclusively online is the best way to ensure your fledgling company reaches a variety of audiences across the globe.

Featured photo credit: Paying attention to detail / Nic McPhee via farm1.staticflickr.com

The post 6 Ways to Make Money Online appeared first on Lifehack.

9 Habits that Accelerate the Efficiency of Successful Entrepreneurs

Successful People and their Habits

Innovative ideas are born every minute. With such intense competition, entrepreneurs who want their business to succeed must develop highly efficient habits and skills that also allow for personal growth.

Successful entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, and Sir Richard Branson all have one thing in common: they were known to have developed certain habits and unique approaches that made their businesses remarkably successful. By taking a closer look at each of the following habits, you can learn from the best and see how the habits of other successful entrepreneurs might apply to the type of entrepreneur you want to be.

1. Automating and delegating low-impact tasks

Spotting repetitive tasks in order to automate and delegate them allows successful entrepreneurs to focus on the high-level and impactful activities that no one else can do instead. For example, tech entrepreneurs Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs are notorious for wearing the same clothes to work every day in order to eliminate time spent deciding what to wear. Instead, they could free up that time to focus on high value tasks.

2. Not taking ‘no’ for an answer

Assertiveness plays a central role when it comes to developing ideas and creating a vision for your company. Usually, it’s only those who do not give up easily who end up closing the deal. They are the ones who look at every possible option and create opportunities where there haven’t been any before. Elon Musk, known for PayPal and Tesla Motors, is known for such grit by trying one venture after another.

3. Rugged tenacity

Known to have perfectionist tendencies, highly successful entrepreneurs aren’t afraid to make drastic adjustments to keep the business going. Yahoo’s CEO, Marissa Mayer set up a nursery in her office to shorten her maternity leave and get back to important tasks at hand. This is not to say her child was not important but that her time management was essential.

4. Constantly looking to solve customer problems

Consumers develop trust in companies that understand their pains. A successful business constantly innovates in order to offer new solutions that go along with the needs of their target market. One of Twitter’s founders, Evan Williams, strongly exhibits this customer-centric approach, which is reflected in the rapid growth of his other company, writing platform, Medium.

5. Willingness to fail

Entrepreneurs who are willing to learn from their defeat are also likely to succeed in their next ventures. Payal Kadakia, founder of Classpass, imbibes such a mentality. Upon recognizing that her previous business ideas were not going anywhere, she decided to make a shift, create better business strategies, and start a new venture. A great way to think of this is to ask yourself, “Would I invest in my business in its current state?” If your answer is “no”, it’s time to address failure as an option.

6. Strong knowledge of the business

Most entrepreneurs who don’t have industry-specific skills and experience usually struggle when faced with challenging situations they are not accustomed to. However, those who have dedicated their lives to building their business know the ins=and-outs of its operations. Having valuable first-hand experience is crucial to the company’s success.

7. Transparency

Both employees and consumers trust entrepreneurs who have an open-door policy. Sir Richard Branson of Virgin Group exemplifies this habit by regularly blogging and sharing highlights about the company on the corporate blog. As an added bonus, his writing also improves the company’s visibility in the process.

8. Cultivating a positive working environment

With a globally distributed team, Taso Du Val, CEO of Toptal, practices the habit of empowering his employees to make excellent decisions that spur company growth. Allow employees to take ownership in the business by actively communicating your company’s goals with the entire organization. This helps them feel a sense of ownership toward the organization.

9. Staying true to the company culture

Successful entrepreneurs use their differences as an advantage. They do not follow what others are already doing. Instead, they set their own standards and develop unique strategies that speak to the kind of company they have.

While anyone could come up with innovative ideas anytime, only those with the right attitude and highly efficient habits end up succeeding. If you want to accelerate the success of your business, you better start developing habits that will lead to the most impact.

Featured photo credit: Jarle Naustvik via flic.kr

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5 Reasons Why Your Wandering Mind Is Harming Your Productivity

wandering mind

Do you constantly find that your mind goes for a little wander, a little walk around the place? Then you will be quite happy to find out that the way it works in your mind can be adjusted with relative ease. A wandering mind is not a permanent problem and can be associated, most of the time, with something that is going on in your life at this moment in time.

To avoid this from occurring and seeing how you feel when dealing with it, you should consider the following five reasons why your mind may be wandering and what could be behind that;

Money Troubles

The main one that we find is money troubles. When your business is struggling or you barely have enough to live comfortably, you can find that any task you undertake just reminds you of that money problem.

Escaping that is tough work and will usually be a challenge too far for some, but if you really do concentrate on the project you can find that the money worries can escape your mind and let you be productive enough to maybe actually earn some money!

Relationship Issues

A lot of us have problems at home or with the people we love in terms of arguments and debates – sometimes, even over money as mentioned above. This dominates your thoughts and what-if scenarios appear like wildfire; you need to prepare for this and get yourself into a mentality whereby it becomes less daunting to think about.

It will take a bit of time and a bit of patience, sure, but doing so will let you feel a lot more comfortable in your own mind and allow you to just relax and chill out a little bit instead.

Dedicated Problems

Are you struggling to stay dedicated or committed to something? Then the worried of the consequences of staying in or walking away can become a permanent train of thought. If you are struggling to stay committed to something, or someone, it can be a real time consuming thing to think about and worry over. Look into this as soon as you can as you need to find a reason why these commitment problems are so big for you, and how you can get around those problems – this is one that you need to answer yourself, though, no answers exist that you can simply use as a template solution!


If you are loaded with an illness like a cold or even something more serious it can harm productivity massively. You’ll always be spinning your wehels, so to speak, and will find it hard to get yourself going and up for whatever it is that you need to deal with. It’s best to take the time needed to look around and see hwat the problems might be in your mind, so that you can start adjusting and improving your mentality to fit with the illness until you are healthy again.

Life Changes

Going through any big change in life – a new relationship, moving house, losing/changing jobs – can all leave you with a mind that simply cannot sit at peace. If you find yourself in this position whereby you don’t know where to start and where to end, you need to look at the root causes and try find a solution to them. If you cannot be productive as your mind cannot focus you need to take the time needed to find that reason why and also come up with the best possible solution for that problem as quickly as you can.

Take the time that you need to make these adjustments in your mind as they will be very important to helping you handle these life changes. Life changes are big things and can leave you unsure of what you are doing and even who you are at times – just take a deep breath and look at the problem. Imagine that someone else was in this situation; what advice would you give them? This will help you come up with a genuine conclusion that you will actually feel like trusting and going alongside as you start to move forward.

Take the time needed to really understand your position, as a failure to do so can have you blaming things that have nothing to do with your issues, leaving you in a perpetual cycle of never getting anything done or succeeding at your life, always destined to fall behind and fail.

Featured photo credit: http://ift.tt/1OFhKf0 via c1.staticflickr.com

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7 Ways Successful People Deal With Stress and Stay Productive


Dealing with stress and facing your failures are a regular part of any career, especially if you’re a young entrepreneur. It’s perfectly normal to fail and nothing to be ashamed of. It’s an obstacle all successful people such as Steve Jobs and Richard Branson have had to face. On your journey to success, you’ll need to learn how to stay productive in spite of stress. Lacking focus means you could easily make the wrong decisions and sacrifice your efficiency.

1. They always ask for help

In his book “The Virgin Way”, Richard Branson says that you should ask numerous people about your idea before saying “We’ll give this one a miss,” or “Let’s do it.”

Many new entrepreneurs and business people make a big mistake when it comes to asking for help, because they think that they should do certain projects on their own. You simply cannot do everything on your own, however. You’re not an expert in every field – leave certain tasks to professionals. If you only rely on yourself, you’ll end up stressed out and won’t finish every task properly. All successful people hire experts in various fields in order to get certain jobs done right. This will help you stay productive and focused on your job, while guaranteeing that everything else will go according to plan.

