Thursday 24 May 2018

How to Upgrade Your Critical Thinking Skills for a Sharper Mind

Is Building Muscle Possible in Your 40s? (Build Muscle the Batman Way)

Ben Affleck just recently got in bodybuilding-shape for the movie Batman vs. Superman. What few people know is that Ben Affleck is 45 years old at the moment. Yet Ben Affleck looks like a monster in his role as Batman. On top of that he’s 6’3” – being tall makes it even harder to look muscular. Yet Batman completely nailed it.

While a lot of the look as Batman may be due to his costume and the lighting, Ben Affleck nonetheless is a key example for building muscle if you’re over the age of 40. Mainly because he follows these 3 rules:

Rule #1: Stick to the basics

Ben Affleck doesn’t like working out, that’s where most people begin. Even me as a trainer, I don’t wake up in the morning and think: “Hell yeah, time to do a workout session”.

It was torture. […] I hate to exercise. — Ben Affleck

Training is nothing fancy, it should simply be part of your routine. Yet a lot of the people that start training after the age of 40 think they need a specific, fancy workout schedule. This is not true.

While your recovery periods may truly be longer, you don’t need to train any different than a 20 year old unless you have major physical limitations such as a herniated disc.

The most important thing in every workout schedule should be to get into a routine. This can be harder because as an adult, you have more responsibilities such as a demanding job or a family.

In the beginning, you need to juggle multiple aspects of your life. That’s why you need support from your environment. Also, try to make friends at the gym or join groups on Facebook and Whatsapp. This will also help you with number #2.

Rule #2: Keep going

Most people that sign up for a gym membership quit after 3 months. I’m a huge supporter in making your workout and diet sustainable, yet this is much harder if you are 40+ years old.

That’s also a reason why most of the actors are not able to keep their bodies in the long-term. For example, Ben Affleck only has a great body until he has to be on the scene. The movie holds him accountable.

If Ben would step on set, looking like a Spongebob instead of a Superhero, no one would take him seriously and he would risk his career. You have to hold yourself accountable to your workout schedule.

Realize that most worthwile things in life are hard first before they get easier.

Write down your realistic goals for yourself or even publish it on your facebook wall and post your training pictures. This will create social pressure to help you keep going.

Plan your workout sessions ahead of the week and treat them as a priority. What works with most of my clients is setting a specific workout time in the morning. as the kids are often still asleep at that time. Make those early morning hours the ‘You-time’. Training early in the morning can also help with rule #3.

Building muscles will take longer if you’re 40 due to the wear and tear over the years. Be persistent.

For extra accountability: Train with a friend or hire a coach. A coach holds you accountable and gives you the necessary guidance.

Rule #3 Enjoy the process

Ben Affleck told an interviewer that he noticed that once he went for a workout, other things started to improve in his life. He increased his discipline and had more energy at the movie shoot.

This is a phenomena I can see on a daily basis. While we’ve seen in rule #1 that training is usually not that enjoyable, the other effects in your life are absolutely great.

Your workout schedule can be a Trojan Horse. You start the schedule wanting to improve your physique but you end up improving every aspect of your life.

Getting a workout can be a huge win for your day. Even if your whole day was awfully bad, at least you got a workout in.

Admiral William McRaven, the retired United States Navy Admiral talks about making your bed to start your day right. Going for a workout is making your bed on steroids. It takes discipline and willpower to do it, but training has many positive side effects.

Instead of always focusing on your goal you have to enjoy and trust the process.

You can build muscles after 40

Ben Affleck is a monster. He’s a great example for a person that build a great amount of muscles even while being older and fairly tall.

He managed to build such an impressive physique by following three basic rules:

  1. Sticking to the basics.
  2. Finding reasons to keep going.
  3. Enjoying the process. Realize that exercising is a Trojan Horse.

Here’s a video about how Ben Affleck transformed his body:

The post Is Building Muscle Possible in Your 40s? (Build Muscle the Batman Way) appeared first on Lifehack.

Wednesday 23 May 2018

10 Qualities of a Leader (Advanced Version for Leaders Who Aim High)

Whether you’re trying to start your own business, manage a team of employees or just run an effective neighborhood meeting, you understand the challenges of leadership on a personal level. You’re expected to have the answers to every question, you’re responsible for inspiring and motivating people (no matter how unmotivated they started), and worst of all, there’s no one above you to turn to for advice or direction—it all has to come from you.

There’s no blueprint for how to become a successful leader, and there’s evidence on both sides of the argument for whether great leaders are born or made.[1] You can’t expect to naturally be an effective leader, nor can you ever expect to become a perfect leader. But if you study the qualities of a leader from examples of the past and scientific evidence, you can steer your behavior, your habits and your outlook in a more favorable direction.

So let’s take a look—what does it take to become a great leader?

1. Hold firm convictions to inspire followers and radiate confidence.

Holding firm convictions means you’ll be almost stubborn in your adherence to your values, beliefs and vision for the future. That doesn’t mean you ignore people when they disagree with you (in fact, as you’ll see, flexibility is important), but it does mean you have significant integrity, and you’re likely to stay true to your values, no matter what happens.

Research shows a high correlation between uncertainty and stress;[2] if your employees aren’t sure what you’re going to think about a new idea, or if they feel like you change your positions too frequently, they may not be able to focus on their jobs or be as productive as they could. They might also have less respect for you as a leader.

There’s a famous anecdote about Apple co-founder Steve Jobs that demonstrates his ruthless convictions.[3] when introducing a prototype of the iPhone, a friend criticized the touch keyboard, stating that users would strongly prefer traditional keyboards on their phones. Jobs’s response was “they’ll get used to it.” He’d already made up his mind, and was sure this was the correct path forward.

How to get started

To get started with this one, think carefully about which values and visions matter most to you. Then, frame them in your mind as unbreakable.

2. Use emotional intelligence (EQ) to improve both client and employee relationships.

Emotional intelligence (or EQ) is your ability to understand both your own emotions and the emotions of others.[4] It gives you more control over your own emotional states, meaning you’re less influenced by raw feelings and it allows you to handle interpersonal relationships with your employees with more empathy.

