Saturday 31 December 2016

Why Self-Improvement Leads To Career Success

This article will show you what steps you need to take to improve yourself and ultimately attain career success. When you continually improve yourself in knowledge, skills, experience, and efficiency, the result is continuous career growth. This means that your pursuit of career success will most predictably fail if your only goal is to seek career progression. However, if you commit to pursue self-improvement, with determination and persistence, the results should be career success. With that in mind, here are five steps for self improvement that should lead to career success.

1. Take The Risk And Venture Out

Step out of your comfort zone, and challenge yourself to learn more. The character of Steve Jobs, the co-founder and late CEO of Apple, demonstrated that only when you step out of your comfort zone can you spark your creative genius. Minor, short-term,  self-improvement drills may initially seem futile. Ultimately, however, when all these small improvements are consolidated, they lead to outstanding career success.

2. Seek Comprehensive Improvement

Do not focus exclusively on one area of improvement. Rather, have a consistent goal to improve yourself in everything. Learn and keep learning, until  gaining all additional skill sets essential to your career. Invest in self-improvement, and progressively add skills. Never characterize yourself as ‘not good enough,’ as this is an escape route from taking control over your life and career. Take action. Focus on identifying your weaknesses, and concentrate your energy on overcoming those weaknesses, turning them in to strengths. All of this self-improvement will be consolidated and the result can only career progress.

3. Take An Objective Perspective

You can lie to anybody and get away with it (however this is not recommended). However, you can never lie to yourself. Have an innate desire to explore your future from an objective perspective. Look at your life as another person would, and evaluate what improvements you need to make. This includes your career. In the case of your career, always spend a minute every day to reflect on your character, decisions, and choices from an objective position. This will give you the compass for your growth process.

4. Be Accountable For Your Self-Improvement

Embrace the challenge of consistently, persistently, and progressively investing in self-improvement and then be accountable for that progress. Always have accurate, complete self-evaluation of what you need to improve, overcome, and learn, and then do exactly that. Career growth is not a product of economic status, social prestige, or personal background. Career growth is a product of the desire for and commitment to self-improvement. Be accountable, and you will nurse that desire and commitment to blossom.

5. Stay Foolish, Always

Invest in learning. Learn anything…playing the piano, how to juggle…as long as you keep learning. This keeps you curious about life, and can reduce burnout in your career. During the commencement speech at Stanford, Steve Jobs said it well when, towards the end of his speech, he said, “stay hungry, and stay foolish.” So, continue to absorb as much knowledge and skill sets as you can. Don’t be bashful. Remain curious in your life and career!

Always remember that self-improvement does trigger career success. Even after you start your career, never stop developing yourself. Without progressive self-improvement, you will remain stagnant. With self-improvement, even in the absence of a career, the result is always growth. Your self-improvement can create a prosperous and successful career for you. And, even better than that, an amazing and fulfilling life, filled with constant new adventure and learning.


Image Credits :

Businesswoman Via Pixabay, Angry Businessman Pointing at his Employee Via Freepik, Boss Executive Businesswoman Via Pixabay, Smiling Businesswoman with Team Via Freepik

Featured photo credit: pressfoto / Freepik via

The post Why Self-Improvement Leads To Career Success appeared first on Lifehack.

2017: The Year of Polishing

I used to be a resolution maker. I would write my little checklist of all the things I planned to do or change each year, and post reminders everywhere to keep me on my toes. Don’t get me wrong, it worked and I got many things accomplished that way. I still do make my lists, however, I started realizing years ago it was more important for me to have a theme for the year instead.

2016: The Year of Release

2016 was the year of release for me. I needed to release a lot of things in my life that were hindering me from being the best version of myself.

In doing that, I also ended up being released from, and releasing people I had no idea would no longer play such a large role in my life. I found myself becoming distant from everything I once consumed myself with that wasn’t productive or positive—an action that created both positive yet sometimes sad results.

I needed to release things that were stopping me from working on ME. Unfortunately not everyone was a fan of me becoming my priority. This year of release is not quite complete, as the aftermath of release is an ongoing process, but I have figured out what 2017’s theme will be…..the Year of Polishing.

Why I Chose Polishing As My Theme for 2017

The reason I chose polishing as the theme for 2017 is because the groundwork was done this year for the most part.

I reflected on life and my decisions, released all that was toxic or hindering my growth, and created boundaries in my life that were long overdue. I set more goals for myself,and created blueprints for my business endeavors and goals.

2017 is the time to execute and polish all that l’ve prepared for mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally in 2016.

A lot of people will criticize you for setting goals or being hopeful for a successful 2017. There are people as we speak finding memes and gearing up to post all kinds of things insulting those of you who want change and growth to happen annually.

Don’t let these people make you feel as if you’re lame or silly for preparing your mind and spirit for a better year.

There is nothing wrong with wanting more for your life and wanting to be a better person. The people who goes out of their way to criticize you for your “new year, new/better me” mentality are usually people that have no hope or desire to progress in their own lives.

They aren’t driven enough to improve their own lives so they will try to make you feel foolish for wanting to improve yours. Stagnation is their comfort zone, and they want it to be yours.

We all know misery loves company,but it doesn’t mean you have to accept the invite. Avoid interacting with anyone who finds your desire to grow amusing, offensive, or inconvenient.

People offended by your desire to be a better person and achieve your goals are people who don’t have your best interest at heart..and probably never really did. Don’t be afraid to release that negative energy out of your life.

2017 Is Approaching

The new year is approaching. Don’t be afraid to be excited about making plans. No one has to live with your decisions but you, so don’t allow anyone to rain on your hope for growth and improvement in the new year.

If being a better person is what you want, work toward that and be unapologetic and unashamed about it. Who cares if you haven’t stuck with your plans and resolutions in the past? This is a new year, and a new chance to get it right.

Ignore the outside noise and go for it! Work hard to be better than you ever were, and stay focused. Let’s rock  2017! Are you ready? I am.

Featured photo credit: Yahoo images via Https

The post 2017: The Year of Polishing appeared first on Lifehack.

Why Retirement Planning Is More Important Than You Think

Retirement is one of those inevitable phases of life, which marks the end of our careers that we have built over the years by acquiring skills and constant hard work.  Assignments, deadlines, meetings etc. soon get replaced by holidays, pursuing new hobbies, and spending more time with family. While some people look forward to this relaxed and stress-free life post retirement, some get worried about the loss of a steady source of income.

If you do not prepare yourself financially, retirement can be quite depressing for you and your family. Retirement is a time when income drops and expenses rise. So, financial planning is required for leading a financially independent life even after retirement.

Financial planning simply refers to saving up money for the future. A number of people start saving for retirement without knowing how much they will need to maintain their standard of living after retirement.

So, if you have already started your retirement plan, ask yourself one simple question,“Am I saving enough for my retirement?”

In order to beat inflation, both savings and investments are very important

Inflation is the general increase in the price of goods and services. As years pass by, inflation eats away at the value of your money. In order to beat inflation, you need to not just save but invest as well.

The following are three basic rules of thumb for a successful retirement plan!

1. Start Early

The earlier you start saving for the future, the more money you will have in retirement.The more you procrastinate on your retirement planning, the more money you will have to contribute in order to achieve your retirement goal.