Whether or not you are sure of something, always seek a second opinion (and even a third). However, make sure you ask the opinion of a professional and not a random person. That way, you won’t waste your time over-analyzing it and wondering if it’s a good decision or not.

2. They share their experience with other professionals and reflect on their past steps

“This is the key to life: the ability to reflect, the ability to know yourself, the ability to pause for a second before reacting automatically. If you can truly know yourself, you will begin the journey of transformation.” – Deepak Chopra

You’re probably asking yourself why you should share your experiences with others. The main reason is to get feedback from other experts, who will certainly share their stories with you as well. You’d be surprised how many of them went through the exact same things you did at the beginning of your career. This is a great way to learn something new, and to avoid making mistakes that someone before you already made.

Successful people tend to write blogs in order to vent their constant stress and pressure. By sharing your thoughts and even failures, you’ll not only get needed feedback, but also relieve some of the stress that has been piling up.

Likewise, when you document your story as an entrepreneur, it will be a lot easier to reflect on your previous experiences and learn something from it. Before you go to bed, evaluate your day and make sure you write everything down. At the end of the month, write a blog post to help you evaluate your month and assist other new entrepreneurs in their careers. This will also make you more productive, as you’ll be better able to reflect on your entire business journey.

3. They learn all the time

No matter how old you are or what job you are doing, learning is a lifelong process. Knowledge is a precious and powerful tool in business world. If you want to be successful, then follow this timeless advice from experts, and don’t forget to keep building your knowledge.

When you strive to keep learning new things, challenges will seem easier and decisions will come more quickly. If having a blog isn’t important for your business but is for you, then you’ll need to learn how to install WordPress and start your journey on this simple and elegant platform. Staying interested in new subjects will only help you stay on track in life, because there is no such thing as unnecessary knowledge. But remember: Don’t do someone else’s job! Always stay on top of your duties and know what results are expected of you.

4. They make their gadgets work for them

Gadgets are there to work for you and help you perform everyday tasks. You need to learn how to make the best of them and use them properly. Having a quality smartphone enables you to do much more than just tweeting, posting, and taking photos. Use your phone to make a detailed schedule and organize yourself.

Moreover, instead of going to the bank or using a laptop, you can download your bank app and manage your transactions easily and quickly. There are many applications for both smartphones and computers that save you a lot of time, so learn to use them to your an advantage.

You can even receive your phone notifications on a computer. If you’re in an office or working on a laptop, it is a lot easier to manage your bank account, schedule, and e-mails if your notifications are sent directly to your PC.

5. They know what motivates them and keeps them going

“It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.” – Lou Holtz

In order to stay stress-free and stay productive, you definitely need to find out what keeps you motivated. Some are driven by the end goal, whereas some people just cannot cope with huge problems and find their motivation in simple things.

No one can tell you what will motivate you to keep going, but you need to find out by yourself by not giving up. Walt Disney was told that he had lacked imagination and was fired over it, but that did not stop him. Later he started many other businesses that ended in bankruptcy. However, he eventually found the right way. Most importantly, he didn’t give up; he was motivated during the whole journey to keep on going and didn’t stop.

Motivation plays a huge role in everything you do, so whatever you feel will motivate you and make you happy at that moment – do it.

6. They clearly separate their work and personal life

Many people dedicate their whole life to their career and success. However, there has to be a clear distinction between personal and business life. The fact is that you cannot be productive the entire day, and you won’t finish all of your tasks successfully if you work on them all the time. You need to establish clear working hours and not needlessly work overtime.

When you set clear working hours, you invest most your energy during that time on your projects. Working all day long, on the other hand, won’t get you anywhere. You will only be tired, stressed out, and unprepared for the next day. In order to be productive, you also need to be happy, and there is no better way to be happy than spending the other half of your day with your family and friends.

Moreover, the best ideas come to mind at a time when you aren’t thinking about them. Don’t let your personal life suffer – have fun with your family, travel, and enjoy your hobbies.

7. They relax and stay calm

“The idea is that one’s temperament improves with age; that you learn to deal better with people and become more benevolent and loving. That’s not necessarily true. I try to stay loose, but sometimes the best thing to do is get yourself away and take a good nap.” – Robert Duvall

It’s extremely important to learn how to relax and dispel negative thoughts. Some people need a physical activity such as jogging or the gym in order to blow off some steam. On the other hand, some people enjoy doing yoga in order to achieve their desired state of mind. However, all of us need to learn how to relax and take a deep breath while at work. If you’re stressed out, it’s less likely that you’ll be productive, so you need to learn how to cope with stressful situations in order to stay focused.

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30 Inspirational Quotes From Billionaire Mark Cuban To Lead You To Success


Mark Cuban is a billionaire American businessman and investor. He owns Landmark Theatres, Magnolia Pictures, the Dallas Mavericks basketball team, and is one of the “shark” investors on the popular TV show “Shark Tank.”

Here are some words of wisdom from the successful Mark Cuban to lead you to success.

He speaks about persistence:

1. “Every no gets me closer to a yes.”

2. “It doesn’t matter how many times you have failed. You only have to be right once.”

3. “It’s not about money or connections. It’s the willingness to out work and out learn everyone. And if it fails, you learn from what happened and do a better job next time.”

4. “It doesn’t matter how many times you fail. It doesn’t matter how many times you almost get it right. No one is going to know or care about your failures, and neither should you. All you have to do is learn from them and those around you because all that matters in business is that you get it right once. Then everyone can tell you how lucky you are.”

He gives advice about customer service:

5. “It is so much easier to be nice, to be respectful, to put yourself in your customers’ shoes and try to understand how you might help them before they ask for help, than it is to try to mend a broken customer relationship.”

6. “Treat your customers like they own you – because they do.”

7. “What makes a good salesperson? Let me be clear that it’s not the person who can talk someone into anything. It’s not the hustler who is a smooth talker. The best salespeople are the ones who put themselves in their customer’s shoes and provide a solution that makes the customer happy.”

He talks about having a strong work ethic:

8. “Work like there is someone working 24 hours a day to take it all away from you.”

9. “I worked hard and smarter than most people in the businesses I have been in.”

10. “In sports, the only thing a player can truly control is effort. The same applies to business. The only thing any entrepreneur, salesperson or anyone in any position can control is their effort.”

11. “What I’ve learned is that if you really want to be successful at something, you’ll find that you put the time in. You won’t just ask somebody if it’s a good idea, you’ll go figure out if it’s a good idea.”

12. “There are no shortcuts. You have to work hard, and try to put yourself in a position where if luck strikes, you can see the opportunity and take advantage of it.”

13. “I love to compete. To me, business is the ultimate sport. It’s always on. There is always someone trying to beat me.”

14. “I still work hard to know my business. I’m continuously looking for ways to improve all my companies, and I’m always selling. Always.”

15. “It’s not in the dreaming, it’s in the doing.”

16. “Relaxing is for the other guy. I may be sitting in front of the TV, but I’m not watching it unless I think there is something I can learn from it. I’m thinking about things I can use in my business and the TV is just there.”

17. “Companies don’t fail for a lack of cash or attitude. Companies fail for a lack or brains and effort.”

18. “What does it take to be a successful entrepreneur? It takes willingness to learn, to be able to focus, to absorb information, and to always realize that business is a 24/7 job where someone is always out there to kick your ass.”

19. “One thing we can all control is effort. Put in the time to become an expert in whatever you’re doing. It will give you an advantage because most people don’t do this.”

He mentions doing what other people are scared of:

20. “Always wake up with a smile knowing that today you are going to have fun accomplishing what others are too afraid to do.”

He advises you to love what you do and to become obsessed with it:

21. “Don’t start a company unless it’s an obsession and something you love. If you have an exit strategy, it’s not an obsession.”

22. “Sweat equity is the most valuable equity there is. Know your business and industry better than anyone else in the world. Love what you do or don’t do it.”

23. “Wherever I see people doing something the way it’s always been done, the way it’s ‘supposed’ to be done, following the same old trends, well, that’s just a big red flag to me to go look somewhere else.”