One study within a Fortune 400 insurance company found that individuals with high emotional intelligence received more merit increases, held higher company ranks and got better ratings from both peers and superiors.[5] This is attributable to EQ’s many benefits. These employees have better control over their own emotions and behaviors, work better with other people and are able to quickly resolve conflicts before they get out of hand.

How to get started

Getting started may prove difficult here. While some people naturally have high emotional intelligence, others take years to fully develop it.

If you’re just getting started, spend time paying attention to what other people are feeling and ask yourself why they’re feeling it. Regular periods of introspection will also help. Here you can find 7 Practical Ways To Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

3. Master the art of communication to operate more efficiently (and boost morale).

Communication unfolds in many ways during your tenure as a leader. You’ll be leading in-person meetings, holding phone calls with clients and sending emails regularly. You’ll also be a part of heavy conversations, whether it’s breaking bad news to a client or firing an employee. Learning to communicate effectively is crucial to your success.

Ask any leader what the most valuable skills for success are, and they’ll likely list communication skills among them. Billionaire and serial entrepreneur Richard Branson, for example, has called communication “the most important skill any leader can possess.”[6]

Communication not only makes processes run smoother (thanks to efficient transmission of instructions and details), but also allows you to convey mood and urgency through your tone. Accordingly, it has objective and subjective impacts on your audience.

How to get started

Email is the easiest place to gain mastery here since you’ll have time to think through your sentences and use email productivity hacks to get even better.

Pay attention to your purpose, wording, and tone, and experiment until you find the right combination.

When speaking, try to speak slower and think through your sentences carefully. You’ll appear more confident and buy time to find exactly the right words for any situation.

4. Always favor action over inaction to preserve your team’s momentum.

Great leaders typically have the mentality that action is favorable to inaction. If you’re facing a problem, procrastinating is the worst thing you can do. Instead, commit to moving forward however you can, even if that means making a temporary “duct tape fix,” or even making a mistake.

U.S. President Harry S. Truman is quoted as once saying,

“Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction.”

This is the man who dropped the atomic bomb—an action that’s been criticized for ending thousands of innocent lives, but also praised for possibly preventing even further casualties worldwide. It was a risky and heavy decision, but one that kept things moving forward.

How to get started

When you’re facing a problem or a decision point, think carefully about your options, and start leaning away from options that don’t require action (i.e., “let’s wait a month,” or “let’s keep things the way they are for a while.”)

This article about making decisions can help you: 5 Tips for Lightning-Fast Decision Making

5. Be diplomatic to encourage new ideas and thorough discussion.

As important as it is to stay true to your convictions, it’s a terrible idea to lead through dictatorship. Instead, be diplomatic and encourage your employees to bring their ideas to the table—even if they outright contradict your own. Open discussions and listen to every idea that comes across your desk.

Many companies have made it a general policy to encourage ideas from their employees from the ground up. Google, for example, for a period of many years, gave its employees 20 percent of their working hours to work on any kind of projects they wanted to.[7]

And according to Dan Glaser of Marsh and McLennan Companies,[8]

“We have found that innovative ideas bubble up when you tap into an element of dissent.”

The research here indicates that companies that not only allow, but encourage and take advantage of disagreement, stand to benefit greatly.

How to get started

You can encourage this behavior by giving every employee time to express their ideas, whether it’s in meetings or a private setting. When you disagree, don’t cut down the idea; make a case for why yours is stronger and thank the employee for voicing their opinion.

The “safer” it is to voice a dissenting opinion, the more your employees will be willing to do it. Some more tips to help you make your team feel safe here.

6. Remain humble and admit your mistakes to discourage resentment or intimidation.

Not all of your strategies and decisions are going to work out. Learning to admit your mistakes and note the flaws in your thinking can actually be a strength. If you pretend you’re perfect or refuse to admit to your mistakes, one of two things will happen: your employees will become resentful of you, believing you to be narcissistic or delusional or they’ll be intimidated by you, thinking that mistakes are unacceptable.

At least one study has found that CEOs who demonstrate humility tend to perform better than their counterparts.[9] When a CEO is approachable, fallible and humble about their status, employees are more appreciative. Workplaces tend to be calmer and more unified, and leaders earn more respect.

How to get started

Humility is hard to teach but you can embody its core principles. If you make a mistake, admit it and laugh it off, and don’t be afraid to let down your guard in front of your employees. You’re human too. In fact, showing vulnerability actually proves your strength.

7. Use patience to stabilize your emotions and make more logical and long-term decisions.

Stabilize your emotions when making decisions, and steer those decisions toward the most logical long-term approach. The most effective marketing strategies, for example, take months to years of time for development, but if you’re hasty and emotional in your decision-making, you might opt for a short-term strategy that yields rewards quickly, but has no distant future.

Jeff Bezos is one powerful anecdotal example here, almost every decision he makes as CEO is done with the future in mind.[10]Amazon is one of the most powerful and respected companies in the world, yet it doesn’t make much of a profit. Its excess revenue is constantly funneled back into the company to help it grow into new markets and investigate new opportunities for expansion.

How to get started

Before making a decision or choosing a path forward, remove yourself from the situation. Pretend you’re an unbiased onlooker and think about how you’d advise a stranger in this same situation. Then, imagine the consequences not just a week from now, but a month, a year and a decade from now.

8. Stay organized to set a good example for your employees.

Leaders are busy, so small levels of organization may seem like an unnecessary waste of time. However, staying organized is important not just for your own productivity, but also for your employees—who will be looking to you as an example.

This idea is illustrated by the fact that 75 percent of office workers believe that a disorganized office is a sign of deeper problems within a company.[11] If your desk is cluttered with papers, or if they can see your email inbox has 2,000 unread messages, they may believe something is wrong with the company—or with your approach as a leader. They may also have an excuse to be disorganized in their own roles, which can lead to even more productivity problems.

