Wednesday 31 July 2019

25 Healthy Habits for a Fitter Body and Happier Mind

The Oxford Dictionary defines the word habit as “a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.” We often think of ‘bad’ habits when we hear that word, however we can use the very nature of a habit to our advantage by integrating good ones! If you want a healthier, more fit body and happier, healthier mind, this article is for you! Here are 25 habits divided into different categories to give you a healthier, happier life.

Fuel Your Body

1. Water First Thing

Hydration is so important, and while many of us think of a hot cup of coffee or tea first thing in the morning, we are better off to start our day with a big glass of water. This helps to hydrate, lubricate joints, kickstart gastrointestinal tract movement, increase mental alertness, among other things. Room temperature or warm water is best first thing in the morning, prior to breakfast, coffee or tea. Tip: Drink your glass of water as soon as you hop out of bed, then hop in the shower while the coffee is brewing!

2. More Veggies

Many physicians, dieticians and health specialists (including me) believe that a healthy diet should be based on a foundation of varied vegetables and fruits. A wide variety of fruits and vegetables is essential to get most of the required vitamins, minerals and nutrients our bodies need daily. Not to mention most fruits and vegetables are low in calories and fat, thus aiding in maintaining a healthy weight while helping us to feel full. Tip: When meal planning, start with a vegetable or fruit, and build your meal around it!

3. Don’t Succumb to Fads

There are so many fads in the diet and fitness industry that it is hard to determine what is true and what is not. One thing that has stood the test of time is that fruits and vegetables are a staple. There are healthy fats that our bodies require, and others that are detrimental in large quantities. Diets that are extremely strict and leave no room for indulgence, often leads to psychological disappointments and guilt – something which should not be part of a diet. Tip: Eat well and enjoy!

Move More

4. Moderate Exercise

Not only does moderate daily exercise keep us lean and healthy, but it flushes our body with blood and lymph and helps to remove toxins and bring nutrients throughout. Cardiovascular exercise keeps our hearts and lungs healthy, and resistance or weight exercise keeps our muscles and bone strong. Tip: We don’t need to spend hours at a fancy gym to reap the aesthetic and health benefits, only a few home items and our own body weight.

5. Get Outside

Being outside in nature is good for body, mind and soul. Our grandparents were right, fresh air really is good for us! Natural daylight has various positive effects on the human body, such as elevating your mood, and speeding recovery.((Harvard Health Publishing: Spending time outdoors is good for you, from the Harvard Health Letter)) Tip: Make it a point to schedule in even a 10 minute outside activity during your day.

6. Walk

Walking is the most natural movements of the human body and can be done anywhere, for free, at your own pace. Not only is it good for your body, but it often gives you a chance to clear your head and get back to your work with a fresh outlook! Tip: Try combining getting outside and walking daily, rain or shine, and you’ll be sure to notice the difference!

Brain Games

7. Sleep

We know how important sleep is, and as working parents, we often giggle at the prospect of trying to get more sleep (enter the ever-waking toddler who keeps us up all night then wakes us 2 hours prior to when we would normally need to wake). Getting more sleep really can be elusive, however, it can be done. Here are a few tips to do so:
  • Make daily napping a priority, whether it's in your car during your lunch hour, or at your home office during a break, or a quick shut eye right after picking the kids up.
  • You know that old saying: “sleep when the baby sleeps”? Leave the laundry, cleaning and other jobs and truly sleep when that baby sleeps. Even if you elicit quiet time with the other kids and just lie down and rest, it is still helpful.
  • Ask for help, whether you and your spouse take turns, or hire a sitter, take some time and rest.

8. Have Fun

Remember when you were a kid and you enjoyed playing or riding your bicycle? When we grow up, we often get so caught up in adulting that we forget to do fun things that bring us joy. Having pure fun is an excellent stress reliever and let’s face it: fun is just, well, fun! Tip: Try out some different hobbies and find what you like.

9. Get Rid of Guilt

Guilt can be an important feeling, but it can often be overblown and unnecessarily stressing. Worrying over unnecessary guilt serves no purpose except for causing the body to react mentally and physically, so it's best to let go of stress that is not serving you for the better. Try these tips to let go of that guilt and move forward: Tip: Acknowledge and honor your right to protect your self-interests. Recognize the legitimacy of standing up for your rights. Tell yourself that, even if they’re at odds with another’s, there’s nothing wrong or bad about diligently pursuing your own goals.((Psychology Today: 9 Ways to Talk Yourself Out of Unnecessary Guilt))

10. Journal

Journaling can help you to be thankful for what is already in your life, as well as helping you goal set for your future. Seeing your thoughts, goals and actions written out can often help us work through and solve issues in our lives. Tip: Keep a journal at your bedside and make a point to journal first thing in the morning or just before you go to sleep.

11. Meditate

Meditation is close to number one in terms of stress management, and with good reason – it can lower heart rate and blood pressure and calm the mind. Practicing meditation can be done anywhere and can be as simple as closing your eyes, deep breathing and simply observing your thoughts. Tip: Don’t stress about clearing your mind when you meditate – simply let your thoughts pass and breathe deeply while sitting or lying in a relaxed position. Set a timer for 10 to 20 minutes, and if you fall asleep, that is okay too! Take a look at this meditation guide: Meditation for Beginners: How to Meditate Deeply and Quickly

12. Organize

Keeping your home, vehicle and office organized can really help decrease stress because you can find what you need when you need it, as well as it gives you a sense of control of your surroundings. As you sort through items, you can donate things that no longer serve you – this will help clear out clutter and less clutter equals less to deal with. Tip: Take a week (or as long as you need) and focus on one room or area of your house per day. Get rid of items that you haven’t used / worn in longer than one year.

13. Be Mindful

We are often thinking in terms of what’s next, or reviewing something that happened yesterday, but we rarely just enjoy the moment. Being in the moment allows us to be fully present in our lives and experience the here and now fully without the added stress of what comes next. Tip: Before an event such as an outing with friends, a movie, dinner, etc., remind yourself to enjoy being there and focus on the words coming from the big screen or the conversation with friends. Really listen to what is being said and try not to focus on what you are going to say or do next.

14. Smile

Smiling causes your body to release endorphins and serotonin – which are naturally produced pain relievers and feel good neurotransmitters! Even when the last thing you feel like doing is smiling, research has fond that a false smile can cause the very same reaction. So, as a good friend of mine always says: “fake it ‘til you make it!” Tip: Spend some time each day “practicing” a smile in the mirror. It seems silly but remember you are doing your body good with this exercise. After a while it may seem so silly you start to smile and giggle at yourself which is a bonus! Not to mention it helps you perfect your selfie game!

15. Deep Breathe

If you are like most of us, your normal breaths are very shallow. A full, deep breath increases the oxygen supply to your brain, stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system and promoting a state of calmness and relaxation. Tip: Spend 10 minutes first thing in the morning, 10 minutes at lunch, and another 10 minutes before sleep practicing deep breathing every day.