24. “If you’re prepared and you know what it takes, it’s not a risk. You just have to figure out how to get there. There is always a way to get there.”

25. “What I’ve learned is that if you really want to be successful at something, you’ll find that you put the time in. You won’t just ask somebody if it’s a good idea, you’ll go figure out if it’s a good idea.”

He values originality:

26. “I create offbeat advice; I don’t follow it. I rarely take third-party advice on my investments.”

27. “What I do know, at least what I think I have learned from my experiences in business, is that when there is a rush for everyone to do the same thing, it becomes more difficult to do. Not easier. Harder.”

28. “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.”

29. “When you’ve got 10,000 people trying to do the same thing, why would you want to be number 10,001?”

He advises to push past fear:

30. “Don’t let fear be a roadblock.”

Featured photo credit: Mark Cuban/JD Lasica/http://ift.tt/1cWkRhF via flickr.com

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Presentation Skills Taught By 2015 World Champion Of Public Speaking

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The year is 1798. Napoleon Bonaparte’s army was embarking on an difficult mission – to conquer Egypt. Napoleon rallied thousands of his troops and sparked that fire in them, the fire that would drive them to conquer their enemy. It was not gold or silver that Napolean gave his troops, but the power of his words!

The power of one’s words has been the key to kings and rulers and leaders up to today.The ability to speak and persuade a room full of people is one of the most coveted skills in the modern Business/Corporate World. But speakingin front of others is still referenced as the number 1 fear for most people!

But neither this fear nor his stutter stopped Mohammed Qahtani, the winner of the ‘2015 Toastmasters International World Champion of Public Speaking’ competition. His award-winning speech is not surprisingly called “The Power of Words!” Watch it here.

Qahtani shares 7 tips to master the art of speaking to a room full of people. Although the tips are presented for public speaking, these are equally applicable to presentations.

1. Have One Key Message to Convey

A speech is most effective when it has one central message that the audience needs to hear and takeaway. Keep the message simple and memorable. The entire speech should revolve around and point to this one message.

2. Connect With The Audience

When it is time to present/talk, focus on connecting with your audience. All other peripheral thoughts should disappear. The way you look, the way you speak and any other thoughts should be gone. Your entire focus should be on connecting with the audience. Your speech should energize the audience and the audience’s energy should drive your speech. The techniques to present and speak are mastered through practice and should come naturally. Thereby, you can refrain from thinking about the techniques.

3. Leverage Your Strengths

If you suck at humor in general, do not try to infuse humor in your speech. If you are dramatic by nature, use that in your speech and presentation to make a bigger impact. Know your strengths and use it to come across as an authentic speaker. One of Qahtani’s fellow Toastmaster members advised him to use his humor. He told Qahtani, “Some people are strong with their words, some people are strong with their voice, some people are strong with their stage presence. Your strength is humor. Use it.”

4. See Your Speech In Your Mind

A common mistake among presenters is when they memorize their speech. This causes a lot of problems on stage when they forget a word or a phrase. The presenter then spends their brain power trying to recall that next word or sentence. Qahtani recommends visualizing the key points in the speech. Again, practice the speech until it feels fluent like a conversation and focus only on visualizing those key points.

5. Know That YOU And Your Message Matters!

Adopt the mindset that your message and you matters. You are in front of the room because you have a message. Qahtani suggests thinking that you are better than your audience. Not in a conceited way, but with the knowledge that you have something of value to offer through your message.

6. Invoke A Variety Of Emotions

A monotonous speech gets boring and sometimes even depressing! An excess of humor could water down the message. Vary the emotions through the speech for audience entertainment. However, ensure that the audience always leaves with a sense of hope!

7. Practice With Feedback

Toastmasters offers the amazing benefit of getting timely and honest feedback from people who care. Since joining Toastmasters in 2009, Qahtani has come a long way to win the competition this year! He attributes his progress to the feedback he received at Toastmasters. Even for his winning speech, he cut down certain sections –  which he originally perceived as important – thanks to fellow member’s feedback.

What other techniques and tips have improved your public speaking abilities? Please share.

Featured photo credit: Muhammed Qahtani via youtube.com

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7 Habits You Must Build To Be Wealthy


So, you want to be wealthy? That is definitely on the agenda for you. And yet, you are not quite there, are you? And you keep wondering when your time will come or maybe, you are beginning to think, you just won’t get there. Are you lacking something? Were you not born into the right family? Is there some trait you are just not aware of, yet? Why not you?

It gets like this at times, doesn’t it? The voice in your head gets a little louder and you begin to despair and wonder when your time is going to come. You are following the rules or so you think but maybe you are missing some of the habits. They seem too soft; they seem too unnecessary because you are looking for something solid to hang onto. A tip, a trick, a technique, a business hack that will turn everything around when you implement it but the truth is, my friend, that most of your success is going to come as a result of a few key habits that you implement and here is a starting point for you, if getting rich is to be a certainty in your life.

1. You Must Be Consistent

Too many wannabe wealthy people think that things have to work immediately, within three seconds, if they are ever going to work. So, they learn a new way to promote their business, they implement it for the said three seconds (a slight exaggeration!) and then they wait for the riches to pour in and then, nothing happens so they stop and change direction or quit.

Getting rich happens when you stay on path for a long period of time. It happens when you realise that it is the day in, day out consistent following of a plan that gets you to your goal. Regardless of what the media may say, there are no overnight successes, there is only someone who consistently put one foot in front of the other daily, with eyes focused on the goal for as long as it took to get where they set out to go.You can be that person, too.

2. You must have boundaries

How much of your time is currently spent satisfying the needs and desires of the people in your world who do not have the same mission as you? How much time do you spend (and I must be blunt) people-pleasing? So much time is spent by the vast majority of people, keeping everyone happy. And it is usually at the expense of their own dreams, their own calling and mission. If you do want to be wealthy then you need to build the habit of controlling the access that other people have to you and this matters whether they are loved ones or customers or whoever.

Of course, there will be varying levels of access with a few key intimate family or friend relationships but overall, understand you are on a mission and therefore, you cannot spend all your time trying to be liked. Your goal is to serve as many people as possible, not please them. So, be a person with boundaries.

3. You must get around like-minded people

How on earth are you going to create wealth and get rich if you and everyone around you is more likely to think that ‘lack’ is a normal way of life? Yes, you may have been brought up in an environment where most people lived a bland life. Yes, they may have assumed that they would get a job and stay in that job, just about getting by, until they died. However, if you have decided that you are going to get wealthy, then it is time to seek out a new crowd.

You become like the people you hang out with. So, again, in addition to having boundaries when it comes to certain people, dare to uplevel the relationships in your life. Choose to get around people who think it is normal to succeed. Let their thinking seep into your mind and heart and let it become your norm, too. You can be, do and have whatever you want and it helps to be surrounded by others who believe the same.

4. You must invest in your personal growth

Do you understand that you are your greatest asset? Whatever you invest in yourself, is not an expense, it literally is an asset and will continually produce results for you, time and time again. The books you read, the courses you attend, the coaching you get, all have the ability to accelerate your speed to becoming wealthy. Do not be one of those people who think that every teacher, coach, mentor out there is just trying to scam you. That is a poverty mindset. Every learning experience is just that, a learning experience. It is you, the student, who chooses what you take out of the experience. Implement Kaizen – the practice of continuous improvement.

5. You must get comfortable with being uncomfortable

If it were possible to be wealthy while doing only the things that come easy and are comfortable to you, then you would already be rich. Form a habit of expanding yourself. Form a habit of stretching yourself by taking on more things that you normally wouldn’t do. Of course, be wise about this but do not be content to remain the same, unchallenged and unprovoked. It gets you nowhere fast. Instead, choose to do the things that you avoid. Choose to try a whole lot of new things in order to see what will actually work for you.Get comfortable with the uncomfortable.