Another advantage of starting early is that you can take risks in your investments. Equities, for example, are risky but it may offer a very high return on your investment. If you want higher return from equities, you may need to stay invested for as long as possible.

2. Invest in Various Avenues

There are many different investment avenues that can help you grow your money. Mutual funds offer high rates of return on investment, though it requires constant market monitoring to keep your money safe.  ULIPs or Unit linked Insurance Plans may be good investment products as they offer the dual benefit of investment and insurance. Also look into investing in real estate, which can still provide you a steady check while retired.

 3. Stay Invested

(This has been mentioned but needs to be explained further because of how important it is.)

Have patience and stay invested.

Equity investors, for example, may lose faith in their investments as the initial return often looks disappointing. But if they stay invested for a longer period of time, equities usually offer a high return.

Unit-linked pension plans can be best for successful retirement planning. These plans allow you to choose from various fund options based on your risk appetite. Based on market fluctuations, you can switch and redirect your funds. You may be able to choose to pay your premiums on a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly basis. It will allow you to make investments in a systematic manner over a long period of time for higher returns. In case of your untimely death, your loved ones may be able to receive the the benefits.

Another advantage of a pension plan is that it offers income tax benefits both as the premium and the maturity proceeds. This can be your incentive to stay invested for as long as you earn and are liable to pay taxes.

To Wrap Up!

Retirement is an important milestone in life. Retirement planning, therefore, is a process that should not be left for the later stages of your life. The key to a successful retirement plan is to evaluate your retirement needs, set a financial goal, start early, stick to the plan, and, last but not least, go for products that will not only help you achieve your targeted goal but also protect your money from the volatility of the market.

Featured photo credit: Pixabay via

The post Why Retirement Planning Is More Important Than You Think appeared first on Lifehack.

The Biggest Fight of the Highly Sensitive Person (Part 2/3)

A three-part series on how to thrive a highly sensitive person. This is Part 2.

Imagine you and your friend go to the gym for a week.

She does light walking on the treadmill 2 times this week for 30 minutes each time. You run 90 minutes for 5 days.

Whose muscles have worked more? Whose muscles need more rest to get ready for next week’s training?

You or your friend?

It’s the same situation between HSP and non-HSP.

In Part 1, we came to understand that HSPs come with an innate ability to notice more. More of what? More of the subtleties. The subtleties of what? I have to say..of everything.

If you’re an HSP, this will not require much explanation. You’ll get it right away.

You pick up details happening around you that 80% of people miss.

Tim looks pensive. He didn’t yesterday. Seems like he’s having trouble getting his words out. There’s a kind of heaviness in his voice. He also seems distracted, lost in his thoughts. Meanwhile, his wife Rita doesn’t seem to be looking at him. She’s addressing everyone else in the group, but she’s not looking at Tim. Something seems wrong. Maybe something has happened between them.

You tell your friend Sandy “Did you notice Tim and Rita both seemed different today,”

Sandy shrugs. “Nope. Should we get more cake?”

Classic case. Sandy doesn’t see these subtleties. You do.

For HSPs, noticing the subtleties isn’t just restricted to noticing people. It could be anything in the environment. The room smells different, it smells like my childhood friend’s perfume. This song has few beats that sound like the song on the radio yesterday.

Do you make these things up? How come you pick up things that 80-85% of the people around you don’t see? Is this some disordered hyper vigilance? Is your awareness intentional? Something that you manufactured? Something that you consciously control?

Your higher awareness is part of a trait that you have and that others don’t. It’s biological. There are brain differences that make HSPs more attentive to stimuli.

“Most people walk into a room and perhaps notice the furniture, the people—that’s about it. HSPs can be instantly aware, whether they wish to be or not, of the mood, the friendships and enmities, the freshness or staleness of the air, the personality of the one who arranged the flowers.”Dr. Elaine Aron

What then happens with this higher awareness?

HSP’s Depth of Processing

Along with higher awareness, HSP brains also deeply process all the extra information coming in. HSP brains automatically start organizing this data and start to make sense of it.

Notice how you saw the subtleties of Tim, but then your brain automatically starts processes the information to organize it?

“Tim looks pensive” doesn’t stop there. The HSP brain automatically starts the deep processing. “He didn’t yesterday”…

In other words, HSP brains not just have a higher awareness, but also an innately greater ability to process that awareness inside of them.

All this means that HSP nervous systems have to work harder to process all the incoming data coming into them.

This is where the difference between you and your friend’s weekly gym routine is the correct comparison.

You worked harder in the gym, you need more rest. HSPs nervous systems work harder than non-HSPs (because of the extra awareness of subtleties). HSP’s nervous systems need more rest. As simple as that.

The HSP noticed Tim, compared him with the Tim from yesterday, noticed Rita, compared her with the Rita from yesterday, then noticed Rita with Tim, Rita with the others. Phew!

Sandy bypassed this whole thing. All she noticed was the cake missing from her plate.

So of course, the HSP nervous system is more stimulated than Sandy’s.

What does stimulation feel like?

It’s a physical thing. It’s a bodily reaction.

First, it’s important to remember that stimulation happens for all human, and several non-human species. Sandy salivates when talking about cake. A dog’s tail wags when you talk to it with adoration. A baby smiles when you talk to it with love.

What is all this? It’s stimulation. It’s a reaction that shows up in your body in response to environmental stimulus.

When it’s within a trait’s comfortable range, stimulation is what drives us forward. Sandy makes a decision to walk over to the dessert table. A dog walks closer to you so you can pet it. A college student decides to major in architecture after being mesmerized from his trip to the Taj Mahal. A couple decides to adopt a foster child after their eye-opening trip to a foster home.

Without stimulation, there is no motivation to initiate action. If the image of a cake didn’t excite Sandy, she’s having little reason to want to fill her plate with it.

It’s really when stimulation is outside your optimal comfort zone, then it can feel like hell.

Your body feels a little zapped. Uncoordinated. It feels like you’re about to crash into a mental shut down. There’s an overload on your system, and you cannot think straight. Perhaps your heart pounds faster, brain starts working on overdrive, thinking becomes flustered, it’s a feeling of “feeling too much.”

HSP can reach this state faster and more often than 80-85% of the population.

Why does that happen?

My response is “Why should it not?”

You’re sensitive to nuance. Your trait makes you take in a lot of nuance. What else do you expect should happen other than the nervous system responding?

You: Tim. Rita. Tim yesterday. Rita yesterday. Tim and Rita. Rita and Tim.

Sandy: Cake.

Now this sounds like a problem doesn’t it?

If over stimulation felt like a tender walk through a rose garden, then HSPs wouldn’t be so upset.

But overstimulation of the nervous system can feel like all hell broke loose. Particularly because most times, you haven’t asked for it. It all happens outside of your control. The awareness of the subtleties is automatic. The deep processing inside the brain is automatic. The over stimulated nervous system from doing all this extra work is automatic.

And what happens when we experience things that we don’t understand or have control over?


The first step to thriving as an HSP is to understand over-stimulation and stop calling it fear.

Unless you know about your trait, chances are you will not understand how awareness and over-stimulation are working through your trait and into your life experiences.

All you know at a conscious level is that you are “feeling too much”, as represented by the physical symptoms you feel. Heart racing, breath shallow, palms sweating, foggy thinking, overwhelm etc.

Unfortunately, because over stimulation can have the same physical tone as anxiety and fear, the temptation to confuse the two happens quickly.