16. Positive Self-Talk

What we say to ourselves is so important – our daily self dialogue has a lot more to do with how we view ourselves than we realize, so it's important to observe what we say and make positive changes as needed. Tip: Each morning as you get ready, point out the great things you like and admire about yourself. Try and pay attention to your self-talk – when you notice something negative, change it right away by replaying the thought with positive intent. Try these 15 Ways to Practice Positive Self-Talk for Success.

17. Do More of What You Love

Do you love baking? Is gardening or pet care your Zen? Make time to do what you like every day – doing things you enjoy helps to relieve stress and gives us a sense of purpose and joy! Tip: Schedule 30 minutes at least 3 times per week to do the things you enjoy – if you can do more – go for it!

Take Charge

18. Balance Work Life

We’ve all burnt the candle at both ends – or so to speak – when work is so busy that it spills into our personal life. This can make stress skyrocket if we aren’t getting enough down time. Often, we just need to take a step back and look at what we can get off our work plate. Other times, we just need to learn to politely say no. Tip: Learn your most productive times of the day and use them to your advantage – don’t answer emails or the phone for short periods during these times to focus on tasks and check them off your list!

19. Find Your Zen

For some, a hot bath by candlelight is what gives them peace; and for others, a movie and glass of wine does the trick. Whatever it is that brings you comfort and peace – make it a daily or weekly ritual and let your loved ones know that you are not to be interrupted during this time or self rejuvenation. Tip: Trade off with your partner – if you have children, pets or loved ones to care for, take that hour to yourself while your partner looks after everyone, and make sure to give them that time to themselves too.

20. Make Your Home Your Sanctuary

Your home may be big or small, old or new, but make sure that you decorate it your way and fill it with décor that makes you feel at home. Maybe this is as simple a fresh cut flowers on the kitchen table daily, or maybe it's redecorating your entire kitchen – but don’t let anyone dismiss the importance of your home reflecting you! Tip: Start with your bedroom – make sure you have the right curtains, sheets, throw pillows, whatever you fancy to make you feel cozy and safe in your own space.

21. Get a Pet (And Be Responsible for It)

Getting a pet can make you healthier in many ways – it will decrease feelings of loneliness, may decrease blood pressure and cholesterol, and help you be more active.((Harvard Health Publishing: Why having a pet is good for your health))

22. Wash Your Hands

We all know how germs are passed, but did you know that human hands are proven to have more germs than a toilet seat? Keeping your hands clean before letting them near your face or mouth, helps to prevent the spread of influenza, the common cold, and many other contagious illnesses. Tip: Wash your hands as soon as you come into your home after any outing.

23. Rest

People talk far too much about how busy they are – and not about how they unwind and relax (which would serve us far better.) Rest is when your body and mind take time to rejuvenate - and that is important to be able to function properly at work and play. Tip: Make bedtime a priority – give yourself some wind down time 45 to 60 minutes prior to be with no screens – this will help your body produce melatonin and make you sleepy. Try to build a bedtime routine that fits you.

24. See Your Doctor Annually

It is an important not only to rule out disease, but to check in with your doctor so they can observe any health changes you may not be aware of. Tip: Make an annual physical check up appointment even when you are feeling great – keeping on top of your health will keep you at the top of your game!

25. Put Yourself First

It may seem counter-intuitive but making sure your needs are met helps you to make sure you are in top shape to care for those around you. If you don’t take care of you, who will? Tip:  While journaling, make a regularly updated list of your needs – check in weekly to make sure they are getting met!

Final Thoughts

There are many things you can do to help you stay healthy physically and mentally – choose a few goals (or all of them if needed!) from this handy list and keep them visible so you can work on them daily. Want more great info on a healthy mind and body? Check out these articles:

9 Mindset Shifts That Will Help You Live Your Dream Life

Do you have a big dream or goal for your life? Wondering how you’re going to get there or what could get in the way? Chances are, it’s your mindset. There’s one common theme that underpins many theories about living your dream life: your mindset, beliefs and the way you think override everything. I asked Steph Purpura, Co-founder of Powerful U,((Power U: Powerful U | Co-Founder James & Steph Purpura)) what topic she felt was most important in the area of personal development and growth, she instantaneously responded, ‘mindset’.
‘Mindset is how you choose to approach any situation. When you have an open and positive mindset, you are able to see the possibilities in any situation. When you go in with a closed or negative mindset, you are severely limiting your experience to the most negative aspects of any given situation. Positivity opens the realm of possibilities, while negatively closes down.‘
In his TED talk, Happiness Psychologist Shawn Achor shares,
‘It’s not necessarily the reality that shapes us, but the lens through which your brain views the world that shapes your reality. Ninety percent of your long-term happiness is predicted not by the external world, but by the way your brain processes the world. And if we change our formula for happiness and success, we can change the way that we can then affect reality.’
Bottom line: Mindset is everything. The story we tell ourselves is the story our mind believes. Our perception creates our reality. Our beliefs create our outcome. Therefore, the quickest way to live the life of your dreams is to shift your mindset. The question then becomes, how? How do you change your underlying beliefs and thought patterns? Here are 9 mindset shifts to help you live your dream life.

1. Believe in Yourself

From "I’m not enough" to "I am awesome" So much of what holds people back is the belief they have about themselves. And one of the most common beliefs? Feeling you’re not enough, not worthy, not deserving. Steph, mentioned above, talks about her biggest mindset shift -- learning how to question the lies she had told herself her entire life. When she was 8 years old, she was sexually abused. She remembers standing in front of the mirror and telling herself how dirty, ugly and awful she was. She blamed herself for what happened and didn’t tell anyone about the abuse until she was an adult. She spent a lifetime telling herself lies about herself and believed them. It wasn’t until she was able to speak her truth that she was able to question the lies and shift her life. For whatever reason you feel you’re not enough, know this: You were born enough. You are awesome, worthy and deserving of love, happiness and success. It’s not by chance that you have arrived here, on this planet, at this very time. You are not a mistake. There is only one you and people need what you bring to the world. You are uniquely you. That is your superpower. You are enough. You may not be able to believe this yet, but some part of you, deep down, knows this to be true.
Make the Shift
  • Seek to understand and silence the inner critic. What are your underlying reasons for not feeling ‘enough?’ Is the inner critic your own voice, or that of a parent or authority figure? What story are you telling yourself that is not true? This might take some deep work including therapy, coaching or counseling, but it’s worth it.
  • Check out Marisa Peers’ book, Mark Your Mirror and Change Your Life and this video
  • Read this article full of insights and strategies to help you build your self-esteem.

2. Empower Yourself

From "I don’t have a choice" to "I always have a choice" How many times have you felt trapped or that you didn’t have a choice? You may not have control over the circumstances, and life will likely bring many challenges and difficulties, but you always have control over two very important things: your choices and attitude. My favorite account of this shift is Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl. Frankl was an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist who survived the Holocaust. In his book, he shares,
‘Everything can be taken from us but one thing: the last of human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.‘
If Frankl can choose, when faced with those treacherous and unfathomable circumstances, surely we all can choose ours.
Make the Shift
  • Choose. When you find yourself in a situation where you feel you have no choice, identify your options. What choices do you have? You can choose to complain or act. Choose to change or accept your circumstances. Choose to take one step forward or stay stuck. Choose to speak up or stay quiet. Choose to look forward or continue to look back. Choose love or stay in anger and fear. So, what do you choose?
  • Identify what you are in control of. A lot of stress, frustration, fear and anger comes when things are - or feel - out of our control. When you feel out of control, take a step back and identify what you can control. This could be one small item or a shift in your energy or attitude.
  • Read Man’s Search for Meaning.