6. You must get a journal

Yes, I am prejudiced about this. I think everyone should have a written journal – a place to record one’s thoughts, one’s desires, one’s crazy feelings and more. A safe place to peel off the layers and discover what is really going on beneath the hood. Yes, I do think you must have one. And more than that, you must get into the habit of writing in it daily, preferably during a form of quiet time first thing in the morning. I am being prescriptive, I know and yet, it will help you accelerate your personal growth. The daily routine of writing in the journal will keep you clear, keep you aware and keep you on track. The main key here is to raise your awareness. You cannot get rich and wealthy while living a passive, ‘whatever comes’, life. Get Deliberate.

7. You must believe you can do only what you love

A big obstacle for a lot of wannabe wealthy people is the thought that the only pathway to wealth is to be someone they don’t like, do things they don’t want to do and yes, they get to have it all but the cost seems too high. And, of course, it is. And yet, most of the people who do create vast amounts of wealth are not doing it while doing things they hate to do. There may be areas of their business that they dislike and mostly, they outsource those bits. Overall, those with true wealth enjoy their business and enjoy who they are. And for those who don’t, they tend to self-sabotage. We see this all the time in the media. To end this article, you must see that you always get what you expect to get, so if you expect wealth and getting rich to mean you must be someone you don’t like, you will not allow yourself to succeed.

Why not choose to believe and take actions that align with who you want to be as a rich, wealthy person? Little by little, stop doing the things you do not enjoy and begin doing more of what you love.

Choose to create a life and a business you want, because you can.

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Monday 28 September 2015

4 Thoughts You Have that May Be Holding You Back


Why are most of us struggling to obtain success? You likely experience a pattern of thoughts that hold you back so you can create the success you need. From thinking your lack of success is the fault of others to negative past experiences, you may be holding yourself back. Here are a few main ways you are holding yourself back:

Blaming Others

This is a very common thought process that results in many people not taking action on their goals. They get held back in the thought that it’s the fault of their parents, teachers, government or somebody else. But when we get adulthood we struggle to switch from being reliant on others to get by, to being responsible for ourselves.

So, we blame others for not handing us success. We say things like “How dare the government cut my benefits, how am I supposed to live?” or “I would have decent education if I just had a good teacher at school”.

What we should be doing is looking at ourselves and wondering why we aren’t getting the pay rise or promotion or getting that job in the first place. We must put in the work to reap the rewards and not blame others for our own misfortune. Nobody is going to give you more than you are worth and just hand you success on the plate because you think that is what you are due. We need to take responsibility for our own lives and create our own success.

A Lack Of Resources

“I can’t start on online business, I just don’t have to time, money or skills to do it.” “I can’t go to the gym because it is just too far away and too expensive.” “I can’t find my perfect partner because I just don’t have the time to go out and meet people.” Sound familiar?

We commonly use these excuses to get out of working hard on even the things that we want to do and makes us happy. We spend hours a day in front of the television and then say we don’t have time to go to the gym or take a class. We waste our money on things we don’t need, then say we don’t have the money to start a business. We need to turn this on the head and instead of making excuses, we need to get up out of our comfort zone and do the things we have to do to create the success and happiness we deserve and want.

Fear Of Failure

A lot of people don’t aim for that high because they automatically think they will fail and be a laughingstock of their friends, family and colleagues. When what they should be thinking is that failure is part of learning and creating success. It is legend that Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before inventing the light bulb.

And he invented other things along the way. How many times did you mumble your words when you learnt to speak, how many times did you fall of your bike when you learnt to ride it, how many times to did you fall ever when you learnt to walk? Failure is a prerequisite to success, embrace it.

A Negative Past

A common struggle with people and their thoughts is maybe there was a past struggle or affliction that can hold us back. Growing up with illness and at a result we struggle with school and learning. Maybe not having the support structure that is seen as the norm can hold us back.

This is understandable to a certain extent, but how many times have we heard stories of people, like rapper 50 Cent, who lived a life of crime and even nearly died after being shot, then went on to being a successful musician.

And there are many others who are brought up in broken homes with very little and can’t see a way out. You just got to find the right key to the right door. And that key is hard work on the right things and the door is your dream lifestyle. Take action now, become an inspiration.

We all have negative thoughts, it is how we use them that either holds us back or creates the success we crave.

How do you handle you negative thoughts?  Do they hold you back?

Featured photo credit: Clement/Luigi Morante via imcreator.com

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3 Anxiety Reduction Tools That Will Work Today (#2 May Surprise You)

anxiety reduction

Are you looking for anxiety reduction ideas that really work? Anxiety and stress are related to sleep deprivation, dissatisfaction at work and in relationships, physical ailments such as headaches, and many more struggles that are common today. If you are coping with stress or anxiety, you may be searching for ways to improve your mood, experience more joy and hope, and feel more comfortable or confident in your day-to-day life.

Long-term strategies like psychotherapy, mindfulness practices, and prioritizing overall health are quite effective for managing anxiety and reducing its negative impact. While it’s vital to invest in yourself with ongoing processes like those listed above, there are also ways to relieve anxiety and stress that you can use to get results right now.

These three tools can be used today to relieve stress and improve your quality of life.

1. Get Into The Moment for Anxiety Reduction

Anxiety and stress take you hostage with thoughts about the past or future – taking you out of the present moment. You may notice that you try to control things by over-planning, over-analyzing, or obsessing over details.

Time thinking about the future will disconnect you from what your needs, thoughts, and feelings are right now. This is stressful for your brain and body to maintain. Bringing yourself back to your awareness of the present moment allows you to feel in control of yourself, rather than spinning in circles trying to plan a way to control something in your external world.

Here is a three-step challenge that you can use now to orient your mind and body in the present moment:

1. For a moment or two try to do nothing but breathe.

2. Look down at your body. Notice the color of your clothes, the comfort level of the chair you’re sitting in, and the way your chest moves as you breathe. Take your hands away from the computer, and rest them on your lap.

3. Look around you. Notice the detail about the things that are in your space. Try to observe without judging anything as good or bad. When your mind starts to wander, bring it back to focusing on this article – and this article alone.

2. Practicing Forgiveness for Anxiety Reduction

Have you heard that a grudge hurts you more than it hurts the other person? It’s better for your own health to forgive someone else instead of holding onto anger. Practicing forgiveness is also a way of releasing fear, anxiety, and stress! Forgiving someone else is allowing yourself to have a new experience – not necessarily of that person (let’s face it, sometimes we need to cut ties), but of the world and people in general.

Anxiety wants you to make negative assumptions about people and future experiences, convincing you that you’re being protected from more pain by assuming the worst. Forgiving will keep you open to new and better things.

Anxiety and stress are also linked to perfectionism. You may be convinced that you’re being responsible and dedicated when in fact you are carrying a heavy burden of doubt and negativity around with you as you try to accomplish tasks. Forgiving yourself sets you free from the burden of perfectionism, allowing you to accomplish more with more joy.

Here are two ways to practice forgiveness right now:

1. Take a moment to think of someone or something that you have been unable to forgive. Even if it’s not yet true, say aloud “I forgive you.” Practice it a few times, and try again tomorrow, until you are able to release yourself from the pain.

2. Think of a time that you tend to be critical of yourself. Is it difficult for you to allow yourself to make mistakes? Write yourself a note saying that you accept and forgive the mistake. Again, say it aloud to yourself: “I forgive you.”

3. Use Laughter and Joy for Anxiety Reduction

Laughter releases healing chemicals in the brain that bring relief. It also opens up the possibility to have a new experience in the moment. Novelty experiences, even small ones, are vital for daily stress management. Laughter can also help you experience an emotional connection with another person and help you create a positive memory.

In addition, connection with others is a key component to relief from anxiety symptoms, partially because experiencing frequent fear and stress can be isolating. Connecting through laughter (even via text message!) may break you out of a negative thought process. So, how can you bring some laughter, humor, and connection into your life today?