“It is important not to confuse arousal with fear. Fear creates arousal, but so do many other emotions, including joy, curiosity, or anger . But we can also be overaroused by semiconscious thoughts or low levels of excitement that create no obvious emotion. Often we are not aware of what is arousing us, such as the newness of a situation or noise or the many things our eyes are seeing.” — Dr. Elaine Aron.

When you label over-stimulation of the body as fear “I must be afraid if my heart is beating faster”, then what do you think happens?

Next step is that you will look for a trigger. Then you hypothesize. With an exceptional imagination of an HSP, most certainly you will find something to be afraid of. “I must be afraid of meeting new people socially.”

“Once we do notice arousal, we want to name it and know its source in order to recognize danger. And often we think that our arousal is due to fear. We do not realize that our heart may be pounding from the sheer effort of processing extra stimulation.” — Dr Elaine Aron.

If we misinterpret over-stimulation as fear, soon enough it becomes fear.

But unlike fearing an object outside of you, you start fearing whatever’s going on inside of you.

To a certain degree, you can avoid external stimuli like an airplane, large crowds or whatever it is that scares you outside. But how do you escape from your own self? You cannot. There is no way (or need) to change your inherited trait.

“Why is my heart pounding so fast?” is a scary position to be in when all you know about heart-pounding is that it’s something that happens when you watch a scary movie. Or when a dog barks up on you from behind. Or when your school principal yells at you.

You have come to relate heart pounding with fear.

“If my heart is pounding, I must be afraid of meeting these new people.”

But when you know your trait, you understand that your heart doesn’t just pound when you face obvious danger, but also when you are automatically aware of “too much” or “too new” sensory stimulus.

“Ok, so it’s the “newness” of everything that I am unconsciously picking up on that makes my heart pound. That woman seems cold and aloof: I don’t like the vibe. This man seems nervous: I wish I could help him relax. Meanwhile, I am uncomfortable with how long this event is: Wish I knew. I also feel that my heart is pounding, I can feel every single beat.”

There is a big difference between the two states.

With the first, you are faced with symptoms that you don’t understand. With the second, the understanding of the trait helps reduce the symptoms.

Without having much control over the symptoms (heart-pounding), the first situation leads you to anxiety. But the second allows you to understand your trait and hang in there without freaking out.

Big difference.

Once HSPs stop confusing over stimulation with fear, they’ve freed themselves up significantly. The fight to overcome fear is an honorable endeavor, but the fight to overcome a trait is hurtful one. The HSP trait doesn’t need to be fought. It needs to be understood. It asks you to make a good plan to optimize life using the strengths of your trait, not struggle with a life that rejects it.

In Part 3 of this HSP series, we’re going to do just that. We”ll take specific steps to stop the war against our sensitivity and start thriving from who we really are.

Featured photo credit: Highly Sensitive Person via

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4 Better Ideas For Your Next Event Giveaway


Event giveaways are a tried-and-true promotion strategy that companies big and small have been using for decades. For starters, it gives businesses the opportunity to provide value to potential customers, which can go a long way toward keeping your brand fresh in their minds long after the balloons are popped and the signs are taken down. Further, branded materials promote brand recognition to all who come in contact with it, even if the recipient of the prize isn’t promoting your company through word-of-mouth.

There are some things to consider, however. Like any marketing strategy, the target audience should be at the top of your list. What works for some may not work for others, and you’ll want to decide whether you want to create a following of die-hard consumers who will advertise for you on their own or cast a wide net, attracting college students and soccer moms with the same giveaway. To that end we have provided the following, a list of ideas for you to consider when you’re planning your next event giveaway.

Event Giveaway Ideas

● If you’re looking to avoid using the same old t-shirt giveaway, consider the other types of apparel provided by sites like Utspromos, particularly customized hoodies and sweatshirts. T-shirts giveaways aren’t exactly original, and most recipients will end up wearing them only around the house. On the other hand, a customized hoodie or sweatshirt is much more practical in the cold seasons, meaning they’ll have extra incentive to wear them all year, and you’ll have a much better chance at gaining valuable exposure.

● Most people don’t care what’s printed on their mouse pads, so long as the surface is sufficient for their pointing and clicking needs. A mouse pad is a practical gift that consumers are more likely to accept even if they’re already set on them. This is a good opportunity to place your brand imagery in his or her homes, and the nature of the mouse pad provides a constant reminder of your business designing to anyone who uses the computer or happens to glance over the user’s shoulder.

● Any beverage enthusiast will tell you that you can never have enough cups. For relatively cheap, you can customize the side of the traditional ceramic coffee cup and provide yet another practical gift; but why not take it a step further and emblazon your logo on the side of a plastic travel mug instead? If you produce a travel mug that’s high quality, it can easily become the recipients “favorite cup”, so he or she will advertise for your company by taking your brand everywhere. The athletes among your consumer base may appreciate reusable water bottles instead, and again, free advertising everywhere they work out or run. Customized coasters are another inexpensive giveaway for the drinking crowd.

● Pen giveaways are about as overused as t-shirts, but they remain one of the most practical gifts you can give to potential consumers. They are likely the cheapest option out of the bunch, and like mouse pads, the logo on the pen makes little difference to the person in need of a writing utensil. If you want to avoid the cliché, look across the desk for other ideas that are likely to warrant daily use like notepads and letter openers.

Considerations for Your Event Giveaway

We’ve provided a few ideas to springboard your creative process, but there’s more to consider. Specifically, there are these three (3) important considerations:

● The target audience–youthful, tech-savvy audience appreciates little gadgets like keychain flashlights and micro-usb cords over old-school gifts like moleskin planners.

● The time of year–handing out hoodies and sweatshirts in the middle of summer would probably be less effective than flip-flops in the Summer and umbrellas in the Spring.

● The nature of the event–Depending on the expected turnout and how many other companies will be participating in the event, you may need to switch up your tactics to stand out.

Remember, practical useful items are likely to gain the most traction and warrant use long after the event. Now you’re ready for your next event giveaway here!

Featured photo credit: Heartifb via

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Best Gift Ideas For Your Loved Ones On Christmas 2016

Christmas is just around the corner and everyone is busy shopping for the best presents they can give to their loved ones. Best gifts ideas selection has been one of the problems many people face during this period.

If you’ve been searching for the coolest gift ideas this year, you have come to the right place! Here is a list of gift ideas that you can choose from to give to your dad, mom, boyfriend, or girlfriend.

Best Gift Ideas For Your Dad Or Husband

When it comes to your dad or your other half, you can give him gifts that he can use every day or something that will let him do the things he really wants. Perhaps you can buy him some simple accessories, such as a watch or tie, or a tool kit to help him with his next DIY project.

Best Gift Ideas For Your Mom Or Wife

There are many choices when it comes to gifts for your loved ones, especially for your mom or wife. For the woman of your life, you might prefer giving her a pair of earrings, a necklace, or whatever sort of jewellery she prefers.

Many women are passionate about fashion and these days, you can rest assured that you will find a lot of items to choose from that she will love.

Best Gift Ideas For Your Girlfriend

She is one of the most important people in your life and, for that reason, she holds a special place in your heart. With that being said, make her understand how much you love her by giving a gift that suits her tastes. Go for a simple but meaningful present. Examples of perfect gifts for your girlfriend include personalized wall art, memberships to wine clubs, necklaces, earrings, coffee mugs, Fitbits, etc.