How to get started

Start paying closer attention to how you organize yourself and try to consistently present a clean, tidy image—even if things are more chaotic beneath the surface. Keep track of your own productivity and schedule 15 minutes a day to keeping your work and belongings organized.

9. Empower your employees to become leaders in their own realms.

You may be the head honcho of the organization but your business will run far smoother if you allow the people beneath you to be leaders of their own domains. Empower them to make their own decisions, discipline and reward their own underlings, and communicate how they see fit. This will take some of the pressure off you, improve the morale of the people you’ve inspired, and add more diverse opinions and approaches to your company culture.

Several amazing leaders have taken this approach. Elon Musk, for example, recently wrote an email to his staff about the importance of employee empowerment.[12] In it, he describes managers, in general, as a “bad idea.” In his view, every person within the company should take ownership of their own responsibilities and be empowered to make decisions and take risks as any leader would.

Former President Ronald Reagan, as another example, is quoted as saying,

“Surround yourself with the best people you can find, delegate authority and don’t interfere as long as the policy you’ve decided upon is being carried out.”

It’s a policy many presidents have taken to heart.

How to get started

It’s hard to introduce this idea to a workplace that’s been without it, but you can start by telling your managers and employees how much you trust them. Delegate decisions to them and don’t micromanage.

Set expectations in meetings and in individual employee reviews that you trust your employees to make their own decisions. When they start moving forward, making their own decisions, reward them for their independence and confidence to encourage the behavior even further.

This guide can help you to know how to delegate works for the best: How to Delegate Work (the Definitive Guide for Successful Leaders)

10. Be decisive to demonstrate your authority.

Finally, exercise decisiveness to prove and radiate your authority. Leaders are primarily decision makers, which means you’ll be held accountable for the outcomes of those decisions, however they come.

Great leaders aren’t afraid to face the consequences, especially during periods of uncertainty. Instead, they make decisions quickly based on all the evidence they can gather, and hold firm to those decisions. This not only makes you appear more authoritative, it encourages more decisiveness and resolve within your employees as well.

Successful leaders are shown to be more decisive than their less successful counterparts.[13] This could be due to any number of secondary effects. For example, it could be that decisive leaders are better decision-makers overall, thinking through problems more comprehensively. It could also be that decisive leaders are more confident and inspire more from their underlings.

How to get started

Despite the advantages here, you still shouldn’t rush your decisions. Gather as much information as you can in a situation and pull the trigger as soon as you think it’s appropriate.

Delaying a decision or presenting yourself as “on the fence” can weaken your position. Changing your mind on a decision after it’s already been made (like allowing an employee to convince you not to fire him/her) will compromise your projected authority.

Making decisions under pressure is hard, some tips here maybe able to help: How to Make Decisions Under Pressure

Understand leaders to become a great leader

There are many different styles of leadership to consider, so naturally, these qualities of a leader may transform as you come into your own approach. But, how you use them isn’t nearly as important as understanding them and learning from them.

The better you know and understand the leaders who have come before you, the more tools you’ll have to shape your own style of leadership and become successful in any application you choose.

Featured photo credit: Pexels via


The post 10 Qualities of a Leader (Advanced Version for Leaders Who Aim High) appeared first on Lifehack.

Tuesday 15 May 2018

The Real Reason You Feel Exhausted (And How to Be Energetic Again)

“I’m exhausted.” Do you say this all the time?

Fatigue shows up in many ways including pure exhaustion, the inability to concentrate, anger, frustration and behavioral issues, memory problems, decreased work performance, and slower reaction times. Fatigue has also been linked to medical problems including obesity, hypertension, depression, diabetes, as well as increased automobile accidents.

We attempt to combat fatigue with coffee, sugar, energy drinks, vitamins and a variety of other products that claim to increase our energy and stamina. But what if your exhaustion is trying to tell you something?

If you’re getting enough sleep and you’re still feeling exhausted, it’s time to stop, take a step back and look at what else is contributing to your exhaustion.

As a life-coach and consultant with a diverse background, I like to look at things from a holistic view – from multiple levels – including your body, mind and spirit.

So before you reach for that next cup of coffee, the 3pm sugary snack or the toxic energy drink, let’s look at some other reasons why you might be tired all the time, and more importantly, what you can do about it.

Here are 11 potential reasons why you’re exhausted even when get enough rest, and what you can do about it.

1. You are out of alignment (mentally, emotionally or spiritually).

Essentially, you’re off track with who you are and what works for you. Maybe you’re unhappy, unfulfilled, stressed out or just plain bored with some areas of your life. You might be in a relationship that isn’t working, a job you can’t stand or a situation that drains your energy.

Think about a time in your life when you were in the flow, in the zone, and totally engaged and excited about what you were doing. How much sleep did you need then? Even after only a few hours, my guess is you probably found yourself jumping out of bed in the morning without an alarm clock, excited about embarking on the day.

On the flipside, think about a time in your life when you were in a relationship or job that zapped your energy. No matter how much sleep you got, you probably found it difficult to get out of bed in the morning and were tempted to hit that snooze button just a few more times.

We all have things that make us feel great and energized and things that completely zap our energy. Maybe you’re someone who likes to move quickly but you’re drowning in detail; maybe you’re someone who thrives when you are on top of things and you’re feeling like everything is completely out of control. Or maybe you thrive on spontaneity and variety and you’re bored with your life.

When I asked my 11-year-old daughter why she thought people are tired even when we get enough rest, here’s what she said.

“Maybe people are bored and so they’re tired.”

Ever wonder why you can’t drag your kid out of bed for school on the weekdays but they pop out of bed on the weekend? Perhaps this is the culprit.

I had a client share this sentiment recently as she described a period of time in her life: “My boss sucked, the work was boring and it made me tired all the time.”


When you’re doing things that align with who you are, in environments that align with what you need, you will feel more energized and alive. On the contrary, when you’re in environments that go against your grain, you will feel drained and de-energized.

What can you do?

Take a step back and identify what’s not working. Figure out what you want and work towards it. Do things that give you energy. What makes you feel healthy and alive, energized and excited? What gets you in the flow and makes you feel most like you? Aim to get more of that in your life.