3. Believe in What Is Possible

From "It is impossible" to "It is possible"
Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right. - Henry Ford
If you don’t wholeheartedly believe you can achieve something, it just won’t happen. Therefore, if you want to live your dream life, you first must believe that’s possible. For many years, everyone believed it was physically impossible to run a 4-minute mile. They said the human body was incapable and your heart would explode. In the 1940’s, someone ran it in 4:01, a record that stayed for nine years. Then, in May 1954, Roger Bannister broke the 4-minute barrier, running the mile in 3:59.4. This didn’t happen solely by sheer hard work, training and passion. It happened because Roger believed that it was possible. He knew he could do it. He trained by visualizing the outcome. Less than six weeks later, Australian John Landy ran it in 3:58. Every year following, more people began accomplishing what was once thought impossible. Now, more than 1,400 individuals have run the 4-minute mile. Once Barrister broke the perception of what people believed was possible, it opened up others’ minds to believe the same thing. When they thought they couldn’t, they couldn’t, and when they believed they could, they did. The same is true for each of us. That goal, vision or intention you have for your dream life, do you believe it’s possible? If so, you are well on your way to making it happen! However, if there’s doubt or skepticism flooding your mind, the likelihood is low of you achieving your dreams.
Make the Shift
  • Change your language. Shift your thinking from There’s no way to There’s always a way. From It doesn’t work to How can we make this work? When you find yourself finding problems, switch to a solution mindset. Edison is famously quoted, “I learned 10,000 ways not to invent a lightbulb.” He saw each failure as a step closer to his end goal.
  • Visualize the outcome. Our minds believe what we show and tell them; if you can visualize it happening, just like Banister, your mind will believe you. Imagine your dream life as if it’s already real. What do you see, hear or feel? Put yourself in that state of mind.
  • Have a little faith and believe anyway when logic fails.

4. Believe in the Good

From looking for the bad to looking for the good
Sometimes when things are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place. – Tony Robbins
Belief in the good comes in a couple forms. The world and people. Let’s start with the world. Studies on confirmation bias have proven we find what we’re looking for. People tend to (often unconsciously) look for things that reinforce what they already believe to be true. If you’re looking for what is good in the world, you’re going to see that. If you’re looking for what’s wrong, or believe the world is out to get you, guess what you’re going to see? Instead, what if you believed that everything was happening for your greatest good? Even if it doesn’t seem that way. What if you assumed that everything was working out exactly as it should and that the world/universe/God has your back? Now, let’s look at people. One of the key principles I use in all of my leadership and team development work is to ‘Assume Positive Intent.’ We often make assumptions and judgments about others based on their behavior, without understanding their underlying motivation. Assuming positive intent requires us to consider another’s intention before we judge that behavior. This might lead you to ask questions or seek to see things from their point of view. Everyone is dealing with something you have no idea about, and sometimes what seems like an attack or slight against you is simply someone having a rough day, or just a different style than yours. How many fights have you had in your own head with someone who has no idea they even hurt or upset you - only to find out later it was just a miscommunication or misunderstanding?
Make the Shift
  • Replace ‘Why is this happening TO me?' with ‘Why is this happening FOR me?’ or ‘What is this going to teach me?’ When you look for the good, the lesson or the intention, you will find it.
  • Assume positive intent. Next time someone does something that upsets you or makes you angry, take a step back and assume they had a good intention. What were they trying to achieve? Suspend judgement and seek to understand why they might have done what they did.
  • Change what you’re looking for. It’s time to start looking for those things that support your dream life. Look for the good. Find the positive.

5. Live in the Moment

From life is a destination to life is a journey It’s true what they say, life is a journey, not a destination, so we might as well enjoy the ride. If we are always trying to get ‘there’ (wherever ‘there’) is, we’re missing out on where we are now. The gifts, beauty and the joy that each moment brings. When you stay in the present, you can see opportunities, take advantage of the unexpected, go with the flow and listen to that little voice inside you. On the flipside, when you are attached to a particular outcome or the way things should be, you can become disappointed about the way things actually are. But they are what they are! If you can take each moment to accept, learn and grow, and not wish things were different, you’ll find greater happiness and fulfillment. People often get stuck in the when/then trap. They say, ‘When I meet someone, I'll be happy?’ or ‘When I get the promotion I'll be satisfied at work?’ or ‘When I have more money, I'll make the change.’ You can choose to be happy today. You can find what you need to be satisfied at work. You can make the change without the money.
Make the Shift
  • Be. Here. Now. Being present is powerful, especially when it comes to anxiety and stress. Our minds are often worrying about the past or anticipating the future. Being present helps calm your mind, center your thoughts and bring greater peace. Get present by practicing mindfulness or meditation.
  • Get out of the when/then trap. When you hear yourself saying, ‘when, then’, stop and think about what you can do now. Are you waiting for someone or something to be satisfied or fulfilled? Can you find that now? Decide to be happy with where you are now, with what you have today. You can always choose happiness, joy or gratitude in any moment.

6. Switch Your ‘What Ifs’

From what’s the worst that can happen to what’s the best that can happen We spend so much life fearing the inevitable…and how much of what you fear actually comes to light? How much energy do you waste wondering, ‘what if…’, anticipating consequences, complications, risks and what could go wrong? All those what-ifs are like an app running in the background on your phone. They drain your battery. And since worrying will never change the outcome, why not do something that will? I see so many people paralyzed by all the what ifs and potential ramifications of their actions. But the people I’ve seen be most successful are those who focus on the possibility, the opportunity, the potential. That doesn’t mean you ignore the risks or potential challenges; it just means you don’t let them stop you from moving forward!
Make the Shift
  • Identify the best that could happen. Identify the positives in any situation. Instead of identifying what could go wrong, identify what could go right. If you’re thinking ‘What if I don’t make the team?’ Switch it to ‘What if I do?’ Instead of wondering, ‘What if I speak up and lose my job?” Consider, ‘What if I speak up and get a promotion for my ideas, honesty and courage?’
  • Remember this. If you’re having a tough time, feeling stuck in a rut, or going through something challenging ... it’s all good in the end. If it’s not good, it’s not the end.