Best Gift Ideas For Your Boyfriend

Your boyfriend might be someone who loves to travel, or someone who is kind of more formal or professional. Whatever type of personality he has, rest assured that you will find something great to give him this Christmas. Or, you might prefer items that are perfect for couples. Men tend to adore gifts that are less fussy and have a more practical use. Some ideas of gifts for your boyfriends can be wristwatch, jeans, gadgets, a car key holder, etc.

Tips On Choosing The Best Gifts For Your Loved Ones

It is so easy to pick an item, wrap it inside of a box, and give it to your loved ones. But, no matter how expensive it is, when it is not something meaningful or suitable for him or her, then your gift might be less appreciated. It is, therefore, important to pick items that he or she has been expecting to get from you this Yuletide season. You can follow these tips that will help you choose the best gifts for your loved ones during this wonderful time of the year:

Do Some Research

In just a few clicks, you will instantly find a number of ideas and options to choose from when it comes to the best gifts to give of 2016. You should narrow down your research to pick the right item, be it for your wife, husband, mother, father, boyfriend, or girlfriend. Rest assured that you will get a fine selection of gift ideas this year.

Research gives you the option to buy the best quality and also at the best price. Without proper research, you might buy something that your loved ones might not cherish as much as a gift.

Pick A Personalized Item

You can choose a personalized item for your loved one. To be sure that your loved one will appreciate what you will be giving him or her this Christmas, you may select an item that matches his or her interest or his or her personality. Choosing a personalized gift for your loved one means you are picking the best gift for him or her.

Take personalized items a step further by also opting to customize the gift with a photo, an inside joke, or just their names embroidered or stamped on the gift you choose for them. That way, the gift’s uniqueness level is taken to the next level by being just for them. Doing this will even make your relationship with that person stronger and happier.

Be Creative

Your loved one will be happier with your present if you put creativity in choosing and preparing it. So, be a little creative when looking for a nice present to give your loved one this Christmas. Make your gift different from the usual things people are giving to their wives, husbands, parents, or lovers this season, and expect your present to be much more appreciated than anticipated.

Being creative with your gift selections means you will undoubtedly have the best gift ideas for your loved ones this holiday season.

Featured photo credit: Christmas Idol via

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7 Bio Hacks For Increased Productivity and High Performance

I have been biohacking for about 5 years now, which means studying diet and lifestyle closely and figuring out what the most successful and balanced people do in order to increase their energy level. As you well know, having enough energy is crucial if we want to increase our productivity, performance, and happiness.

Here are 7 biohacks to give you much more energy and cognitive abilities so you can be much more productive and happy. These 10 biohacks work well for me, but please consider talking to a nutritionist or doctor first. Also, you don’t have to try all of these biohacks; maybe try a few at first to see if you have more energy:

  1. Smaller Meals: Instead of consuming 3 big meals per day, consume 5 small ones as your digestive system won’t make you very tired if the meals are small (try to have green vegetables with each meal). You will be much more productive and focused at work by consuming smaller meals so that your digestive system doesn’t use most of the energy you have to digest large meals.
  2. Juicing: Make 7 jars or containers of juice every Sunday for the week. In these 7 containers, I put greatest hits of everything that I think is good for me. I bring 5 of the containers to work as this becomes one of my meals. The other 2 I leave at home for weekend consumption.
  3. Coconut Water: At the gym, I drink coconut water as this gives me off-the-charts energy. I exercise for at least an hour per day at around 4pm. I start with 60 minutes on the elliptical trainer as this works out all muscle groups while I read emails and other articles on my iPad (you can retain so much more information later in the day when you exercise and read at the same time given the increased oxygen intake).
  4. Plug Vitamin Gaps: We are all deficient in certain vitamins – we don’t know exactly which ones. As a result, I take a multivitamin pack every day that plugs every vitamin deficiency gap for me.
  5. Hydrate: I drink 8 glasses of water per day and I put lemon in the water as well. Before having a second serving during meals, drink a glass of water, which can curb your appetite. Always pack a few bottles of water with you no matter where you are (especially during your commute to and from work).
  6. Try to Limit Complex Carbohydrates– meaning limit bread or rice- or corn-based products as they convert quickly to fat.  Here is a great tip: always deduct the amount of fiber from the total carbohydrates as your digestive system will think that the total carbs is lower than it actually is. In the example in the image below, we take 21 grams of carbs minus 17 grams of fiber for a “net carbs” amount of only 4 grams.
  7. Sleep:  This one is incredibly important as it not only slows down aging but increases our productivity, focus, happiness and many other benefits. Try to always get 7-8 hours of sleep without exception. 7-8 hours is only about ~30% of each day. Imagine what would happen to our car if we used it for 70% of every single day? Of course, we could run out of gas and have to fix it more often. 30% of our days rest for us is mandatory. Many people would then say – I don’t have time for sleep as I have too much work or studying or whatever. I humbly disagree. Why? Because I really believe that one hour of productivity on 7-8 hours of sleep is at least 5x’s more productive than one hour of productivity on 3-4 hours of sleep. Invest in yourself by sleeping 7-8 hours per day as it will not only improve your quality of life but also increase your lifespan.

These 7 biohacks will help you to live life on your terms.

We are all different so please find the right combination of the 7 aforementioned biohacks until you feel like you have more energy, focus and you are more productive than literally anyone you know. You will be much happier too if you figure out which biohacks work best for you.

Featured photo credit: Stockunlimited via

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5 Hair Care Tips To Get You Through The Winter

Winter can be brutal. The windy, chilly weather takes a toll on your body throughout the winter season, and your hair gets no reprieve. Cold weather can suck the moisture out of your hair, leaving it dry, brittle and prone to split ends.

Rather than allow your hair to get dry, frizzy and damaged from the cold weather, however, you can be proactive and protect your locks this winter. A good moisturizing routine and preventative measures can keep your hair shiny, moisturized and luscious all winter, so you have no bad hair days to worry about. Here are five hair care tips to get through the winter weather.

1. Moisturize your scalp

Hair health begins at the roots, and that means taking care of the skin of your scalp. Winter air can dry out your scalp, creating flakes that settle in your hair and can make for a nasty appearance. Additionally, a dry scalp can be itchy and uncomfortable. A dry scalp is different from dandruff, which is a fungal infection. You don’t want to treat flakey skin with dandruff medication, as it will only exacerbate the dryness.

Rather than sporting flakey hair all winter, use any natural oil in your home, heated briefly in the microwave. Rubbing oils, such as olive oil or coconut oil, into your scalp can bring moisture back to your dry skin and prevent flaking. Be sure to massage oil in and then leave it for 20 minutes before rinsing with shampoo. Your flakes will be heavily remedied after one round, but you can repeat it weekly to maintain healthy, moisturized skin.

2. Get regular trims

Since most of winter will be spent battling dryness, your hair is typically more prone to split ends and breakage around time time. You can cut down on the damage by making sure you trim your ends regularly. Getting a small cut every six to eight weeks is typically recommended, based on how quickly your hair grows. This can keep your hair from terrible splitting, which leads to frizz and easy breakage.