Find more ways to be in alignment with who you are here .

2. You are out of alignment (physically).

When we are structurally out of alignment, it can cause all sorts of issues. When things aren’t moving properly, it makes it hard for your body to do its job. Not to mention, pain is exhausting and zaps energy. And we are pretty hard on our bodies, aren’t we? We drag them around and tell them what to do. They need to be taken care of too.

Here’s what Chiropractor, Dr. Ruth Ziemba, who specializes in NSA (Network Spinal Analysis) has to say:

All of life is energy. We are energy. Any disturbance or blockages to the energy flow creates imbalances… Physical, mental and emotional stressors can cause subluxations (misalignment of the vertebrae) which interfere with signals getting clearly through your body. This can result in many health problems, including fatigue and insomnia.

Recently, I was feeling more tired than usual – and felt like I was doing “everything else” right. So, I went to see my chiropractor and a cranial sacral therapist. Two days later, I felt much more energized and clear in my head.

I love the analogy I was once given by a chiropractor: “It doesn’t matter how well you can play an instrument if the instrument is out of tune.”

Such is true with our bodies.

What can you do?

Get some body work. This might include getting a massage, acupuncture, chiropractic, reiki, cranial sacral therapy – anything that works for you.

Don’t know where to start? Ask a friend or colleague for a recommendation. Even better if you have a friend in the field who can refer you to another practitioner. And make sure to schedule regular body work, not just when you need it.

3. You are not eating right (or enough).

What – and how much – you eat has a significant effect on your energy levels.

While there are many different diet protocols, there is one thing all the experts can agree on: sugar and processed foods make you feel sluggish and exhausted. They make your blood sugar go haywire, causing you to feel a brief period of energy followed by a crash.

Paradoxically, those are the very things we reach for when we need a hit of energy.

What can you do?

I’ve found two things to be consistently true:

One, you need to eat real, clean food. The food you’re putting into your body is either real or it’s not. Avoid processed foods and especially refined sugars. You’re going to feel so much better for it.

Two, find what works for YOU. Gluten-free, Paleo, Mediterranean, high-fat, plant-based, you name it. Experts and well-meaning friends and family may tell you what’s best, but no one knows your body as well as you do. Pay attention, do you feel energized or fatigued after you eat certain foods? What works – and what doesn’t for YOU? Our bodies have intrinsic wisdom if we are willing to listen – and hear them.

4. You are not really sleeping.

We’ve established that you’re (hopefully) getting enough sleep. But are you getting enough high-quality sleep? Some of the top causes of poor sleep quality include: being on electronics right before bed, interruptions, an uncomfortable mattress or the wrong pillow, grinding your teeth, an inconsistent sleep routine or the fact that you’re not getting through all of the sleep cycles.

What can you do?

Start with the basics: Get off your electronics at least an hour before bed, make sure you have a comfortable pillow and mattress, set a consistent sleep routine, reduce outside noise and sleep in a well-darkened room or wear an eye mask.

If you think you are getting poor quality sleep, do a little more research and see what may be causing the issue and what solutions would work best for you. This article may help you: Poor Sleep Quality Comes from All the Things You Do Since Morning

5. You are stressed or worrying too much.

When you’re stressed, you produce more cortisol (the stress hormone), which can significantly affect your sleep.[1] This is why one of the common side effects of stress is sleep problems.

On top of stress hormones, excessive worry can drain your energy. When you worry, you’re using energy. It’s like when you have an app on your phone that takes up a lot of battery and you have it constantly running the background, your battery will drain more quickly. Such is true with worry and stress.

I think of this very simply. We all start the day with 100 units of energy to use throughout the day. If you’re using half of your energy units worrying, you’re inevitably going to be tired.

What can you do?

Find things that reduce your stress levels. I’ve seen clients have great success with yoga, meditation and exercise. Worrying too much? Get a clear plan in place to take action on what’s worrying you.

6. You are not breathing deeply enough.

Deep breathing increases circulation by bringing oxygen to your muscles and brain. This increased oxygen content in the bloodstream leads to greater energy and healthier muscles, organs and tissues.

To highlight the benefits of deep breathing, I reached out to longtime Yoga Instructor & Ayurveda Wellness Counselor, Vivica Schwartz. Here’s what she shared:[2]

“Most people breathe in to the chest only (shallow breathing) and don’t allow the breath to reach deeper into the abdominal region, due to stress and anxiety. Shifting the breath down, so that it expands the belly (and all the muscles that comprise the diaphragm) is one of the best ways to shift our awareness, quiet the mind, release tension and increase our energy levels”.

What happened when you started to read this one? Did you start breathing more deeply? Great, you’re already on your way.

What can you do?

Make a conscious effort to breathe deeply, more often. Try this from Vivica:

  1. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your lower belly.
  2. Breath smoothly in and out through the nose, noticing how your breath expands three-dimensionally in the ribcage.
  3. Now begin to shift the inhalation into the lower abdomen first, so that the lower hand rises first, then fill the chest area.
  4. Reverse the process on the exhalation, emptying the chest area first, then the lower belly.
  5. Continue like this for a few rounds, visualizing the diaphragm contracting and pushing down and expanding the belly area.

7. You are hanging out with the wrong crowd.

Have you ever known someone who “sucks the life out of you”? After spending time together, you feel tired, drained and exhausted? “Energy vampires” do just that, they suck your energy. It doesn’t matter how much sleep you’re getting; if you’re spending time with people who drain your energy, you’re going to feel tired.

What can you do?

Grab some garlic and your stake and ditch the energy vampires. Make a conscious effort to hang out with people who feed your soul and make you feel energized and alive.

If you need a little help to spot these people out, here it is: 15 Signs Of Negative People

8. You are not moving.

There’s been a lot of research conducted over many years that shows physical activity and exercise improves energy and decreases fatigue.