7. Be True To Yourself

From I must fit in succeed to I must be myself to succeed Do you know what the number one regret of the dying is? A wish to have... “Had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me”. Throughout our lives, we are taught who we have to be in order to fit in and be successful. But what others need and expect from us isn’t always how we thrive at our best. Often, by trying to fit in, we lose our unique gifts, talents and even our sense of self. You can’t compare yourself to others. We think we are competing against each other, yet we are all running a different race. Frankly, the only one you really need to compete against is yourself.
True and lasting success comes from authenticity, congruence and becoming the best version of YOU.
Make the Shift
  • Identify and honor on your strengths. Everyone seems to be trying to fix or improve something. We are all flawed. What if you spent as much time using your strengths as you do to fix your weaknesses? That’s what those who are living their dream life do - harness their unique gifts and talents. They know they have faults, but they don’t dwell on them or waste time and energy trying to change themselves. Try this: for the next 30 days, write down 3 things you like and value about yourself. This might be talents, strengths, skills or personality traits. Then figure out how to use those traits more often to build your dream life.
  • Find out who YOU are. It’s easy to get caught up in the expectations of the world. When you are clear about your values, beliefs, passions and what’s important to you, you are more confident and self-assured. Get to know yourself at a deeper level. Self-reflection and self-awareness are the first steps. Identify what your dream life is, not everyone else’s. When you know yourself well, you can stand strong in a world full of competing expectations.
  • Stop comparing yourself. You are running your own race. You are not ahead or behind. You are exactly where you are meant to be. As Teddy Roosevelt said (and my mom emphasized to myself and my twin sister growing up), Comparison is the thief of joy.

8. Where Awareness Goes, Energy Flows

From watering the weeds to watering the flowers You’ve all probably heard of the Law of Attraction and how to manifest your best life. So much of that knowledge and wisdom comes from where you put your energy. Many years ago, I was running a training session for a group of coaches and consultants. At one point, I was feeling insecure and doubting myself. It was stressing me out and more importantly, I wasn't serving the group best. During a lunch break, I confided in my co-facilitator about my doubts. He was an experienced trainer and a mentor of mine and shared something with me I have never forgotten. ‘Tracy, think of your attention like a garden hose. When you are in front of others, and you’re worried about what they’re thinking, your attention is not on them. When you’re thinking about how you sound, if you’re doing a good job, or anytime you’re in your own head, then the hose is pointing inward and you’re watering the weeds. But when you put your energy out, your appreciation on them and you focus on what the group needs, you are turning the hose towards the room...then you’re watering the flowers. So, you have a choice, do you want to water the weeds or the flowers?’ Was that a trick question? Of course I wanted to water the flowers!
Make the Shift
  • The grass is always greener where you water it. Want greener grass in some area of your life? Water it with love, energy and positive attention.
  • Stop watering the weeds. Remember, what you feed gets bigger. Water the flowers you’ll get more flowers. Water the weeds you’ll get more weeds. Feed your goals you’ll reach your goals, feed your fears you’ll get more fear.

9. Develop an Attitude of Gratitude

From what’s missing to what you’re grateful for
Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance – Eckhart Tolle
Being grateful is one of the simplest, yet most powerful things you can do to live your dream life. Studies continue to prove the benefits from expressing gratitude; ranging from how it improves relationships, physical and emotional health, and sleep to mental stamina, energy and overall happiness.((Psychology Today: 7 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Gratitude)) Did you know that it’s physically impossible to feel fear and gratitude at the same moment? The next time you feel you're lacking in your life, the next time you feel jealous of what others have or unsatisfied with what you have, try switching to gratitude. Acknowledge all the good in the world. Recognize all that you have and that you are grateful for.
Make the Shift
  • Start a gratitude journal. Write down 3 things you’re grateful for each day. Studies have shown that in just 21 days, your brain will hold on to this pattern and start finding the positive on its own. Being grateful invites even greater abundance into our lives.
  • Set a gratitude alarm on your phone: When it goes off, find something for which you are thankful. You can acknowledge this silently to yourself, or better yet, send a note thanking somebody in your life.

It's Time To Ask Yourself ...

As you read these shifts, what did you notice? Which one(s) resonated with you the most? Which do you believe will help you live your dream life? Which strategies will you try? Now, take it a step further. Stop scrolling and before you move on to the next thing, ask yourself a few more questions…
  • Consider your dream life. What thoughts, beliefs or mindset shifts do you need in order to create that life?
  • That goal you’ve been trying to achieve: do you believe you can? If not, what would it take to believe it?
  • What assumptions are you making about yourself or others that are getting in your way?

Are You Ready?

If you’re ready to live your dream life, then it’s time to shift your thinking. Shift your thinking, shift your life. You decide who you want to become. You decide how you get there. Create the vision you have for yourself and your dream life and go after it. Remove all the barriers in your way, especially those in your mind. Remember, in order to change your story, you must consistently tell yourself a new story. In order to change, you must be willing to change. In order to shift, you must have an open mind and desire to grow.
‘Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny.’ -- Gandhi
Are you ready to live your dream life? Great, let’s get going!

More About Living Your Dream Life

Tuesday 30 July 2019

Why You Should Master the Art of Saying No

Yes or no? The choice between these two could not be greater, but — despite what you might have been taught — no is just as important as yes. Let me explain. It's a common misunderstanding that successful people say "yes" to everything. In fact, when we do this, our performance suffers, making it impossible for us to keep on top of everything. In the end, we let everyone down — especially ourselves. While it's true that we should jump on opportunities that benefit our long-term goals and provide us with satisfaction — many people confuse this with the idea of saying "yes" to anyone who asks for a favor or presents us with an opportunity. Of course, the reason people like to say "yes" is obvious; it’s the hope that the favor or opportunity will somehow weave itself into their ultimate goals. But, here is what career counselor Dara Blaine has to say on this subject: “We live in a ‘yes’ culture, where it’s expected that the person who is going to get ahead is the go-getter who says yes to everything that comes their way. However, it’s when people learn to say no that I’ve really seen their careers take off.”

Why You Should Say No More Often

So why should you become comfortable with saying no? Well, firstly, when you say "yes" to everyone, your priorities will be shifted away from your own and towards other people’s. You’ll also have a tendency to feel burnt out and stressed because your time is not being allocated as you wish. And, it gets worse… By constantly saying "yes", you won’t have the time or bandwidth to dedicate to things that are important to you (such as your career, hobbies and family). And — despite what you might think — you’ll come across as lacking confidence, as other people will consciously or unconsciously perceive you as someone with low assertiveness when it comes to your own needs and boundaries. Saying "no" should come easily, right?  You would think so. Yet a lot of people, especially those who identify as people-pleasers, find it very difficult to utter this two-letter word. But, let me share a secret with you: it's futile to try and please everyone. Another factor that stops people (perhaps even yourself) from saying no, is a fear of disappointing others. While this is an understandable fear, remember that you have to take care of yourself; and if you're overly stressed and tired, you won't be of much help to those you dedicate your time to.

Outline Your Priorities

Do you know what you need to get done versus what you feel obligated to do? Think about that question for a moment. In my experience, it's vital not to let things go unchecked. Because if you're trying to juggle TOO MUCH, there's no way you're dedicating enough time to the things that need it most — whether this be at work, home or beyond. If you're unclear about your priorities, take some time to list all the things you’re currently doing, the things you want to be doing, and the things you are doing. The most important things will stand out to you, and you’ll quickly be able to think of reasons why these matter to you. The next step, is to think of other items you've committed to — such as volunteering at an event simply because you don't want to let a casual acquaintance down. Learning to prioritize effectively can help you become more efficient, save you time and decrease your stress. That’s because, once you know what's most important, it's easier to decide where to focus your time and energy.