3. Wash your hair minimally

Overwashing your hair, particularly when you use shampoo, can dry your hair out and encourage it to overproduce oils at the same time. According to the science of shine, this creates a difficult cycle that can be hard to come out of. Additionally, wet hair and cold weather are a bad combination, usually resulting in brittle and dry hair that is prone to breakage.

Keeping your hair washing to once or twice a week can allow your hair to stay moisturized from its natural oils without overproducing and without drying your hair out.

4. Use deep conditioner

A deep conditioning treatment can provide intense moisture for your hair that regular conditioner cannot. Consider a weekly deep conditioner or hot oil treatment to moisturize. Like the oil treatment, you’ll want to massage a deep conditioning treatment and leave it on for 20 minutes or so, depending on the product. However, you do not want to put this on your scalp; get it on your hair, from root to tip, in order to protect and moisturize it. Be sure to coat your ends carefully so they can be moisturized and prevent splitting.

5. Protect your hair with silk scarves

Bad hair days are common in winter, as are chilly ears, which means hats and beanies tend to make a comeback around this season. However, dry hair and hats frequently result in static and breakage, and can leave you with unflattering hat hair.

Use a silk scarf to wrap your hair before putting on a hat to protect it. The silk is gentle and won’t cause breakage, static or damage. Silk wraps can be used at night as well, to protect damage from the dry air as you sleep.

As you go through the cold winter season, take some extra time to care for your hair. Keep it moisturized and healthy, and you’ll have the relief of knowing your hair won’t fall victim to unmanageable splits and breaks.

Featured photo credit: Evil Erin via

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3 Reasons Why Life is Better for Americans Abroad

Each day, more Americans believe that life may be better abroad. With the recent presidential election, many people have stated their intention of moving to Canada as a better alternative.

What if we removed the Trump equation? Would people be so anxious to live abroad if Hillary Clinton won the election?

There are many reasons Americans decide to live abroad: 35% of American expats are looking for an adventure, while 31% simply enjoy living abroad. As an expat entrepreneur, I have lived abroad for almost 3 years in multiple countries. I enjoy the adventures and daily life.

Many Americans do not realize that they can experience a higher quality of life abroad. According to last year’s InterNations statistics,[1] 81% of American expats are generally satisfied with their expat life. Almost one-third (32%) of them stated that they would consider staying in their new country forever.

Here are three reasons why life is better for Americans abroad.

1. Education Opportunities

The cost of higher education has continued to rise in the United States. As a result, college enrollment rates have decreased in the last four years.[2]

So, there is no doubt that rising tuition rates are keeping students away from obtaining a college degree. However, there are better alternatives abroad:

  • Germany is the economic powerhouse of Europe, and offers free tuition at public universities for foreigners. There are 1,000+ college programs that are taught in English.
  • Norway is one of the Scandinavian countries where Americans can get free tuition at their state universities.
  • Czech Republic is another European country that allows anyone to study for free in Czech (their native language).

There are some other countries that offer free tuition to foreigners, including (but not limited to) Argentina, Finland, and Brazil.

2. Healthcare Opportunities

I have been amazed at the quality of health care in so-called developing countries. In Mexico, I was able to get a dental cleaning for $26, and a full thyroid blood panel test for $50. You can get surgery, blood tests, and other health procedures done for 40-60% off prices in the United States.

But Mexico is not the only example. You can find high quality health care in other countries, including (but not limited to) Panama and South Africa.

3. Housing Opportunities

Do you prefer to live in an apartment or house? Both options are cheaper and more plentiful in most countries abroad.

In Spain, I paid 15% less than the average monthly rental price in the United States. In Mexico, bargain deals are not hard to find at all. In San Miguel De Allende, it is not uncommon to find houses to rent for $400 a month, outside of the downtown area. Most of these $400/month houses are not furnished, but I was fortunate to find a furnished one.

These amazing deals are not limited to Mexico and Spain. You can find great deals in countries, including (but not limited to) Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, South Africa, and China.

The Final Word

You probably noticed a common thing in these three reasons. Low prices! They are significantly lower than prices in the United States.

Why pay more when you can pay less? Many American expats are retirees who find that their retirement checks buy more abroad than in America. Whether you are a retiree or not, living abroad offers a higher quality of life with a low cost of living. Many Americans aspire to be wealthy. If Americans could live a luxurious life abroad for less than $100,000 a year, I do not think most people would care about earning a six-figure salary anymore.

The expat population is growing. There are 8 million Americans abroad.[3] If the American expat population was one state, it would be America’s 13th most populous state.

Perhaps it is time that you join the club!

Featured photo credit: Alex Mihis via


[1] InterNations statistics:
[2] The Atlantic:
[3] Americans Abroad:

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5 Advantages of Free Online Movie Streaming Apps

Online movie streaming has redefined the future of cinema-based entertainment.

You’ve probably noticed the increased number and quality of free movie-streaming services. Online streaming is getting more popular. With a single click, one can access any choice of movies and TV shows in a way that the traditional remote control can’t provide.

Today, movie streaming has now become an everyday occurrence for people to stream and watch free movies and TV shows online, whenever they choose to. And also with whatever devise they desire, regardless of the time zone.

This article will review 5 advantages to using free movie streaming applications.

Advantages of Free Apps for Online Movie Streaming

1. It Eliminates Download Times

Using any of the reliable apps to watch free movies online instantly eliminates the need to download the movies to a tablet, phone, laptop, or desktop computer. Downloading movies take a huge amount of time, and who has time to waste when you want to watch a movie now? By the time a movie downloads, your time and or desire to watch the movie may no longer be there. Further, it takes up storage disk space, ranging from 2GB to 10+GB, depending on the movie or TV show.

If you use an iPad or smartphone, that disk space is extremely disproportional to the size required by many other apps in a conventional mobile device. That means downloading a single movie or TV show can jeopardize the effectiveness and reliability of your device. A movie-streaming app eliminates all that, allowing you to enjoy your favorite movie or TV show when and how you prefer.

2. It Reduces The Cost Of Entertainment

Perhaps the single biggest concern when it comes to watching entertainment is how much it costs. Accessing a TV subscription, buying or renting new movies, and downloading new music adds up, making a real dent in your monthly budget. That’s not even counting the entertainment you leave your house to enjoy.

That is where free movie streaming apps come to the rescue, eliminating the need for downloads and money. Instead, the apps give you unlimited access to movies and TV shows for free. With the streaming apps, entertainment stops cutting deeply into your monthly budget.

3. It Is Convenient  

Besides the cost, there is still the fact of watching what you want when you want to, using any streaming device you prefer. Whether you use an Android or iOS-based tablet, iPad, iPhone, or Smartphone, free movie streaming apps enable you to see any online movie you prefer with absolute convenience. Watching movies gives you a moment to breathe amid the hustle and bustle of life. In that moment you should be allowed to watch what you want, and not what has been programmed for you. With movie streaming apps offers you this, making your movie watching experience very convenient.

4. It Allows For Multi-Device Access

Movie watching used to go to the theaters to watch their favorite film. Then movie watchers could watch the movie at their homes on a TV set. Years later, you could watch a movie on your desktop, then a laptop, and then with an iPad. And now you can watch a movie from a computer, a tablet, an iPad, a laptop, a smartphone or a laptop, not because that is the only one available, but because that is the preferred platform. Besides being free, movie streaming apps grant you multi-device access, so you can use any of these mentioned devices, making your movie watching experience a matter of personal choice, preference, and convenience.