In a widely acknowledged 2006 study published in Psychological Bulletin, researchers analyzed 70 studies on exercise and fatigue which involved more than 6,800 people. Over 90% of the studies showed the same thing: Sedentary people who completed a regular exercise program reported improved fatigue compared to those that did not exercise.

What can you do?

Get moving! Find ways to increase your exercise and movement. General guidelines are 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise or 75 minutes per week of vigorous activity (or a combination of the two). This can be as simple as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking 20 minutes a day or participating in a sport you enjoy.

Here’re some tips for you: How to Instantly Fall in Love With Moving and Start Shaking off the Extra Pounds

9. You are dehydrated.

The human body is composed of 50-65% water. Some parts of our bodies, like our brain, heart and lungs are more than 70% water. This means even mild dehydration can cause your energy levels to fall.

Fatigue is a telltale sign you are dehydrated. In fact, in a survey of 300 doctors in the UK, 1 in 5 patients who saw their doctor for symptoms such as fatigue and tiredness simply weren’t drinking enough water.

What can you do?

First and foremost, drink enough water. A simple rule of thumb is eight 8-ounce glasses per day. And before you reach for your coffee in the morning, reach for a glass of water first.

However, Doctor and hydration expert Dr. Zach Bush noted,

“Proper hydration is not simply infusing your body with water. More specifically, it’s about getting the water inside your cells. To do that, you need to improve the electrical charges across your cellular membranes. Strategies that improve the electrical charge across your membranes include: reducing EMF (electromagnetic field) exposure, increasing electrolytes, and boosting your fiber intake.”

So, try this intensive hydration protocol: Drink 4 ounces of water every 30 minutes from 7am-7pm for 3 days. During this intense hydration, add electrolytes to every other 4-ounce dose. Then give your body a break from food and water between 7pm and 7am.

Learn more about intracellular hydration with Dr. Bush here .

10. You are too busy.

You know the saying, “If you want something done, ask a busy person.” I say, leave the busy person alone. They clearly have enough on their plate.

I work with many clients, especially moms, who wonder why they are so tired all the time. When I ask them to tell me about “a day in their life”, I get something like this: 6am wake-up , exercise, get the kids off to school, work, drive to after-school activities, get dinner on the table, do hosework, coordinate schedules, bath and bed time (for the kids of course), and then back to work after the kids go to bed. And they wonder why they are tired?

I get it. I’ve been there and I have to be careful of this myself. As a working mom of three young girls, who also wants to be social and active in my community, I know all too well the life of being busy. I’ve had to reign it in, create strategies and make very conscious decisions.

What can you do?

Look at your life as an outside observer or “fly on the wall”. What do you notice? Maybe you need to learn to say no? Perhaps you need to take a step back and identify what’s most important? Or set better boundaries? Perhaps you need to delegate more, outsource or just get some stuff off YOUR plate! Take just ONE thing and start from there.

If you’re a working mom, some advice for you here: 13 Ways Working Moms Can Balance Work and Family (And Be Happy)

11. There is something else going on.

If you’ve tried everything above, you are getting enough sleep and you are still tired, you may want to see your doctor or healthcare professional to uncover any underlying issues. Amongst other things, causes could include medication side effects and other health concerns including thyroid and adrenal dysfunction, anemia and sleep apnea.

What can you do?

See your doctor. Seriously. Make an appointment. If you’re sleeping enough and doing all the “right” things above and you still feel tired, it’s important to identify what could be the cause.

Live with energy again (from now on!)

If you’re sleeping enough and still find yourself tired and exhausted all the time, it’s time to step back and see which of these reasons resonate with you.

In order to get a different result, you have to DO something differently. In order to be more energized and less exhausted, you’re going to need to make some changes.

What changes will you make? Are you going to eat better, exercise more, stay hydrated, take something off your plate, reassess the job you hate or relationship that’s draining you?

Take a few minutes right now and think of 1-3 things you’re going to try. Write them down in your journal, on your phone or send an email to yourself.

Change takes action and it’s time for change. You’ve got this. Take action now and your energy levels will be glad you did!


[1] Dr. Doni: How Cortisol Affects Your Sleep
[2] Vivica Schwartz,Yoga Instructor & Ayurveda Wellness Counselor

The post The Real Reason You Feel Exhausted (And How to Be Energetic Again) appeared first on Lifehack.

Friday 11 May 2018

What Is Clean Eating (Essential Tips + Clean Eating Meal Plan)

10 Natural Diarrhea Remedies to Make You Feel Better Instantly

natural diarrhea remedies

Bathroom fear is real, my friends. You know where the restroom is at every restaurant, mall, and venue you go to. You’ve categorized toilet paper brands on a scale of razor-blade-sharp to pillow-soft. And you’ve mastered the art of quietly going to the bathroom out in public. But you know this is no way to live — constantly tied down to the toilet, hardly able to get through a Netflix binge fest, dinner party, or a full night’s sleep.

Diarrhea is a symptom of an underlying issue. While finding the root of your diarrhea issues may require testing with your doctor or health practitioner, there are many natural remedies you can do to reduce frequency, irritation and urgency. All in an effort to calm the digestive tract down (because it’s working too darn hard right now!) try one or all of these diarrhea remedies the next time you find yourself running to the bathroom.

1. Make herbal tea your friend

Need some fast relief? Herbal teas come in handy for so many health needs — diarrhea included. The best teas to address diarrhea are slippery elm, red raspberry, nettle, mint and cinnamon. Each serves a specific and beneficial purpose for digestive health, so having one or all of them in your cabinets for when the urge hits can help put a stop to the madness.

Slippery elm tea, for example, is extremely soothing to the digestive tract, helping to calm down inflammation and irritation. While it’s best to drink these teas regularly, they can help on the spot as well.

2. Recline and relax

The very nature of diarrhea is painful, so to help ease the pain, lie on your back with a pillow under your knees and then place a hot water bottle on a towel over your abdomen. This will help slow the downward pressure and calm muscle spasms and irritation. While lying in this position, take a few deep breaths. This can help calm the central nervous system, which plays a big role in transit time.