How to Say No Effectively

So now you know why you should say no and how to prioritize your tasks. The question you might be asking yourself is: “How do I say no?”   The answer can be found in the seven tips below: 1. Be direct, and use phrases such as, “no, I don’t want to” or “no, I can’t.”  2. Don’t feel the need to apologize or to make up reasons for not doing something.  3. It’s better to say "no" at the outset if you can't or don't want to do something. This will prevent you from feeling resentful later. 4. Use the power of politeness, by responding, “thanks for asking, but...” 5. Picture yourself saying no. You can do this by running ‘mental movies’ in your mind that show you confidently declining requests for your time or effort. (This will make it much easier to say no in real life.) 6. Avoid saying things like, “let me think about it,” if you already know that you don’t want to do it. 7. Always remember that your self-worth is not dependent on what or how much you do for others. To really drive home these points, please re-read all of them again before going any further. Now, you don’t have to adopt all seven tips, but you’ll probably want to adopt at least two or three. By doing this, you’ll gain the emotional and mental strength to take back control of your life. When you think you’re being taken advantage of — you’ll say no. And when you’re being asked to do things that will distract you from your priority tasks — you’ll also say no. "No" is an incredibly powerful word that can cut through the dross in your life. And, once your start regularly using this word; your confidence will soar, and you’ll put your life on a new trajectory.

13 Ways to Simplify Your Life and Be Happier

What makes you happy? The sky is the limit when it comes to determining what happiness means to us and creating our mission to achieve it. Things tend to get overwhelming when we attach unnecessary tasks, items, and clutter to this thought of happiness. There's nothing wrong with wanting to have a beautiful home with paintings on the walls, a cozy pool in the backyard, and a garden full of flowers. But remember that, even luxuries come with responsibilities which can easily turn into clutter and additional stress. Simplifying, it should be easy but, it is harder when we’re put to the task. It’s tough not to feel overwhelmed when we think about decluttering years of accumulated stuff, cleaning out our hard drives, or even our day-to-day tasks. It’s easier to sweep them under the rug or save them in the “later” pile. It all comes down to control, and with that control, we determine our own happiness. You can live a simplified life and still be happy. Here are 13 ways to simplify your life.

1. Limit Your Options

Part of living simply is to narrow down the vast choices you have to make on the daily. Some items may truthfully be unnecessary. Look closely at your to do list and eliminate tasks that are not of importance and see if you can bulk several things together. Having a long to-do list can be overwhelming, and be mindful that our energy is finite.

2. Time Blocks

As an entrepreneur, time luxury can sometimes feel more like a curse than a blessing. Set working hours for yourself, especially when it comes to completing individual projects. Blocking your schedule or setting time frames to complete specific tasks can help keep you on track without being tempted by outside distractions. This is a way to let your brain know when it’s time to work and when it’s time to unwind.

3. Prepare the Night Before

Eliminate unnecessary tasks by preparing your items the night before. Although it might take you ten minutes to gather your work items in the morning, why not get it done the night before and use that extra time to meditate or read the paper?

4. Set Your Pace

Every morning, we make the conscious decision of setting our pace for the day. Think back to a moment when you had woken up late for work and felt irritated and overwhelmed. Our actions and reactions play like domino pieces, which either raises or lowers our vibrations. When you're having a bad day, it's usually caused by one thing that affects another and so forth. By being intentional of our pace, we have the control to stop at any moment to step back and reset. Start your morning off right by intentionally deciding how your day will unfold.

5. Find What Works for You

There are many ways to balance your bank accounts. What works for you may not work for another person, and the great thing about modern technology is the abundance of applications that are readily available on your computer or phone. Take some dedicated time to find your routines and go tos: 40 Top Productivity Apps for iPhone

6. Worry Only When Needed

This one will take some practice. If we’re not conscious of our thoughts, our worries can travel with us throughout the day. There are ways to be proactive when the thoughts start caving in such as setting aside time to worry and only worry. When doing this practice, you’ll begin to realize how much time and energy is spent worrying on certain things and how repetitive some of these worries may be. Whether it be 5 minutes or 15 minutes, spend that time addressing those worries and leave those worries there when that time is up.

7. Meal Prep

Meal preparation does not have to be hard or complicated. Preparing one or two meals in advance can take a considerable load off of your shoulders and save you some extra dollars. Some simple and easy ideas include making double the portion of a recipe or using jars to make easy to grab and go breakfasts. This guide can help you kickstart meal prep-ing: The Ultimate Meal Prep Starter Kit! All You Need is Here!

8. Limit Your Tabs

Time to look at your current explorer. How many tabs do you have open at this moment? Limit yourself to having four tabs open at all times. If there's something you want to read, bookmark the page to read for later and close the tab afterwards. Eliminating unnecessary tabs is a way to keep focus on the task up front.

9. Try Audiobooks and Podcasts

Ever have a book you’ve been wanting to read but don’t have the time to? Audiobooks are great to listen to during your commute or even at the gym. Nowadays, there are audiobooks and podcasts for almost everything – self-development, finance, food, and even astrology. Change up your routine by plugging into a show and learn something new along the way. It's a great way to simplify your life and be mindful of your time.

10. Stop Procrastinating

Sometimes the things we put off can easily be done in two mintues. Follow the “Two-Minute rule” – if a task comes up and can be done in two minutes, then just do it. This helps with procrastination and keeps your to-do list short. Here's also a guide to help you stop procrastinating: What Is Procrastination (And the Complete Guide to Stop Procrastinating)

11. Avoid Overconsuming Media

Limiting your screen time forces you to get moving. It’s easy to get lost in the never-ending world of news, incoming emails, and entertainment but, it’s all about consuming your digital information efficiently. You can simplify your life by managing your inbox and using the Two-Minute rule. For example, read your message in your inbox and ask yourself if there is an action that needs to be taken. If the action takes two minutes, do the task right then and there. If the action will take more than two minutes, put the message in a designated folder to return to. Simple tricks like these will keep your inbox from overflowing.

12. Stop Overcomplicating Things

When it comes down to it, life’s pretty simple. Perfection is an illusion, and as a result, we become less efficient and less effective when we strive to achieve that illusion. Don’t get hung up on the details and ask yourself if it matters. Some of the greatest ideas have a simple message; hence you should “just do it.”

13. Be Adaptable

Schedule changes and even life plans can happen at any moment. The best way to live a simplified life is first learning to adapt to change and riding those waves as they come. Being adaptable also means preparing for the unexpected. Start your rainy day fund while you have generated income and pay off that credit card sooner rather than later. Learn more about the importance of being adaptable: Adapting to Change: Why It Matters and How to Do It Start including these 13 things into your daily routines, make them your habits. And soon, you'll be living a more simplified life and feel happier.