5. It Gives Access to Content Databases

It would take years to get even halfway through the database provided by the movie websites. There are many websites that offer free, unlimited access to the best movies and TV shows released internationally and nationally. In short, movie streaming apps simply give you access to a lot of content. And, on top of that, most of those databases are free.

Image Credit of woman reading the book. Image Credit of iPhone. Image Credit of backpack and phone.

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The Year that Just Wouldn't Quit

I think we can all agree that 2016 needs to come to come to an end…the sooner the better. Preferably yesterday.

Down with 2016!

Every social media outlet, friends and family have stressed the trials that 2016 has brought. If you conduct a search on the internet, you will come across countless articles with the same theme; Predictions I Wish Didn’t Come True in 2016. Dear 2016: You are the Worst Year and Here’s Why. Hashtags revolting against this year have emerged to join forces against the evil powers that be.

#RIP; to some of the greats; Price, David Bowie and Muhammad Ali to name a few.

#BlackLivesMatter; in the wake of shootings and racial injustices creating national conversations.

#Election; creating chains of discussions and arguments around one of the most controversial elections in history. Even a flurry of memes have emerged displaying the “before and after” effects 2016 personally bestowed upon them.

“Me at the beginning of 2016 vs. the end of 2016” are hilarious, yet so utterly truthful. Oh, Leo, we all get it, trust us.


Universe, I beg of you. Have we not suffered enough?

Exploring my own personal struggles, I can’t remember a time where I have felt more pain and anguish spanning over months. Not just a single event, but continuous, hard blows to my psyche. So much change was surrounding me at once that I had never experienced before. My coping strategies were lacking and eventually had a breakdown. My company swallowed a 15% budget cut; which equated to 24 talented and cherished employees. Both my parents were diagnosed with cancer and I was divorced. Those are certainly heavy crosses bear. Somehow, though, every single morning I woke up. I opened my eyes to a day reset. Another chance to take on the world; or in 2016’s case, dodge some more bullets.

One of the few good things that I can point out, is the birth of my nephew. But even that was veiled in irony; he was born on April 1st. The universe literally had a laugh at our expenses. Twisted, I know.

Enough is enough.

It’s exhausting to regal over all of these events, but it is with purpose. I’ll put a gentle reminder back out to everyone; we are all in the same boat. Though all from different walks of life and experiences, we are sharing the same struggle. We all get it. I have never felt such a rise of empathy and unity. So in the moments where your life has beaten you down and you’re dragging your feet; remember, we are here for you. We support you. As much turmoil as there was, there was a collective joining of forces across not only the nation, but globally. Social media certainly dampened the mood on 2016, yet let us not forget that positive events were still occurring, just may not have been broadcasted as well. The bad always seems to outweigh the good, doesn’t it?

So as 2017 rapidly approaches, let us collectively have a shift in our mindsets. We shouldn’t let the negative forces follow us into a new year; a mark of a chance to start anew.  Let us instead take our trials, our worries, fears and bad memories and mold not only 2017 but our entire futures with a stronger, braver outlook. We have made it; we have done it. Let’s hold on to that thought and use it as momentum to carry us forward. For time has not crumbled and given up on us. The world is still happening and evolving around us. Let us be an integral part of that with our knowledge and experiences. Though it was hard, the proof of our strength is that we are still standing, persevering and moving forward day by day. So when you find yourself in 2017 facing adversary, frustration, struggle and doubt; just stop and say to the universe:

“Try me.”


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How to Build Good Habits

good habits

Aristotle once said “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.”

The question is – how do you develop good habits and make them stick?

The reason we often stop ourselves from changing is that we like to stay where we are. Call it inertia or what you may want, but you need to give yourself a push to get things started.

To be successful, do more in life and have a sense of fulfillment, you need good habits. And it doesn’t come easy.

You may hear some people say that doing something for 21 days will make it a habit. In all honesty, this does not work. To build good habits, you need motivation, a good plan and a thought out approach to follow it.

Here are the five tips that will work for you.

1. Planning

Benjamin Franklin had a very innovative plan to overcome his bad habits and build new good habits.

He listed 13 virtues which he felt were very useful in his life. He stated that working on each of them in a 13 week period, one virtue per week, can deliver some great results.

If he felt that he had got over his bad habit, he proceeded on the next one; if not, he repeated the cycle again.

While spontaneity is the essence of an adventurous spirit, it doesn’t apply when you are embarking on adapting to a new habit. You need a properly planned approach for the practice to become a habit. Here is the approach that can work for you.

  1. Set yourself a “goal” that you want to achieve someday. Keep in mind that your goal should be specific, realistic, achievable and time-bound.
  2. Identify the habits that will help you in realizing your goals and that are in-sync with your already existing habits.
  3. Try to select a habit that suits your already established day-to-day life, so that it’s easier to adapt.
  4. Find your motivation to complete the goal. Motivation is what should get you started, and habits are what should keep you going.

2. Micro Quotas and Major Goals

Everyone has heard the motto “slow and steady wins the race”. Setting goals that you can stick to and introducing them in your everyday life will not result in any sudden or drastic changes in your life. It will definitely reap benefits over time.

Creating the right intrinsic motivators is important. You don’t want to do something because you are being punished or rewarded for it. Instead, you want to do it because you want it yourself.

Imagine that you have decided to lose weight and made a decision to run 5 miles every day in the morning. Now, imagine that you made the decision solely under the pressure of your loved ones. The plan has failed even before starting.

Set goals and quotas to guide you. Here is how it can work.

  • Goals are the ultimate achievement you want to accomplish, like topping the class.
  • Quotas are the small steps you have to take each day to realize that goal, like doing your homework regularly.

Don’t bite off more than you can chew. If you make unrealistic goals and are unable to achieve them, it leaves you disheartened and have a negative impact.

3. Be Positive

Ask how you can do something rather than say it cannot be done. You need positive thoughts to help you build on your skills and do more.

Having positive thoughts does not only result in moments of happiness but they enhance our capability to develop good habits and acquire skill sets which will help later in life. Focus only on the present and try not to dwell in the past.

Often, the things that you end up worrying about for days may not even happen at all. Even if they do, you probably cannot do anything about it – so why bother to ruin the present? We all are going to die, but that doesn’t mean you should ruin your life for it. Minimize your worries and let go of the negative emotions.

4. Eliminate Excessive Options

Have you ever wondered why Barack Obama prefers to wear only black and blue suits and not any other colour? There’s a good reason behind it.

Identify those aspects of your life which are mundane and are not resulting in any satisfaction. It has been observed in a 1990s study by Roy Baumeister, who was a professor at Florida State University, that making repeated choices can stop you from making smart decisions, even if the choices that you make aren’t that taxing by themselves.

5. Find healthy ways to reward yourself

Remember those days when mom used to give you a candy to complete your homework? Of course, you do. Didn’t the thought of getting an extra candy gave us the strength to even face demons of maths problems? What if we apply the same principle when building good habits?

Bad habits are developed initially because they make us feel good, even its for a short period of time. We cling to that feeling of happiness thinking it soothes us when we are going through a stressful or frustrating time or just plain out of sorts.

For example, you have decided to start on a health regime, but it’s just not your day today, so you overeat to compensate for the day’s problems, which will result in you feeling sad next day. The same goes for smoking or drinking too much.