Here are three ways you can bring humor into your life right now:

1. Do something kind for a friend or acquaintance. It can be anything from sending a link to a funny video, writing a letter of gratitude, or taking time out of your day to help her. Look for the humor in a situation that might otherwise cause you to worry.

2. Do something today that is completely outside of your comfort zone. Put on music and dance, sign up for a martial arts class, or start up a conversation with a total stranger. Did you jump in and practice each example, or were you embarrassed, doubtful, or afraid?

3. Anxiety may try to stop you from giving these tools a legitimate try. Go for it anyway! You may surprise yourself with what you are able to experience and achieve.

How will you incorporate these tools into your life today?

Featured photo credit: Ryan McGuire via gratisography.com

The post 3 Anxiety Reduction Tools That Will Work Today (#2 May Surprise You) appeared first on Lifehack.

7 Powerful Habits Of Insanely Creative People


When it comes to creativity and success, have you ever wondered what sets certain individuals apart from others? While much is dependent on intrinsic skills that cannot be taught, there are also certain skills, techniques, and abilities that can be honed.

If you’re someone who’s interested in maximizing creativity, fostering innovation, and making a significant difference in the lives of those around you, it’s helpful to learn from those who’ve come before you. Let’s look at seven powerful habits of insanely creative people.

1. Always Ask Questions

Creative people never take anything at face value. Instead of simply accepting that things are a certain way because that’s the way they’ve always been, creative people ask questions and uncover answers. While you may not always find the answer you’re looking for, the mere act of seeking can be enough to spark a new idea or teach you a new lesson.

2. Wake Up Early

It would be incorrect to say that all successful and creative people wake up early. After all, Franz Kafka, the renowned German writer, was notorious for staying up all night and sleeping in until noon. And consider that Pablo Picasso rarely woke before 10 am. While both of these men were successful and creative, they’re exceptions to the rule. If you look at the majority of highly creative people, most are early risers. As Ernest Hemmingway once said, “There is no one to disturb you and it is cool and cold and you come to your work and warm as you write.”

3. Surround Yourself with Creative People

Like birds of a feather, creative people flock together. The reason for this is that you are what you surround yourself with. If you spend your time with lazy people, you too will become lazy. If you surround yourself with people who exercise all the time, you’ll naturally become active yourself. Well, if you spend time with innovative minds, you’ll automatically shift your thoughts and learn to think more creatively on a regular basis.

4. Expose Yourself to New Mediums

The best way to enhance creativity is to avoid limiting yourself. For example, painters shouldn’t only study other paintings. They should immerse themselves in music, drawing, woodworking, and sculpting. The more artistic mediums you expose yourself to, the more inspiration you’ll gain. On the other hand, if you suppress yourself and limit the types of art you consume, you’ll become one-dimensional.

5. Identify and Remove Barriers

Everyone has those barriers and challenges that threaten to hamper their ability to innovate. It’s up to you to identify these roadblocks and remove them from your life. This could be a toxic relationship, a less-than-satisfactory work environment, a lack of resources, or anything in between. It doesn’t matter what they are – they have to go. The longer they’re present, the more agitated and overwhelmed you’ll become.

6. Work With What You Have

Everyone is exposed to different environments. Creative people are able to consistently respond to the situations in which they’re placed and utilize the resources they have at their disposal. If you notice one thing about creative people, it’s that they aren’t afraid to be spontaneous. They don’t plan out every minute of every day, instead they’re flexible and willing to adapt.

7. Leave Time for Leisure

You can’t be creative all the time. Your brain needs to rest and recharge sometimes. That’s why highly creative people like Benjamin Franklin, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Charles Dickens, and Mary Flannery O’Connor always set aside hours of each day for food, leisure, and rest. What you do in your leisure time is up to you, but make sure you’re taking some time to simply be. You don’t have to be doing something 24/7/365. A little R&R never hurt anyone.

Featured photo credit: Creative People via flickr.com

The post 7 Powerful Habits Of Insanely Creative People appeared first on Lifehack.

10 Psychological Hacks To Make You More Creative And Productive At Work


Many times, when we think about productivity, we think in terms of time-management tricks, how to get motivated, and ways to work faster. The focus is often on getting more and more done, faster and faster. But what if we just slowed down a bit and thought about productivity in its truest form: being able to create or produce in the most efficient way possible, not necessarily in the fastest time possible?

Our lives would be so much better, and far less stressful.

Doing too much, too fast isn’t a great strategy. It overworks the mind, and our bodies can’t keep up in the long run. We burn out eventually. That is why it’s necessary to chart a new course for being productive that doesn’t rely solely on tricks to be faster. After all, when our minds get overworked and we burn out, it can take 6 months to 2 years or more to fully recover. Who wants that?

Here are some psychological tricks that will help you influence your own mind in such a way that you become more creative and productivity at work.

Hacks to Boost Creativity

1. Establish psychological distance.

Ever wonder why it’s easier to give advice to a friend than it is to solve your own problems? It’s because you are “psychologically distant” from your friend’s problem, meaning you can think more clearly and logically about the issue. If you want to gain clarity and new insights on what you are working on, step away from the task for a while. That will help you to be “psychologically distant.” Studies show that establishing psychological distance between you and a problem boosts your creativity and allows you to think more objectively.

2. Allow yourself to daydream a little.

Daydreaming or mind wondering is a common feature at work. You can be sitting at your desk working and suddenly you realize your mind is elsewhere—probably thinking about the kids or what you will have for dinner. Rather than feel bad about it, or bash yourself for “slacking off,” embrace it. A little daydreaming can boost creativity. That’s because it allows your brain to relax and think outside the box. Researchers actually say that our most inventive and creative moments come when daydreaming.

It’s when daydreaming that the mind can make associations between bits of information buried in our subconscious that we had never considered in that particular way.

“This accounts for creativity, insights of wisdom and oftentimes the solutions to problems that the person had not considered,” explains Eugenio M. Rothe, a psychiatrist at Florida International University.

3. Listen to uplifting music.

Music plays an important role in how we feel and interpret the world. If you are looking for some motivation, inspiration for creative thought, or just looking to calm your mind so you can think more clearly at work, listen to some uplifting music. Mozart’s piano sonatas and Beethoven’s immortal classics, for example, can help you do exactly that. Not only will you lift your mood and feel happier when you listen to music, you’ll be able to move through dull, repetitive tasks quicker and more inspired.

4. Get a little messy.

This might sound strange or counterproductive, but a messy desk at work can actually indicate higher creativity. Those workers who thrive in messiness or a lack of organization are in fact often more creatively minded. That’s because a little disorganization is a creativity stimulus itself. You train yourself to become a better problem solver and more adept at tackling crises as they arise when you get a little messy at work.

Of course, everything should be done in moderation. Being too disorganized might set off worrisome alarms and hinder creativity and productivity just as well.

5. Stay connected with people.

Working alone for long periods, day after day can bring problems. Human beings are social creatures and we need outside stimulation and interaction with fellow human beings to thrive. Your creativity will go down, your productivity will follow suit, and your effectiveness will go down as well when you work in total isolation. So, slot in adequate time for social interaction during work to stimulate your mind, but not too much time as your productivity may go down again. Use good judgment.

Hacks to Boost Productivity

6. Set realistic deadlines for yourself.

This is an effective way to not only improve task performance, but to also decrease procrastination, according to a study by MIT Sloan School of Management and INSEAD Business School. Simply knowing you have a deadline to meet tunes the mind properly and provides the motivation you need to tackle the job head-on and finish it when it ought to be finished. You may even impose on yourself consequences for failure to meet self-scheduled deadlines just to raise the stakes a little higher.

7. Reward yourself for a job well done.

Give yourself a reward each time you complete a task in a proper and timely manner. Do this every time immediately after you’ve finished the task. That will program your brain to believe that you will always reward it for tasks well done. When you do this consistently, you may find that you’ll become more motivated to get the job done every day, on time and on priority.