More About Simplifying Life

Monday 29 July 2019

Think Your Work Sucks? 7 Ways to Deal with It

Society as a whole is gradually becoming more open to the concept of seeking out work that you truly enjoy and embracing those opportunities but, for many, work sucks; it may be a place of dissatisfaction rather than one of pure joy. This can be due to any number of reasons. Perhaps you are in a position solely for the money rather than for the work that you are doing on a daily basis. Maybe you are in an entry-level position that serves as a placeholder until you can get the job that you want. You may even be in a job simply because it was the only option available to you in the moment. Regardless of why you are in a job you may not be in love with, the truth is that this position is going to remain your reality until you are able to carve another path for yourself. Ultimately, it is up to you to shape your reality. Would you prefer to show up to work every day with a negative attitude or be present each day with a positive one? If you have chosen the latter option, here are 7 ways that you can deal with your work situation and change the course of your professional outlook.

1. Figure out Where the Source of Discontent Is Coming From

A lot of people can say that they are not in love with their jobs but not a lot of people can truly tell you why they are unhappy in detail. The problem with this is that you may only be unhappy with a couple of things but, since you are choosing to say that you are unhappy with your job as a whole, you could be missing out on the wonderful parts of your position that make it worthwhile. Take some time to sit down and hash out where this discontent is coming from. Are you unhappy with the amount of money you are making? Are there people in your workplace who are making your professional life miserable? Are you spending too much time getting to and from your workplace? Are you working too much and are able to properly take care of yourself and other aspects of your life? Whatever the issue may be, it is important to take note of these problems as this will help you determine where you are not satisfied in your job, and will give you something to work off of so that you don't blame your job as a whole for your dissatisfaction. ((Jo Green Coaching: What to Do When Work Sucks))

2. Focus on the Positive Aspects of Your Job

No matter how bleak your current outlook of your job is, the truth is that there are always positive aspects to every professional role, even if you have to look a little bit harder to find them. These positives can be found in almost any part of the workday and it is up to you to frame them the right way so that you can look forward to them rather than dread them. Some positive aspects may include...
  • A long lunch break and several small breaks that give you time to re-energize.
  • Being close to your house so that you don't have to stress about extensive travel in the mornings or evenings.
  • A larger salary that allows you to lead the lifestyle you want.
  • Positive employees who pump you up and make you feel ready to tackle the workday.
  • Being able to indirectly help people through the job or service that you are performing.
Although these examples may or may not apply to your own professional life, they serve as a reminder that you can always find great parts of your job if you are looking for them. Once you find the parts that make you happy, make sure to focus on those throughout your work day to improve your mood and your overall take on work.

3. Discover a Greater Purpose in Your Job

A job is never just a job. Is a job a service that is performed so as to achieve a certain purpose for other people who are willing to pay for it. This means that whatever you are doing is helping someone else with their own needs and to help them improve their own quality of life. That's not to say that every job holds the same level of quality in terms of purpose but, your work does matter and it does contribute to something. If you are having trouble finding what this something is, consider the purpose of the company that you work with. Perhaps you work for a fast food establishment and you are not able to see your immediate impact based on your role. If this is the case, for example, you could choose to take a look at some of the impact your organization is making and frame it in such a way that your work is helping them to reach those goals. Purpose allows people to feel more motivated and positive about going to work. There is always an underlying purpose to what it is you're doing. Find it and work with that purpose in mind!

4. Make the Rest of Your Life More Enjoyable

If you are relatively unhappy with your life and you are going into a job each day that you don't necessarily enjoy either, your move and your perspective on life isn't going to improve any time soon. Remaining miserable with your life conditions is no way to live. While you may not be able to change your situation, you are in control of your life and your attitude. You can make adjustments in your personal life that will help to make your work life more bearable. Think about what it is that you want out of life and what you can do to increase your current quality of life. Are there goals that you want to reach? Are there things that you want to do more of that you haven't been pursuing lately? More often than not, our professional life can shift our focus away from our personal lives and, we will lose track of fulfillment in this area. Changing the way that you live your life can greatly improve your mindset towards your current work situation.((The Art of Charm: What to Do When Your Job Sucks))

5. Learn More About What You Would Like to Be Doing

People will often think about the fact that they would rather not be doing their jobs but, they don't often think about what they would be doing instead. If you don't like your job, it can be proactive to learn more about what your alternative career path would look like. If you weren't working this job, what would your new and improved job look like? What would your position be? What responsibilities would you have? What impact would you make? How much money would you be making? Why would you want this job over your previous one and how it would it improve your current situation? Don't just fantasize about your current situation. Figure out what you would rather be doing so that you can take your first step towards a new life when the opportunity presents itself.

6. Create a Plan That Will Help You Reach Your New Career Goals

If you do have a better career path in mind and you simply need to get out of your job and into one that you would prefer, you will need to create a plan that you can work towards regularly -- one that will be successful in landing you that new professional role. Based on the questions you asked yourself in the previous point, find out what it will take to reach the career of your dreams. Do you need any further education to get there? Are there any requirements that you have to meet beforehand? What obstacles do you need to clear along the way? Take a look at this guide and get more inspirations about how to set carer goals: How to Set Ambitious and Achievable Career Goals (With Examples) Your plan will vary widely depending upon the difference between your dream job and your current position but, you will get there in time if you work towards these goals every day and take the necessary steps needed to make the transition seamless. Figure out what you need to do, make a plan and a timeline, and crush your goals!

7. Take Control of Your Work in the Meantime

Part of making your work suck less is learning the art of acceptance. You cannot change everything about your job overnight and, you need to accept that you will be in your current position until you are able to shift into a position that you truly enjoy. However, this does not mean that you can't make your current job more easily acceptable at the moment. Take control of the situation and take control of your work while you still have the job that you are in. Whether this means making the changes in the things you do not like (if you can) or taking control of the work that you are given, changes can be made to better suit your needs. Get organized, grab your job by the horns, and guide it towards a better tomorrow. After all, this is your reality!

The Bottom Line

While your job cannot change at a moment's notice, your outlook can and the most valuable tool you have at your disposal is yourself. Use that mighty brain to your advantage and cultivate a better mindset as you plan for the future that you want, rather than choosing to remain negative about your work life.

More About Fulfillment at Work

Why the Pomodoro Method Is the Best Productivity Timer

Studying and concentrating at work isn’t always the easiest thing to do. With so many distractions around, wouldn’t it be great if there was something that could keep you consistently productive throughout the day? Luckily, there are productivity timers. Productivity timers are tools that can keep you on task when you find it difficult to focus. And the best one out there is the Pomodoro Method. If you’re after a tried and true technique that can help you to block out distractions, then keep reading to find out more.

What is the Pomodoro Method?