You feel relaxed and at peace, when realization dawns you vow to stop doing the act soon. But the vow slips off your mind when the next bad day comes around. Break this continuous cycle; reward yourself when you achieve even small victories over your bad habits. Treat yourself to what you like. It could be anything from a new book to a movie, to perhaps even your favourite game.

Invest in having the mental energy you need to commit to new habits. Positive habits aren’t formed overnight, but are a gradual change. It’s a change that will help you relive your life, and forget the past for a better present and future.

Featured photo credit: via

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Wedding Hacks: Wedding Dress, Jewelry and Shoes—A Practical Guide

There is nothing at all as stunning as a do-it-yourself (DIY) wedding gown. If you add your own personal touch to your bridal dress, you can get a look that is exclusive and amazing. You can be one hundred and ten percent sure that no other bride on the globe will possess that exact wedding dress. Believe it or not, a DIY wedding dress is easier to create than you think. (Yet, do be sure you have enough time before your big day, you don’t want to rush this.)

Add Fringe to Your Wedding Dress

This approach is actually quite easy to attain. Just cut out some edges that you feel are attractive and sew them onto your gown. You will see a once-plain-looking wedding dress truly come alive.

This is a very straightforward and a fantastic addition to your wedding dress.

Attach A Brooch

One excellent idea is attach a brooch to your wedding gown. If you don’t know how to attach a brooch, you can either learn it online or find someone that can help you with it. The results are magnificent, and you can be confident; to top it off, it’s inexpensive.

You can find brooches on the web or in a craft store. Whichever design you choose is up to you.

Use Ribbons On A Wedding Dress

Many brides believe there is practically nothing as elegant as a long-sleeve lace wedding dress. Did you know that you can achieve that lace look yourself?

You can purchase a standard plain wedding gown in whatever materials you want. Then buy the lace of your choice. Find a suitable pattern online and use it as a guide.

There are plenty of options when it comes to a do-it-yourself wedding dresse. Lace is one of those options you can’t go wrong with!

Colored Wedding Dresses

A white wedding dress is unquestionably traditional, but have you ever thought of making a colored wedding dress?

A colored dress has ceased to be taboo for a wedding. The color you pick will make your wedding gown truly unique and quite fashionable.

For instance, you can choose a color similar to white, like cream. Or you can choose a gown that has an entirely different color, like a pale pink, or light lilac, or another pastel color.

Some brides have become bold enough to pick a daring color such as red or gold, even metallic.

Today, there’s no wrong color choice for a marriage gown, and the results are simply gorgeous.

Pearl Jewelry

Nowadays, pearls seem to be the most timeless, elegant and stylish jewels. Have you considered wearing pearl jewelry for a party or wedding?

If not, you’re definitely missing out something!

You would be surprised to know that pearl jewelry is available in a wide variety of shapes, colors and designs.

You can select pearl studded necklaces, earrings, bracelets, rings and pendants.

Apart from its traditional creamish-white color, pearls are now available in gray, black, green, gold, red, blue and yellow.

If you’re looking to buy pearl bracelets; they’re offered in button, round, egg, potato and pear shapes.


Last but not the least is a pair of shoes to complements your dress.

Choose shoes that you can wear post-wedding.

Ankle-strap sandals are trendy. They are are affordable and aesthetically pleasing.

Satin-finish, jewel-studded shoes to

A platform sole can also add height and comfort at the same time.

You can have the best wedding look when you make it yourself, as no other bride on will have a dress quite like yours!

Find this tips helpful? Have any more wedding dress DIY advice you want to share? Comment in the comment section below.

Featured photo credit: via

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If You Think Your Brain Works Like A Computer, Scientists Prove You Wrong

Try to recall what a one dollar bill looks like in your mind. If you can, draw one out on a piece of paper.

Maybe it’ll look a bit like this:[1]

Not bad, but there are details missing. Your mind recalled key information but, crucially, your brain didn’t retrieve an exact blueprint of what a dollar in cash looks like.

This, according to Robert Epstein, a well-known senior research psychologist, shows why the singularity is not possible. It is why we will never download a human mind to a computer, and why we won’t be able to achieve immortality through downloading in the process.

Our Brains Don’t Store Memories Like Computers Do

Well, drawing a one dollar bill while looking at one as reference would provide a much more precise outcome.[2]

Our brains do not work like computers.

This idea, Epstein claims, is an outdated metaphor “which dominates human thinking, both on the street and in the sciences.”[3]

Our brains simply do not contain memory banks, nor do they store representations of stimuli in the same way that a computer does. Despite some scientists’ beliefs, studies have shown that specific memories are not stored in individual neurons[4]. Large areas of the brain have been shown to become active, even in ordinary memory recall.

The dollar bill example, outlined by Epstein, shows us that we’re much better at recognising things than recalling them.

As Epstein says,

“when we remember something (from the Latin re, “again”, and memorari, “be mindful of”), we have to try to relive an experience, but when we recognise something, we must merely be conscious of the fact that we have had this perceptual experience before.”

The way we react to the external world is based on recollections of past events, which guide us on how to proceed in the present. We cannot retrieve data from our brains, we simply visualise things we have experienced or seen in our past.

We are organisms, not computers. Get over it.

We may not have the capability to download our minds into cyberspace, and dreams of living consciously in a digital realm may be off the mark. The brain is made up of roughly a hundred billion neurons, which are interconnected in 100 trillion ways, meaning it could take centuries just to figure out basic neuronal connectivity.

This should be a source of inspiration though, Epstein claims,

“We are organisms, not computers. Get over it.”

We are unique, not just in our genetic makeup, but also in the way our individual brains evolve over a lifetime.

Featured photo credit: Brain Chemist via


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The Whole World Thinks I'm Alone, What If I Never Felt That Way

Every year as Valentine’s Day approaches, I dread the infamous question “Do you have a date for Valentine’s?” I don’t dread the question because I don’t have a date, which is supposed to make me sad. I dread the question because people are convinced that I will spend the day crying over my unfair fortune, and that single equals miserable. Well, guess what – I’m single and I love it!

Don’t get me wrong – I am still looking for a fulfilling romantic relationship. But I learned that I can be perfectly happy on my own. Whoever says you need to be with someone to be happy – has some deep insecurities to work on.

Nobody can truly love you if you don’t love yourself

I’ve learned so much from the last time I had a relationship, a long-term “serious” relationship. What I mean by serious, is that we were constantly asked “When are you going to get married?” or “When are you going to have kids?” And I was smiling and politely responding to the questions, eagerly waiting for those things to come. I thought it was supposed to be that way, and that I will miss out on happiness if I don’t perfectly follow the timeline: meet – start relationship – get married – have children. Why? Because that’s what my surroundings led me to believe – do it as soon as you can, or you’ll be miserable for the rest of your life. You are worth nothing if you are not in a relationship.

We were perfectly happy (or so I thought). But one thought came to my mind and it wouldn’t leave me alone. I started feeling like I was in somebody else’s shoes. Is this really me? Do I know what I want and what I like, it has just aligned, over time, with what my partner wants or likes? Is this happiness, or I’m just too afraid to be alone? Am I really satisfied with myself? Do I really love myself?

Am I going forwards or backwards?