8. Practice mindfulness.

People are easily distracted from tasks they find boring or have no interest in. This is one of the reasons we procrastinate at work. To counter distractions, practice mindfulness. This involves staying completely aware of (paying close attention to) your responsibilities. Focus on one task at any given moment to ground yourself. Once you train your mind to pay close attention on what is happening in the moment, you will find it easier to avoid distractions and get work done more effectively.

9. Surround yourself with plants.

People who keep living plants nearby while at work are often calmer, happier, and more self-driven. Why, you ask? Because live plants alter our perspective and perception of our work environment, explains Marlon Nieuwenhuis and his research team. Just one plant can boost your productivity significantly as you begin to consider your office a healthier place to work. And indeed, your office will be a healthier place to work in with greenery nearby. That’s because plants improve air quality in the office, enhancing your concentration and general workplace satisfaction

10. Bring in natural light.

Can’t stand sitting under the fluorescent light bulbs beaming above your office desk any longer? Good—those bulbs are hindering your productivity. People who spend large chunks of time indoors and are not exposed to natural light are generally more stressed, depressed, and tend to let those feelings bleed into their personal and professional lives, too.

Fortunately, studies show that natural light exposure may help to increase serotonin levels in the brain and alleviate depression symptoms. Get outside more and change your office or desk light bulbs out with those designed to mimic natural sunlight. This will fight this sad, unmotivating effect and you’ll feel happier, more inspired, and more productive at work.

The post 10 Psychological Hacks To Make You More Creative And Productive At Work appeared first on Lifehack.

Sunday 27 September 2015

10 Ways Your Brain Makes you Dumb


The human brain is an impressive yet bewildering thing. Although it only weighs about three pounds, this organ processes information amazingly fast. The slowest speed is 260 mph. That’s the same speed as the fastest car on Earth! Our highly evolved brains are what differentiate us from other animals. However, as much as our brains help us function, we’re still susceptible to being tricked.

Here are 10 ways our brains make us surprisingly “dumb.”

1. You Filter Out More Information Than You Realize

We all want to think that we are aware of everything, all the time. However, the truth of the matter is that we are not. Our brains use about 20-25% of our body’s energy, so it’s important that our brains act as efficiently as possible. In order to do this, the brain filters out a lot of “noise” in our environment, focusing our attention on the things we deem important by using the reticular activating system (RAS).

Have you ever considered buying a particular car and then noticed it everywhere? It’s not that everyone bought that same exact car the same day, your RAS was in action and was focusing your attention on that specific car. Since your brain was focused on the new car purchase, your RAS took note of it, making you even more aware of that car in your environment.

The RAS is an essential network in the brain that helps us parse through the massive amount of information we are exposed to everyday. Since it’s such a great tool, it’s surprising to realize that you’re filtering out a lot of information.

2. Your Brain Can Be Primed

Do you ever go shopping, flip over a tag, and find a great deal you can’t resist? The shirt you’re considering buying used to be $200, now it’s only $20 — it’s a no brainer! Is it really a good deal, or is your mind primed to think so because you saw the giant “x” over the original price? This shows how an initial stimuli can have huge affects on our subsequent decisions or behaviors.

In an interesting study, subjects were primed with words related to elderly people. After hearing those words, the subjects were found to walk slower when leaving the experiment compared to the control group who wasn’t primed. The same study showed that when subjects were primed with words related to rudeness, they were more likely to interrupt the experimenter.

3. Too Many Options Lead To Indecision

You may think that having a variety of options is a great thing — it’s not. Although it may seem advantageous to have a variety of options to make the best decision, your mind actually gets overwhelmed, thus decreasing your odds of actually making a choice.

Have you ever been browsing Netflix at night and just felt totally paralyzed? We’ve all been there, flipping through the endless choices presented to you. That’s the paradox of choice in action.

A fascinating experiment in a grocery store examined a stand with 24 different varieties of jams for shoppers to test and buy. Those who sampled got a $1 coupon towards any purchase. The 24 jam display got a lot of interest as people wanted to taste-test different flavors. A similar table was set up the next day, but this time it only had six jams to try. Although the smaller table wasn’t as popular, when it came to buying the jam, people who saw the smaller display were ten times more likely to purchase.

Why is that? Having too many options can lead to indecision or inaction. Even worse, when we face too many options we feel even less satisfied with the choice we made.

4.  You View Your “Future Self” As A Stranger

Do you ever pig out on a Friday, then justify eating your way through your weekend because on Monday you’re going to start that new diet? We tend to think of our future selves as totally different people, causing us to weaken the connection of the pain or sacrifice that our “future self” will have to go through just to burn off those weekend calories.

Numerous studies have shown that our brain thinks of our future selves as entirely different people. So much so, we may as well be thinking of a celebrity! In a study conducted by Hershfield and his colleagues, when imagining their future selves a subject’s neural activity was similar to when they described celebrities like Matt Damon! The experimenters took this a step further, asking their subjects to either look at themselves in the mirror or look at a photo of their future selves (by way of digitally making their face look older). Afterwards, they were asked how they’d spend $1,000, those exposed to their “older self” said they’d put twice as much money into a retirement account compared to those who saw their current self in the mirror.

5. You Grow Attached To Objects You Touch More Often

Every try spring cleaning but get stuck holding onto things with sentimental value because you just can’t fathom throwing them away? Research has shown that the more often you touch something or spend time with it, the more value you place on it.

This study shows that the more time someone spends with an object the more “pre-ownership attachment” they will associate with it. They figured this out by allowing subjects to examine and touch basic coffee cups prior to being auctioned. When they were auctioned off, those who spent more time examining the cup were more likely to overbid on the coffee cup. That’s why retailers want you to try clothes on, take a test drive, and eat taste-testers.

6. Lack Of Willpower Leads To Bad Decisions

Willpower is like a gas tank. It starts off full but gets depleted throughout the day, by either making decisions or exercising self control. What happens when that gas tank is running low? Well, you probably guessed it, it’s way harder to exercise self-control and make good decisions.

In a remarkable study, researchers studied over 1,000 court rulings regarding whether or not the judge granted a criminal parole. They found that the number one factor in whether the criminal would get parole or not was based on the time of day… not their crime or their record — the time of day!

They figured out that the earlier in the day the trial took place, the better chances the criminal had at getting parole. It turns out that the judges suffered from “decision fatigue” towards the end of the day. The easy decision to make after being fatigued was to simply say “no.”

7. You Don’t Panic When You Should

Have you ever felt a minor earthquake in the middle of the night? You may wake up alarmed for a few seconds, but then you roll over and fall back asleep. That’s the normalcy bias at play. This bias occurs when there’s a disaster going on and instead of getting into “fight or flight” mode you convince yourself that everything is totally normal, leading to inaction.

This bias leads to a lot of unnecessary deaths and injuries such as Hurricane Katrina where residents never thought the levees would break. When they actually did, they were stuck at home, faring the worst.

Scientific hypotheses suggest this occurs because it takes our brains 8-10 seconds to process information. Adding stress to the equation slows this down even more.

8. You Make Bad Assumptions

The “availability heuristic” is a mental shortcut we take. It’s when we believe something is common place if we have an example to reference or are already familiar with it. For example, if we have a lot of friends with iPhones, we assume that everyone has iPhones!

An experiment from the University of Zurich showed that people who had been affected by flooding (or knew someone who was) were more likely to perceive higher risk about flooding probabilities in their neighborhood compared to those who never had such experiences. Those affected by flooding had memories “available” to them to reference, causing them to perceive a much higher risk than those who never experienced it, even though the probabilities were exactly the same.

9. You Use Emotions In Making Decisions

Even though we’d all like to trick ourselves into thinking we make decisions based on black and white logic, research shows otherwise.

Thomas Damasio, a University of Iowa neurologist, has shown that decision-making happens in more than one part of your brain. Prior to his research, most neuroscientists believed that decision-making only occurred in the rational and most highly evolved part of our brains, the prefrontal cortex.