While more of a method than an actual tool, the Pomodoro Technique is a time management method created by Francesco Cirillo in the 1990s that emphasizes timing your work and taking breaks.((Francesco Cirillo: The Pomodoro Technique)) The name derives from the Italian word for ‘tomato’, after the tomato-shaped kitchen timer Cirillo used to time himself when he studied during his time at university. The method requires you to work in 25 minute intervals, known as pomodoros, while focusing on only one thing. After each pomodoro, you take a 5-minute break, then repeat the process. After completing 4 pomodoros, you’re able to take longer breaks of 15 to 30 minutes. This method works well as a productivity timer because it forces you to focus on one thing at a time. It’s also effective because it asks you to aim for something that’s actually achievable. The 25 minute intervals you’re expected to work and refrain from distraction is a totally realistic goal. Here are 6 simple steps to follow when you want to Pomodoro:
  • Step 1: Pick a task. Remember you can only focus on one thing, so prioritize accordingly.
  • Step 2: Set your timer to 25 minutes. You can simply use the timer on your phone or you can take it up a notch and get yourself a tomato-shaped kitchen timer.
  • Step 3: Work on the selected task. For the next 25 minutes, shut off distractions and completely immerse yourself on what’s in front of you.
  • Step 4: When you hear the timer go off, stop working and put a checkmark on a piece of paper.
  • Step 5: Take a short break. Make sure it doesn’t exceed 5 minutes!
  • Step 6: After you have 4 checkmarks on your piece of paper, you can take a longer break of about 15 to 30 minutes long. After that, restart your count and repeat steps 1 to 5 until you reach another 4 checkmarks where you can take another longer break.

Why the Pomodoro Method is the Best Productivity Timer

Here're 5 reasons why the Pomodoro Method is a great productivity timer:

Supercharge Your Focus

The Pomodoro Method is great for training yourself to block out distractions and to concentrate on one thing at a time. By repeating the method over and over again, you can boost your focus levels and tap into your deep thinking skills.

Manage Expectations

Because you’re able to measure the time it takes you to complete tasks more accurately, using this method can help you to manage expectations. You no longer have to fool yourself—or the people you work with—into thinking you can complete a 3-hour task in half an hour for instance.

Know the Value of Your Time

If you’re a freelancer or someone who works on flat rate projects, the Pomodoro Method is a good way to track the time you spend on your work so that you can charge a fee that is truly reflective of the work you do.

Maintain Your Wellbeing

Most people who implement the Pomodoro Method are those who are desk-bound, whether working in an office or studying at home or in a library. Because it recommends taking regular breaks, it can reduce your chances of fatigue. It gives you the opportunity to reinvigorate your mind and get you ready for the next session of focus.

Actually Accomplish Goals

The reason why so many people swear by this productivity timer is because it offers a realistic and achievable goal. Unlike other techniques out there, the success of this particular method comes down to its simplicity and practicality.

Things You Can Do During the Breaks

Now that you understand how the Pomodoro Method works, maybe you're wondering how to make good use of the breaks. Here're 5 things you can do during the breaks:

1. Drink Water

Keeping yourself hydrated is not only one of the most important things you can do for your health, but it can also have a great effect on your focus and concentration. A study conducted by the University of East London in 2013 found that drinking water can increase your productivity by 14%!((gtp hub: New Study Shows Drinking Water Can Increase Productivity by 14 Percent))

2. Move Your Body

Use the time between the Pomodoros to get up and move your body. Whether it’s simply walking to the bathroom or getting up from your chair and doing a couple of stretches, it’s vital that you take your eyes away from the screen from time to time and keep active throughout the day. Try these 15 Simple And Quick Office Stretches To Boost Work Efficiency.

3. Go Outside

If you have the opportunity to go outside, then grabbing some fresh air is a great way to spend your breaks. Research has shown that fresh air plays a significant role in maintaining your health as it can reduce the chances of being sick and getting infected.((Harvard Business Review: Research: Stale Office Air Is Making You Less Productive)) While this may not work well in the 5-minute breaks, it’s definitely doable in the longer breaks.

4. Do Some Chores

If you’re working or studying at home, then you can spend your time during the productivity timer breaks to complete some quick chores. Taking out the rubbish, checking the mailbox, or washing the dishes are a few examples of things that enable you to do something productive during your breaks.

5. Check Your Phone

Because you’ve focused solely on your work during the Pomodoros, the breaks in between are a great opportunity to check your phone or email to see if you’ve received any important messages. Avoid engaging in social media as it may be tricky to get back into the groove of concentration after break time is up.

The Bottom Line

The Pomodoro Method is the best productivity timer because it encourages you to consistently be productive throughout the day through a practical approach. The goal that it asks you to strive for is something realistic and doable for almost anyone who wants to attempt it. Being able to shut off distractions and keep yourself focused, whether at work or while studying, is a great skill to possess. Like any other skill, in order to excel at it, you have to practice and develop it, and the Pomodoro Method offers you a good way to do it.

More About Staying Focused

Friday 26 July 2019

Can You Really Detox Your Body to Achieve Weight Loss?

There comes a time in your life when you decide to go through the journey of weight loss, and that time comes anytime most especially after a long holiday. During holidays, you tend to relax more and gain lots of weight. And when it's time to go back to work, you realize that most of your work clothes don't fit you anymore, then the next thing that comes to mind is how to begin your journey to weight loss. The journey to weight loss is not always as easy as it seems, but with lots of perseverance and consistency, your journey will be fruitful. You will begin to look for quick and easy ways to lose weight, and the first thing that comes to mind is the weight loss detoxification process. However, the process of weight loss detox is seen to be the fastest way of losing weight. Most people run towards the detox diet options because it is an easy way out. The rate at which people regard the weight loss detox is more of an exaggeration and a marketing tool than science, because it is not scientifically proven that a detox diet is a permanent solution to weight loss. Most people might really want to know why weight loss detox is a myth as it is considered to be the fastest and easy way to weight loss. And here is why it is regarded as a myth.

The Weight Loss Detox Myth

Weight loss detox is believed to improve your immune system, aid digestion and also boost your energy level, and most especially it reduces your weight by making you excrete toxin waste from your system. The toxins are known to have a negative effect on human system. The body system has been regulated to naturally remove this toxin from the system but, it is believed that the toxins are not properly removed. And this is why people still consider the detox diet. Basically, the weight loss detox is a drastic way of losing weight but it's not a permanent solution to weight loss. The weight loss detox begins with you fasting, and it also encourages you to eat more fruits and vegetables and to take more water and juice. Water we know is good for the body but, excess water is bad for your health. Weight loss detox encourages you to stay away from food that contains toxin, and concentrate on natural food like fruits and vegetables, water, juice and also pills and laxatives. You are bound to lose weight using this method but it can't last. Once you stop your weight loss detox, you are bound to gain back every weight you thought you might have lost. This weight loss detox is not really helpful because it has its side effects. The weight you lose during this process is not the fatty weight but water weight. You starve yourself of food and then you become weak, tired, and then you lose calories and energy which is bad for your health. So rather than make your body suffer, it is better to look for other better options to your weight loss journey.

The Best Way to Lose Weight

The best way for anyone to actually lose weight is by going through a gradual process with consistency and perseverance. This has proven to be effective and a permanent solution to your weight loss journey. Losing weight through a gradual process is medically okay, healthy and safe for you, unlike the detoxification process. This can be achieved by eating healthily, reducing your intake of calorie and also adding exercise to your daily routine. This might seem to take forever, but it is the best way to get rid of that excess weight permanently. Unlike the weight loss detox process that allows you to take pills that might be harmful to your body, and also to reduce your intake of protein which makes you feel fatigue and weak; the long term weight loss process allows you to take in more protein and less sugar, drink water moderately and requires no pills at all. This keeps you healthy, reduce your intake of junks and help you burn off more calories.