3. Sip on bone or vegetable broth

Like tea, broth is another soothing beverage that can help to address diarrhea.

Bone broth, for example, is made of collagen and gelatin, which help to rebuild and repair damaged cells. If parts of your digestive tract are damaged (which could be why you’re having diarrhea in the first place), bone broth can be quite healing.

Vegetable broth offers many nutrients to the digestive tract to help replenish lost vitamins and minerals due to poor digestion. You can either make broth at home in a crockpot or Instapot or buy pre-made bone broth at your local grocery store.

Here’s a video to teach you how to make chicken bone broth:

4. Avoid dairy, fat, sugar and excess meat

These foods are often the toughest for the body to digest, and as a result, can contribute to an irritated digestive tract.

For example, many of us naturally become depleted of the enzymes necessary to digest diary as we wean from breastfeeding and get nutrients from food instead. When you no longer have the ability to break down milk sugars (called lactose intolerance), it becomes quite difficult to process dairy-based foods, causing them to either sit for longer periods in your system or rapidly be expelled.

Fat is another resource-intensive food group, and meat is often high in fat. If you lack the ability to create the enzyme lipase, which is required to breakdown fat, that too can either cause the food to sit for long periods in your system or rapidly exit via diarrhea.

And because sugar is often highly processed and seen as food to things like Candida, a yeast in the body that can easily become overgrown, this can set the system on high alert and lead to issues like diarrhea.

5. Turn to the BRAT diet

If the above list of foods just cut out a lot of what you are currently eating, here are some new foods to focus on instead. Especially when diarrhea rears its ugly head, go back to basics by eating soft, easier-to-digest foods.

The foods that may benefit you the most during this time have a handy acronym: BRAT. Bananas, rice, apples, and toast (preferably gluten-free) can both give your system a break from digesting tougher foods as well as provide key nutrients to the body.

6. Befriend probiotics

Did you know that the good bacteria inside of us regulate most of the digestion process? However, levels of beneficial bacteria can dip due to overuse of antibiotics, a poor diet, lack of fiber, stress and aging. Overtime, this can cause us to lose full digestive function, causing issues like diarrhea.

Probiotics are the beneficial bacteria that can be taken via supplementation or by eating fermented foods to help restore balance in your digestive tract.

Probiotics can be found in fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi, or in drinks like kefir or kombucha. I

f those don’t excite you, or aren’t accessible at your local grocery store, keep a bottle of probiotic supplements on hand. Look for one that has several billion probiotics and a wide variety of strains.

If you’ve had digestive health issues for quite awhile, it may be beneficial to take probiotics for up to six months, but especially have them on hand for when diarrhea flares up.

7. Load up on aloe vera juice

Aloe vera juice is another incredibly soothing drink to have when you can’t seem to keep anything in. Just like you use aloe vera gel to soothe a sunburn or bug bite, the juice of the aloe plant has a very similar effect on your internal organs. When consumed, aloe provides a soothing coating to the digestive tract.

It’s recommended to drink 2-4oz a few times a day if you’re having diarrhea or general digestive upset. It can also be beneficial to drink it right before a meal to help the food settle in your system better.

Making aloe vera juice is easy, here’s how:

8. Slowly increase fiber intake

Fiber used to be looked down upon in the world of digestive health, but today there is much research on its benefits. Fiber not only helps to clear out toxins and waste (some of which may be causing irritation to the tract, causing diarrhea), in some forms it actually serves as food for your probiotic flora, keeping your good bacteria levels strong and happy.

To start, increase amounts of fiber slowly to get your system accustomed to this food group, especially if it’s not a regular part of your diet right now.

Ground flaxseed can be a great way to begin. Mix 1 tbsp of ground flaxseed in 1 cup of hot water to make a “tea” blend. Overtime, graduate up to dark leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables and soaked nuts or seeds, if tolerated.

If you’re looking for some high fiber foods, here’re some ideas: 20 Ultimate High Fiber Foods To Add To Your Diet

9. Make clay your partner in crime

Bentonite clay, that is. Bentonite clay is useful for removing harmful toxins and bad bacteria in your intestines, allowing good bacteria to flourish. It acts like a vacuum, slowly sucking up toxins from the digestive tract as it moves along. With irritants gone, digestion can begin to resume more normal function.

Please note that bentonite clay should be used with caution as it is very dehydrating. Always take it with ample water and start with a low amount.

10. Help your body better breakdown foods with enzymes

In my last post on home remedies for a stomach ache, I explained the many benefits of digestive enzymes. If the body is having trouble producing enzymes on its own (which are necessary to adequately breakdown proteins, fat, and carbohydrates), that can cause a lot of stress on the system. This can result either in slow or rapid transit time, depending on what else is going on inside, such as an infection or inflammation.

Short-term supplementation with digestive enzymes can help your body to better break down foods, making it easier for your system to absorb nutrients and maintain normal transit time. This can also help reduce undigested food from showing up in your stool.

So long bathroom, hello life!

Wouldn’t it be nice to see less of your bathroom each day? Having personally lived through a digestive health disease that caused me a great deal of bathroom fear and frequent bathroom trips, I know how debilitating and all-consuming diarrhea can be. However, following the tips in this post, you can help your body both in the near- and long-term, slowly making diarrhea a symptom of the past.

Remember to also get your stool tested to find out what else may be at play that is causing diarrhea in the first place. When addressed at the root of the problem, issues like diarrhea can resolve themselves much quicker. The tips in this post will help ensure even faster progress towards that goal.

The post 10 Natural Diarrhea Remedies to Make You Feel Better Instantly appeared first on Lifehack.

Wednesday 9 May 2018

18 Work at Home Jobs for Moms (Well-Paid, Flexible and Fun)

11 Characteristics of a Happy and Healthy Relationship

Each and every day as a therapist, I talk to couples who are having issues. Issues serious enough that they have reached out for help. My job is to help them come to a decision about whether to move forward together or separately, which can be difficult. Sometimes, I have found, love and communication are not enough to stay together.