I realized I’m lost in all the expectations I didn’t create myself. I’ve lost myself in the process. I felt so alone. I realized that deep down, I’m not happy. I needed to find myself.

The unavoidable conversation came. “But I love you!” “How can you love me if I don’t love myself?”

After the breakup, people were walking on eggshells around me, constantly asking “Are you OK?” Of course, I felt sad, but I was excited at the same time, because for the first time in years, I didn’t know what the future holds, and I could build it the way I wanted to, not the way people expect me to. The word “single” stopped having the negative meaning. It now meant that I can take the time to really get to know and love myself. I started doing everything that came to my mind – learned a new language, read a whole load of books (epic fantasy is what I like the most, if you want to know), tried new foods,  and took up new hobbies (I’ll stay away from volleyball in the future, thank you very much, but at least now I know). I came to realize who I truly am.

I can truly appreciate the meaning of love now, since romantic love is not the only kind of love. I found that the love I have for myself is the most important part of happiness. I now love myself and only now I can find my significant other who will love me for who I really am. I also found out that the love I have for my dearest friends and family can warm my heart and make me a better person. That’s the kind of love that gives you strength. So, me being single was the best time of my life, because I learned so many things. Now, I’m ready to find my significant other. My truly significant other. And I will wait. I won’t settle for less. Because being single is not that bad after all.

Featured photo credit: via

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Either You Run The Day, Or The Day Runs You

credit: Quora

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This One-Minute Life Hack Will Make You Do Everything Better Than Before

We all want quick fixes. We search for the fastest way to lose 10 pounds, a shortcut to riches, and the easiest way to find the perfect relationship. Harry Potter wielded his magic wand, why can’t we? While there may not be a magic spell to aid us in our ailments, what if there was an easy life hack that would only take a minute of your time and could help you do everything better than before?

No, this is not a super drug like Bradley Cooper swallowed in the movie Limitless, but an easy life hack according to writer Rishabh Singh at Quora [1] to help make you able to do everything better than before, and all you need is a pen and a minute of your time.

Easy One Minute Life Hack that Can Rock Your World

One minute is all it takes to improve your memory, boost your self-esteem, help you to be more productive and happier.

Take a pen and hold it up to your face, about 30 centimeters from your eyes, then focus your gaze on the point of the pen for one minute. Don’t let yourself think about unpaid bills, cleaning the garage, the report due at the office, or even who Taylor Swift is dating. Stop the inner chatter of your mind, hold your focus on the point of the pen, and just breathe. One minute is all it takes, in fact setting a timer will help prevent worrying about the passing time as well. Focus your eyes on the pen for only a minute. Singh also cautions that doing this for more than a minute may cause eye strain.

Why this Works

Yes, you may feel silly at first, but one minute staring at the pen can help you increase your focus and concentration. According to studies,[2] due to technology and over-stimuli of our hectic, multi-tasking lives, the average person has an 8.25-second attention, that’s a little less than a goldfish. However, this pen life hack trick is the equivalent to a minute of deep focus meditation, the perfect antidote to this over-stimulated life.

Usually associated with Buddhist monks and Eastern practices, meditation has been embraced by modern successful entrepreneurs of our time like Arianna Huffington, Richard Branson and Michael Jordan, to aid them in their productivity, generating ideas and focus.

One minute of deep focus on a daily basis can calm your “monkey mind,” as life coach Tony Robbins likes to call the incessant mental chatter and worry that dances around our brains all the time. Once you tame your monkey mind, you are better able to concentrate on the tasks before you.

One minute of pure focus can make you feel more relaxed, more productive, less stressed and even happier. Researcher Catherine Kerr of the Osher Research Center stated that meditation helps to improve rapid memory recall [3] by tuning out the outside distractions around you. One minute of meditation can boost your immune system, decrease pain and make you feel more compassionate.[4] You can learn faster, learn more, get better grades, stay more focused and become calmer at the same time. Tasks that once seemed daunting no longer feel that way. The task did not change, you did. Your reaction to the situation changes the situation.This quick life hack changes you for the better.

Using this easy life hack trick on a regular daily basis can help you do anything more focused and better than before. One minute, one easy life hack and one pen. What do you have to lose?


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Collect Moments, Not Things. You'll Have No Regrets When You Get Old.

Do you remember your first mp3 player, or that non-fat caramel latte you bought last week? How do those items make you feel? Now, think of a Christmas with your family. It probably isn’t the gifts you think of first; you probably think of the conversations, the laughter, and the board games. Lasting joy doesn’t come from objects, it comes from experiences. Our brains are like living scrapbooks; they collect moments in time, frame them, and revisit them constantly. We can derive happiness from these memories years after they are made, and we can enjoy them in a way we can never enjoy material things.

Seek Experiences And Collect Memories

Most of us can distinguish quite clearly the difference between the pleasure we get when our new iPhone arrives in the mail vs. the happiness we feel during a dream vacation to Italy. Whereas we may feel excited during the days leading to a vacation, we tend to feel impatient when waiting for an object. Where most of us lose interest in a new gadget or toy relatively quickly, we tend to cherish a memory.

In one study, researchers explored the relationship between happiness and memory and found that people draw upon past experiences for a sense of happiness and well-being[1]. Another research article analyzed what people tend to regret in life; they discovered that in a descending order of importance, these were the most common regrets in life: education, career, romance, parenting, the self, and leisure[2]. Notice that nowhere in this list is, “not getting a yacht,” or “not buying a Coach purse.” The things on this list are experiences, not things. When we focus on pursuing experiences that we want to have, instead of things we want to buy, we are filling up our scrapbook with beautiful pictures and rich, funny stories. Even more stressful events, once over, can make the most riveting and funny stories.

So, in this society of materialism, how do we change our focus from consumerism, to the pursuit of experiences?[3] Most of us aren’t going to jump off the couch right after reading this and go skydiving, and that’s OK! Some of the happiest moments in our life aren’t the most exciting ones. Here are several ideas to help you start collecting.

Make A Bucket List

We all have things that we secretly want to do. Making a list and sticking it up on your bulletin board will bring those experiences that much closer. Most of us give up on our more ambitious plans, believing them to be impossible or too expensive.

Keep An Adventure Jar

Keep a jar on your kitchen table. Every time you decide not to buy something you don’t really need, or decide not to eat out, put the money you would have spent on those things in the jar. Most of us don’t realize how much money we could save if we didn’t spent it on little, pointless things.

Have Some Small-Time Goals

Not all experiences need to be world-changing. Try doing something differently every week or even every day. Choose a different way to get to work, or have some new people over every once in a while. Take a little time out of the day to experience life instead of becoming stuck in a mindless routine. You may be surprised how these little things can change your life.

Take Time For Family And Friends

Some of the best memories we have are with other people. Just a conversation with a dear friend may be enough to bring you happiness one day when you’re feeling down.

Be Open To New Things

Many of us are afraid to stray outside our comfort zones, which will often keep us from experiencing many things in life and result in regret. Life is meant to be lived. Do new things, they’re how memories are made!


[1] Sociological Research Online: Happiness and Memory: Some Sociological Reflections
[2] US National Library of Medicine: What We Regret Most…and Why
[3] The Atlantic: Buy Experiences, Not Things

The post Collect Moments, Not Things. You’ll Have No Regrets When You Get Old. appeared first on Lifehack.