The Long Term Way Of Losing Weight

It might just be through exercise, as there are lots of exercises that would lead to you losing weight. Exercise accompanied with a healthy diet is the best step to your weight loss journey. Although it might not be as fast as the weight loss detox would be, it is more safe and healthy. Exercise is great for your overall well-being, and when you decide to exercise weight loss, it becomes a necessity. When it comes to exercising, there is no magic at all and you don't just lose weight; it's a gradual process. Exercise is the best way for you to lose weight, but it requires lots of consistency and hard work. If you decide to go on a weight loss journey, it is best to give yourself enough time, set a realistic goal for yourself and aim at achieving it. The good news is, there are many kinds of exercises that you can choose from. You can simply choose what fits you best to lose weight:

Final Thoughts

The weight loss detox may seem to be a fast and easy way to lose weight but it is a myth. It is never a permanent solution to weight loss; once you stop the detox process, you'll gain even extra weight back. Exercise is considered to be the best and most healthy way of losing weight, as it increases the calories you burn each time you carry out an exercise; and those calories don't return even if you skip your exercise. Though it is a gradual process, it's a lasting weight loss solution. Rather than going for a quick solution to weight loss, the best and safer way to lose weight is to exercise regularly, and make changes to your eating habits and lifestyle to achieve that perfect long-lasting weight loss.

More About Losing Weight

Thursday 25 July 2019

How to Spice up Your Relationship and Keep It Fresh and Exciting

Love and marriage take work. If you neglect your relationship, the connection you have with your partner will wither, and perhaps even get lost. Needless to say, if you care about your relationship and want it to succeed, you need to work on it. You need to communicate well. You need to work on a solution to any problems that may arise. You need to face any threat to your relationship together with trust and compassion. And you need to try new things to keep it fresh and exciting. This article is about how to spice up a relationship. I am going to give you 6 things you can do to keep things fresh and exciting for both you and your partner, and keep the connection you have with your partner strong.

1. Talk More Deeply and Openly

The first thing that I recommend most people is to learn to be more honest and open with your partner. If you and your partner already share a deep connection and you already share everything with each other, you probably don’t need to do this. But if you are like most couples, who don’t talk about everything and don’t have a deep connection, then you will most likely find this extremely helpful and refreshing. Here’s what you should do: Imagine having a life where you can share everything with your partner. Your fears, your past, your weird thoughts, your aspirations, your life goals, your work goals, your fantasies and anything that comes to your mind. As you were reading the above sentence and imagining sharing these things with your partner, try to notice where exactly did you feel a resistance. In which part exactly your mind was like, “I can’t share that with my partner.” For example, maybe you were like, “I can’t share my fantasies with my partner. They are too weird.” If you feel a resistance towards being a 100% open with your partner about everything, then that’s a weak link in your relationship with your partner. Moreover, it’s also a source of shame or fear for you. Not only are you afraid of your partner finding out about this, you are ashamed of a part of yourself. If that’s you, I urge you to try to talk to your partner about this. Broach the subject to gauge where your partner stands and tell them how you feel about it. It may turn into a serious discussion or even a heated argument; but in the end, you will be glad you did it because if your partner truly thinks you are special, they will accept you for who you are. Ultimately, sharing and being honest with your partner about everything is only going to bring you both closer.

2. Share Your Fantasies

This one is quite obvious and an advice you will find pretty much everywhere. This advice is so common because it works. When you share your fantasies, not only is it an act of vulnerability that brings you closer to each other, it also opens up the doors to a lot of adventures and sexual pleasures. Both of which brings you together. The only thing that may go wrong here is if you share your fantasies with too much expectation. A lot of time, people share their fantasies with their partner with a presumption that their partner will want to fulfill their fantasy. And if they find out their partner is not willing to partake in the fantasy, they get upset and feel bitter about it. When you are being vulnerable to someone, you should do it without any expectations and returns. Being vulnerable is not an act of trade. When you are being vulnerable, you should do it only with the intention of opening up to your partner. If your partner is not comfortable with whatever your fantasies are, accept it and respect their boundaries. They might open up later, but that should not be something you should push them to do.

3. Travel Together

What better way to keep things fresh than to travel to a fresh new place, with fresh people, new food, new culture and new friendships? When you travel with your partner, you will experience a new culture together and you will both get to share your experience with each other. When you experience something new with someone, you associate that novelty with that person. By traveling, you will start associating novelty and excitement with your partner, and that will bring you both together and make you more attracted to each other. If you are traveling, make sure you define exactly what you want to do as a couple. If your goal is to reconnect and keep things fresh, then I highly recommend you go to a place that has a different culture from where you are living right now.

4. Games – All Types of Games

Games are one of the best ways to keep things fresh and entertaining for a couple. The best part is that you can choose any type of games that you find appealing. It could be video games, board games, sports, or something fun like paintball. As long as it’s a game, you can get better at and it’s competitive, you can do it together as a couple and enjoy every moment of it. The reason why games are great at this is because they are relatively cheaper than most other options. You don’t have to spend a fortune traveling. You can just purchase an interesting board game and start playing it with friends and family. Moreover, games give you something to talk about and do together. Before you know it, you will both be looking forward to the weekend when you can meet up with your friends for game night.

5. Charity/Volunteer Work

It may not be the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear about keeping things fresh. But volunteer work can make a huge difference in the way you see things and the world. When you both dedicate some time to help the society and your fellow human beings, you will both learn more about each other and appreciate each other more. Not to mention you will have some of the most rewarding experience of your life. It will also give you an idea about what’s important for your partner. The best way to go about doing volunteer work is to speak about it with your partner. Talk about it and discuss what is important for both of you and how to best make an impact in the world. Even if the impact you make is small, you will be glad you did because it will affect the life of another living being.

6. Challenge Each Other

Couples who challenge each other to improve are the ones who love to play with each other and are involved in each other’s life. It doesn’t always have to be about something serious. You can help each other reach your life goals by challenging each other and keep each other accountable. Just make sure that you are being supportive and not talking them down. For example, if your partner’s goal is to lose weight; you can encourage them by placing a bet with them to reach their goal weight by a certain time limit. If they win, you give them something that they really want (like that sexual position that they always wanted to try). If they lose, then they give you something that you really want. This way, you keep things fun and help each other at the same time. But if you take it too seriously, you may get disappointed if they don’t reach their goal weight. And you may end up saying something that hurt them, causing them to feel insecure in the relationship. So, it’s important to be careful when you are encouraging your partner to grow. Wrong expectations can lead to arguments and sometimes irreparable damage.

Final Thoughts

There are a lot of things that you can do to keep things fresh and exciting in a relationship. But it’s always best to start with proper communication and understanding. Make sure you are not just trying to keep things fresh because there is an underlying issue that’s causing you both to drift apart. If there are issues in your relationship, work on them first before trying new things. And whatever you decide to do, don’t take it too seriously. Remember, the goal is to keep the relationship fresh and alive, and that should always be your top priority.

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