This article will help you understand what IS enough to stay together — what’s required to create and maintain happy and healthy relationships.

1. Get back on track with communication

No relationship, romantic or other, is going to proceed without conflict. What ends up getting the relationship back on track is good communication. Communication, therefore, is the single most important factor in the health of a relationship because it represents the relationship’s ability to self-correct. But what makes for good communication? Entire books could be written on this, but for now let’s keep it simple:

  • Preemptive: Easier to be upfront because then problems can be spoken about instead of experienced.
  • Consistent: No point in communicating some of the time, or only on certain issues; it only works if it’s always happening.
  • Honest: Good communication is a trust-building act, bringing you and the other person closer (see below). Dishonesty has the opposite effect.

2. Start with trust

A relationship must have a foundation of trust to succeed. I could make a logical argument for why this must be the case, but instead, imagine what it would be like to have a relationship with someone you fundamentally mistrusted. Not enjoyable, am I right?

A lack of trust often initiates a vicious cycle. The one who is distrustful often causes the other partner to become secretive, even about things he or she does not need to hide, just to secure some privacy and control. This gives the suspicious person more to suspect.

Overall, a lack of trust or a breach of trust is one of the most difficult situations to overcome in a relationship.

Learn how to build trust from this article: 5 Things You Can Do To Build Trust Quickly

3. Align on core values

Core values can be defined simply as those you cannot tolerate a partner NOT to share. Most relationships can have healthy disagreements about a wide variety of subjects, but each person has their “non-negotiable” beliefs. For some, this might be politics; for others, it might be whether to have children; between friends, it might be a matter of ethics.

Whatever your non-negotiables, it is important that your partner share them; otherwise you will constantly feel as if you are compromising on a deeply personal level.

However, keep in mind that not all beliefs are set in stone. If both people are willing to hear each other out, they might be surprised at the compromises they discover.

Check out these tips if you think you and your partner are slightly different from each other: How to Stay Together When You Are Different From Each Other

4. Use intimacy as a gauge

Although intimacy often stands in for sex in the psychological community, it can mean much more than that. I would define intimacy as an ability to communicate in a uniquely interpersonal level with another person, which can certainly happen between friends and family members as well as romantic partners. One subset of intimacy is sex, though, and in a romantic relationship this is one of the major readings of its health and happiness.

Sex in a relationship is similar to flossing, in that people who floss tend to live longer. It is not that flossing increases your life expectancy directly, but rather that those who tend to floss also tend to care for themselves in other ways, all of which lead to a longer life. Same thing with sex: a healthy sex life does not equal a healthy relationship, but it is an indication of many other positive things going on in addition to the benefit it brings by itself.

If your sex life is not where you’d want it to be, use it as a starting point to figure out what part of your relationship could change for the better.

5. Nurture vulnerability

One of the cherished things about being in a close relationship is that you can share things with another person that you do not share with anyone else. As a therapist, I am acutely aware of how much this contributes to our mental health. Simply being able to confide in someone about all the small and big things of your life is of enormous value — and the major reason why we enter into relationships in the first place.

Being able to share intimate details relies on a willingness to be vulnerable. This is a two-way street. Both you and your partner must develop an ability to be open as well as accept, nurture and respect the other’s openness. Vulnerability depends on this positive, reciprocal cycle.

You can find more benefits of being vulnerable here: Accept Yourself (Flaws and All): 7 Benefits of Being Vulnerable

6. Discuss the future: Children

Surprisingly, sharing a common past does not necessarily result in better relationships across the board. But sharing a vision of the future is essential in certain key areas: children, finances, and lifestyle. All of these are intertwined, of course, but it is important to understand your partner’s vision for each of these things.

One of the most common scenarios is a married couple who cannot agree on whether to have children. As you can imagine, both people feel very strongly about having or not having children. The heartbreaking thing is that there may be love, good communication, trust and shared values, but over time the couple cannot find a compromise for this extremely important life decision.

7. Discuss the future: Finances

At first, it is difficult to see how finances have anything to do with a relationship, but among couples and even among friends, differences in attitude toward money can create a serious rift.

Two friends who have two very different attitudes toward spending, for example, will have a hard time deciding what to do together. A couple in this situation will have a constant stressor on their hands, especially if finances become tight.

While it is not absolutely necessary to have identical attitudes toward money and spending, it is an important topic to discuss.

8. Discuss the future: Lifestyle

Lifestyle is sort of a catch-all phrase that includes aspects of life outside of children and finances that a couple will have to negotiate. This includes big things like how to spend leisure time or whether to be exclusive sexually as well as seemingly little things like diet or sleep. The point is that we all have preferences and needs, and when another person enters the picture with their own preferences and needs, we are forced to compromise.

When it comes to lifestyle, I have found in my practice that those who meet in their younger years have a harder time adjusting to their partner’s lifestyle. This is probably because our preferences and needs crystallize as we age. Couples who meet when they are older have a greater knowledge of their likes and dislikes, and tend to factor this into whether they would be compatible with each other.

9. Find a balance between dependence and independence

As mentioned in the trust section, the ability to rely on each other is a sign of strength. In fact, a relationship will stagnate without it. But as with everything, there must be a balance.

Too much dependence is just as tiring as too much independence. Without any dependence, neither partner feels as if he or she is part of a team, whereas with too much dependence, one or both partners is likely to feel overwhelmed.

In short, each member of the relationship has the responsibility to maintain a balance between relying too much on the other person and not relying on the other person at all.

10. Remember friends and family

This is an often-overlooked feature of a happy relationship because much of the beginning part of the relationship does not involve family and friends. Two people get to know each other by themselves and find they are beginning to form a strong relationship. But then comes the next stage when that person meets the other important people in their lives.

Couples tend to forget that how they fit into each other’s friends and family groups is important. As with core values, the important thing here is tolerance. Even if the person does not get along perfectly with your family and friends, is it tolerable? Can everyone basically get along?

Of course, the more seamlessly they fit into your circles the better, but this only really becomes a problem when the fit is so bad that you hesitate to bring them around.