Although that is the case, there’s another interesting part of the brain at work: the limbic system. This area is a much older part of our brain responsible for emotions. It’s the part of our brain where we make value judgments regarding experiences and memories. These various parts of the brain work together to make decisions.

10. Your Memories Are Wrong

Do you and a friend ever recall a memory you shared, but argue over the details? When you guys first heard about 9/11 it was at your house… or was it at school… or the gym?

You’re 100% sure he was at your house, but he’s saying it was at school, and you are both sure of it. It turns out that the more emotional a memory is, the more confident we are around recalling that story accurately.

In 1986, the Challenger space shuttle exploded. It was a memorable day for many Americans. The next day, Ulric Neisser, a Professor at Emory, handed out a questionnaire to his students asking them to reflect on where they were and who they were with, as well as other details at the time of hearing about the Challenger explosion.

Two and a half years later, Professor Neisser handed out the same questionnaire to the same group of students. The average accuracy of these memories was a measly three out of seven. However, what was even more fascinating is that when asked about how “confident” they were in recollecting their memory the average rating was a whopping 4.17 out of five!

We tend to be confident about an event and the details surrounding it even though we are actually way off. This is because we tend to have “tunnel vision” on the major event and the minor details associated with the memory tend to be forgotten.

The post 10 Ways Your Brain Makes you Dumb appeared first on Lifehack.

Sleep Scientists Confirm Getting To Work Before 9 AM Is Torture


Sleep deprivation is wreaking havoc on our society. We are just not getting enough of this valuable commodity. According to sleep experts at The Wright State University, this lack of sleep is contributing to fatigue, which accounts for about 10% of fatal car accidents. It also means that waking up early and getting to work before 9 am is a form of institutionalized torture. It increases the risk of us getting major illnesses such as heart disease, obesity, and cancer. Here are a few major findings from the sleep scientists which suggest that starting work at 10 am might be much more civilized and healthier for us.

Starting school and work later is natural

Paul Kelley is a neuroscientist and his research has convinced him, and many others, that a later start time in the day could be enormously beneficial for both students and adult workers. He knows that millennials (the current 18-34 age group) are not getting enough sleep and they make up one third of the workforce at the moment, according to PEW research. Both teens and adults need their beauty sleep. Test scores and work productivity would improve, Kelley claims.

“This is a huge society issue – staff should start at 10 a.m. You don’t get back to [a natural 9 a.m schedule] starting point until 55. Staff are usually sleep-deprived. We’ve got a sleep-deprived society. It is hugely damaging on the body’s systems because you are affecting physical emotional and performance systems in the body.” — Paul Kelley, neuroscientist

Sleepy workers do not perform well

There is loads of research which suggests that some of our mental functions, such as concentration, logical reasoning, mathematical ability, and memory, are all dependent on a good night’s sleep. The part of the brain which helps us do all these things is called the prefrontal cortex (PFC). When we do not get enough sleep, the PFC goes into crash mode and hardly functions at all. If you ever wondered why colleagues in your office are pretty slow in the mornings, you now know why!

Sleep deprivation not only makes for a very slow start in the mornings, but can also have other serious consequences, such as poor performance, depression, diabetes, and weight gain.

“Young children need ten hours of sleep per night, preadolescents about nine hours, and adolescents, research shows, also need about nine hours of sleep per night. And for adults, the recommendation is somewhere between seven and nine, depending upon the individual.” — James E. Gangwisch, Columbia University sleep expert.

How to solve the problem

Nobody knows how to solve this difficult problem. Civil servants in a western Turkey province are allowed to start work at 9:30 am instead of 8:30 am — provided they spend the time exercising. This is an effort to beat obesity, but can anyone tell me who is going to monitor these people? I bet most will have a good old lie-in and turn up in sneakers, saying they have just run 5 miles and they are exhausted!

A much more practical solution would be to persuade your boss that you function better with a later start and you are prepared to work an hour more. But beware!

Flextime sounds fine and dandy, but there is still some stigma attached to a later start. Yes, some managers still associate how well you work with your work start time. If you start work later, you might be thought of as less conscientious. This will carry through to your performance assessment — so don’t say I haven’t warned you. This is the alarming conclusion of the research carried out by the University of Washington and published in the Harvard Business Review.

Unless you work at Google, Microsoft, or some other forward-thinking companies, it seems sensible to heed Benjamin Franklin’s motto,

“Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”

A much easier solution is to try reducing all that blue light coming from electronic devices and computers late at night and simply go to bed an hour earlier — it’s not rocket science!

Featured photo credit: Hard work can hurt/normalityrelief via flickr.com

The post Sleep Scientists Confirm Getting To Work Before 9 AM Is Torture appeared first on Lifehack.

3 Smart Productivity Tricks Every Startup Can Learn From Google

Smart productivity tricks every startup should learn from google

Google started out just like you.

It was a small little startup with huge dreams. The thing that makes Google stand apart is just how productive it is.

Most people on the planet use an application created by the very prolific and productive Google. The magic part of this is that mostly, they do not pay Google for the use of it. So, Google gets a lot of goodwill from prospects as well as a lot of user data because they can serve a vast number of people with all their products. How does Google make its money? As of 2014, approximately 90% of their revenue came from advertising.

How can you copy that?

How can you become so productive that your startup is able to serve a great number of people and generate lots of goodwill? How can you get people to choose to put their money down and therefore increase your bottom-line?

Lisa Conquergood, the co-founder of PicMonkey, gave an interview where she listed a few of the key differences between Google and the rest of the world. Here are a few smart productivity tricks for every startup

1. Stay Clear & On Course

Have you heard of the concept of Snippets? This is where employees give a quick idea of what they accomplished the previous week and their intention for the following week. You can implement this, regardless of how big or small your business may be.The key thing to note here is that in taking the time to state what had been done and what is still outstanding, you get instant clarity about what you are up to and whether you are still on course to reach your personal or business goals.Try it and see for yourself. Get yourself a journal (if you are alone at the helm of your business) and take a few minutes to get clear on what your goals are, what you have done, and what you want to do. Are you on course?

2. Stay Up To Date

The second benefit of the Snippets is that all Googlers get access to them, which makes working in Google pretty transparent. You can easily find out how people are progressing on a project and take it over without repeating the same work. In a startup, you can make use of this to ensure you and your team members are able to stay in touch with where you each are on a particular project. Work does not have to stop while one person is off or on holiday, as it is very clear exactly where the project ended. What application can you use for this? Trello is a great option for you, as well as a plain Kanban Board (as shown here on Wikipedia). Depending on the size of your operation, it may be fine just to have a very quick meeting where everyone gives the highlights of what they have done, where they may be stuck, and their goals for a pre-determined time period. Lisa Conquergood and her colleagues do this on a daily basis. Your time period will depend on how many people you have on staff.

3. Stay In Touch No Matter Where You Are

Googlers have access to a full range of tools that enable them to stay in touch with colleagues who do not work in the same location. This, of course, avoids the need for a high level of travel, which in turn, saves time. Instead, Google Hangouts can be used to have conference calls, which mean you can see each other and read body language. This reduces the likelihood of miscommunication and distraction. With applications like Google Drive also available, you can see real time changes being made to a shared document. This can also streamline content creation, as well as keep a running log of all the changes appearing as they occur. If you have a team that works away from each other, these applications provide a way to stay in touch and keep time wasted down to a bare minimum.

As Lisa Conquergood states (here), “There is less tuning out on video calls, as you are being watched and are less likely to check your phone or have a side conversation. Reading people’s body language and expressions are an important part of communication, and video provides this hands down over a phone.”


Productivity is essential to keep a startup growing and increasing its service to its customers, therefore increasing its profits. Think about what can you implement starting now.

Featured photo credit: Man And Woman Having Business Meeting With Bag, Drinks And Technology via stokpic.com

The post 3 Smart Productivity Tricks Every Startup Can Learn From Google appeared first on Lifehack.

Saturday 26 September 2015

Sharing Your Goal Will Reduce Your Chance of Reaching It


This time, it’s going to work. You’re going to achieve your goal. You announce your plan on Facebook. People know what you’re doing. Failure means humiliation. A couple months later, someone asks how your goal is coming along. You mumble an excuse for why you didn’t make it. Other tasks took priority.You haven’t been feeling so good lately. You just plumb forgot about it.

But you know the truth. You lost motivation. What looked like a 400 meter sprint turned out to be a 10 mile marathon. It’s just not fun anymore. You justify quitting and announce a new goal.This time, it’s going to work. But probably not.

Announcing goals is exciting. It feels like you’ve just achieved something big. You talk about what you’re going to do and everyone pats you on the back. The grander the scheme that you dream up, the more excited people get for you. Sharing your goals with the world gives you that positive feedback and validation that you so desperately crave. And that’s exactly why you don’t want to share them.

Sharing Goals Creates an Illusion of Progress

In 2009, NYU psychologist Peter Gollwitzer conducted four tests in a German university. The purpose: find out how likely we are to achieve our goals after we share them.

Gollwitzer set up four different tests, consisting of 163 psychology and law students. After each person wrote down a personal goal, half of them were to announce their commitment to the room, while the other half did not. All the students were given 45 minutes to work on their goals, and were told that they could stop at any time. The students that​ didn’t​ announce their goals worked the entire 45 minutes on average, and felt that they had a long way to go before their goal would be achieved. The students who did announce their goals only worked 33 minutes on average, and felt they were much closer to achieving their goals.

Is it possible that the latter group worked harder than the other? Could this be why they feel closer to their goal? Sure, that’s possible. But it’s also obvious that this group had better things to do. This group assumed it was a done deal, while the former group took on a more realistic viewpoint. Who would you bet on?

Sharing Goals Steals Your Motivation

Whether you’re looking to become a lawyer or a better parent, your brain looks for indicators that you’re moving along. According to Gollwitzer, these indicators are calledidentity symbols.

From research article, ‘When Intentions Go Public’:

Positive self-descriptions made in public qualify as powerful identity symbols (Gollwitzer, Wicklund, & Hilton, 1982), and having an audience for behavioral intentions that specify the successful performance of an identity-relevant activity should have the same symbolic impact.

Saying you’re going to do something creates the same identity symbols you’d get from actually doing it. If you say you’re going to become a great lawyer, get the body of a fitness model, or become the world’s greatest Candy Crush player, your brain already feels like you’re there. You’re going to sink back into your chair, pleased with your progress. You think about all the good things that are coming your way. Facebook just stole your motivation and you don’t even realize it.

Try TheseApproaches

How are you supposed to get motivated if you can’t talk about your goals?

Here’s an approach from NYU psychologist Gabriele Oettingen:

What does work better is a hybrid approach that combines positive thinking with “realism.” Here’s how it works. Think of a wish. For a few minutes, imagine the wish coming true, letting your mind wander and drift where it will. Then shift gears. Spend a few more minutes imagining the obstacles that stand in the way of realizing your wish.

This simple process, which my colleagues and I call “mental contrasting,” has produced powerful results in laboratory experiments.

A compliment to mental contrasting is an accountability group. These are groups of people who are on the same journey as you. They understand the difficulties you face, and share in the joys of small victories. Make sure to join an accountability group that is specific to your goals. If weight loss is your goal, join a group of people who are all trying to lose weight.

Another option is to tempt your friends with the almighty dollar. You may have heard the story of the Las Vegas pit boss who offered a cash reward to anyone who caught him smoking. You don’t have to offer thousands of dollars; even $25 per workout missed is enough to tempt your friends and keep you in check.

Final Thoughts

In September 2010, Derek Sivers presented a TED Talk called, “Keep your goals to yourself”. Although this video racked up 3.5 million views (and no doubt prompted many discussions), you still see many people announcing their goals on social media. Have you ever noticed that those people never seem to reach their goal? Are you one of them?

Do yourself a favor, and save the celebration for once you’ve made it.

Featured photo credit: Nancy G via flickr.com

The post Sharing Your Goal Will Reduce Your Chance of Reaching It appeared first on Lifehack.

All The Productivity Tips You Need In 9 Infographics


Ever notice how some people come across as having their act together? They are able to get their work done on time, every time. They have the time and energy for 100 different things. Yet, they always seem non-frazzled, non-overwhelmed, and non-frantic.

Do you console yourself with the thought that these are a special breed of people with a special DNA sequence? Sadly, that is far from the truth. These are regular human beings like you and me. The only difference is that they know the tips and tricks to being super-productive. Productivity is achievable once you learn the tricks and apply them in your life. The following 9 infographics will arm you with the knowledge and productivity tips you need.

1. Reclaim your mornings

One of the most frantic and chaotic times in most people’s day is the morning. Add a couple of kids to the morning mix and your productivity score is gone for a toss. The following infographic gives us a three-step approach to tackling this problem, starting from the night before. Follow the tips given for the night before, for the morning, and tips for after you get to work to effectively reclaim your mornings and your productivity score.


2.Your mouth as the gateway to productivity

Believe it or not, what you put in your mouth can affect your productivity. The sluggish feeling after lunch, the incessant need to take a nap in the early afternoon, or your body’s craving for caffeine are all symptoms of the food you consume. The following infographic provides tips on the right kinds of foods to eat at various times during the day to remain in the productive zone.


3.  Exercise boosts productivity

Eating healthy is not enough. Combine it with moderate bouts of exercise during the workday to up your productivity level. No gym at work? No problem! A brisk walk during lunch time could lead to enhanced time management skills, better ability to meet deadlines, and improvements in mood.


4. Sleep your way to success

A good night’s sleep is key to not only our well-being but to our productivity as well. Time and time again research studies have identified the benefits of sleep. A minimum of 6 hours of sleep is necessary for staying productive. The infographic below highlights the impact of sleep on our productivity levels and also shares tips to sleep better.


5. Your physical workspace impacts your productivity too

Clutter and disorganized workspaces are time suckers and cause frustration, leading to decreased productivity. You don’t have to be a feng shui believer to organize your workspace for maximum efficiency. The computer you work on should also be set up effectively. Unsubscribe from unwanted emails, keep your inbox clutter free, organize your desktop icons, and have the latest virus protection softwares to prevent valuable losses of information (and time!).


6. Single-tasking is the way to go

Research has proven that multi-tasking causes a 40% drop in productivity levels. Our IQ drops by 10 points, too! That is a steep price to pay on our quest towards increased productivity.


7.  Zap out unproductive meetings

Most  workplaces use meetings to brings employees together for a certain purpose. However, meetings have now become  unproductive, leading to time and money drainage for organizations. A whooping $37 billion is wasted on meetings each year! The below infographic shares the perfect meeting recipe to avoid this drain. Is the meeting necessary? Can you achieve the meeting purpose without a meeting? Who should the participants be? What should the agenda be to achieve the desired outcome? Send the agenda and any other preparatory materials ahead of time — this is how to get the maximum benefit from a meeting.


8. Relax to be more productive

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! Working without taking breaks through the year can lead to decreased productivity. Our brains need time to rest and recharge. A recharged brain is re-energized and more creative, leading to more productivity. Vacations with a complete disconnect from work are must-haves to re-energize our brains. This UK-based infographic highlights the importance of taking vacations. Though the best vacation spots listed here are all notably on the east side of the Atlantic ocean, you do not have to fly to Italy or Portland to increase your productivity! Take a vacation wherever you can afford to go and disconnect from work, truly.


9. Technology to aid productivity

In this technologically advanced age, it would be amiss to not mention apps that can help boost our productivity.  The infographic below shares 20 apps that help you remain on task and stay focused.

1433526519_productivity-apps-640x7220 (1)

And here’s a BONUS one.

A compilation of 50 productivity hacks.


Which of these tips are you going to implement today to boost your productivity?

Featured photo credit: Picjumbo via picjumbo.com

The post All The Productivity Tips You Need In 9 Infographics appeared first on Lifehack.