11. Maintain commitment

In the beginning of most relationships, very little commitment is needed. Everything is rosy and you cannot imagine anything going wrong. I see many couples who are just coming down from their dating or marriage highs and are lacking one key component: a commitment to each other.

Commitment may be defined as a willingness to stay with the other person through times where it is no longer fun or easy to do so. Successful long-term relationships weather many such periods. Here are some other things to keep in mind about commitment:

  • Commitment is easier when we appreciate qualities in a person that do not change with circumstance — when we appreciate their sense of humor, for example, instead of their salary.
  • Too much commitment can be harmful. It can cause many people to stay in abusive relationships far too long. Healthy commitment is keeping a perspective on the qualities of the person that you love, whereas unhealthy commitment is elevating commitment itself above your happiness.
  • Commitment is also a two-way street: it is more sustainable to stay committed to someone who is staying committed to us.

Hopefully you have recognized each item on this list as at least a factor in your relationship. Problems are especially troublesome when you or your partner are not even aware of them.

If an item or two on the list jumps out as being problematic in your relationship(s), return to item #1: Use communication to get back on track. Communication or the relationship’s ability to self-correct is always the starting point for change.

Featured photo credit: pixabay via

The post 11 Characteristics of a Happy and Healthy Relationship appeared first on Lifehack.

Monday 7 May 2018

5 Benefits of BCAAs for Strength and Recovery

24 Fun Things to Do with Kids (From Indoor Activities to Outdoor Fun)

You’re at home with the kids, your spouse is at work and it’s a beautiful day outside but you have no clue what to do with the kids. You’ve already taken them to the park 4 times this week (and it’s only Wednesday) and you and the kids are both getting sick of it.

Or you’re home with the kids, your spouse is at work and it’s pouring rain outside and now the park isn’t even an option, so now what do you do?

Allow us to hopefully spark some new ideas to entertain your kids and you with in this list of fun things to do with kids:

Indoor ideas

1. Romp it up

Where I live, my city has a great kids program called Tot Romp. It’s a space at a local community centre where they set up toys, slides, games, and activities for the kids to play with. It’s a great way to get out of the house, play with new toys and meet new families. It costs a couple bucks each time you go so it’s a relatively low cost option.

Check your local community guide for times and locations.

2. Go for a stroll

While it’s super easy to go for a walk to the park, what about when it rains?

One of my favourite places to go in that case is the mall. It’s a great way to burn off some energy and do a little window shopping. Chances are it won’t be super busy if you go midday so you will probably feel more comfortable letting the kids just go.

As an added bonus, a lot of malls now have a children’s play space for your kids to climb around on.

3. MasterChef your house

You know there’s a Junior version for MasterChef? Well, why not involve your juniors in making a meal.

Lunches and dinners can seem like an endless task and a challenging one with the kids stuck inside. What better way to combat those problems than having your kids help? Sure it might get a little messy but it’s bound to create some great memories.

Thinking about what to make with your kids? Check out 40 Easy Recipes To Cook With Kids

4. Bake away

A great way to get your kids involved in the snacks they eat or help you with is any baking you need to do.

Added bonus – this can help with math skills as you measure out ingredients.

5. Get lost at the blue and yellow

IKEA is one of those places that can easily take up a whole day depending on how you do it. (And how many times you get lost).

If your kids are old enough, they can be dropped off in the kids play area and you can shop (or have a coffee and snack for an hour or so). And even if they aren’t old enough, they can still run around the showroom with you and then you can all grab a cheap bite to eat at the end of the day.

6. Make a me- I mean, paint

Put down an old table cloth (or one from the dollar store) and put your little one in the highchair, give them some child friendly paints and let them go!

Whether you use paper or not, sure it’d be a good time!

7. Future Olympian in training

Many communities are so great at providing things to do for families with kids that we often forget to use them as a resource.

Gymnastics is one of the best ways for kids to burn off A LOT of energy. It’s safe and fun for them to run and run for an hour or two. It’s often cheap – or free – so it’s worth seeing what your community has to offer.

8. Switch it up

With my kids, I’ve noticed that they often are so bored of seeing the same toys, same spaces and same games, so why not switch it up?

Take your kids to a friend’s place. This will give the kids new surroundings, new toys and new games to play with that will entertain them for a while.

You can even swap with friends so that one person isn’t always hosting. It gets your child out of the house and provides great social interaction, and hopefully a new friendship or two.

9. To grandmother’s house we go

Besides you, chances are that nobody loves your kids as much as their grandparents. We’ve heard it said that being a grandparent is all the fun of being a parent with none of the responsibility. While that’s mostly true, they’re still responsible for the kids when they have them, the fun part is definitely true.

My kids love their grandparents and they always have a blast with them so why not let them spend more time with them?

10. Go on a date

If you have multiple kids, it can be really hard to get one on one time with them.

A great idea is to go on a date with one kid each week. One week mom takes a kid out, next week dad takes a kid out until each parents has had a date with each kid, then start all over again.

This is a great way to slow things down or speed them up while getting to focus all your attention on just one kid.

Here’s a sweet video about a dad taking his daughter on the first date:

11. Kids cafe

This one is similar to the one above but I know in my area, there is a couple of cafes that have a designated play space for kids and great snacks for parents. They often run different events such as music classes which can be a great day out.

12. Train your little Michael Phelps

This one can be indoor or out, but the pool is a great option to burn off that excess energy and it’s super fun for everyone. Just don’t forget sunscreen if you’re outdoors.

And after, the kids will drop like a rock for a fantastic nap!

13. Treat yo self

This one is for those of you with girls. The spa is always a good time whether it’s just getting your nails done or going for a full spa day with massage and everything.

Either plan an at home spa day or treat your kiddo and go get the pros to do it. Personally, we like the home one better, you can make up facial scrubs or pick up masks from the dollar store, paint each other’s nails and eat yummy treats!

Outdoor ideas

14. Take me out to the ball game

Chances are it’s getting close to baseball season where you live. If you’re lucky, like I am in Vancouver, you may even have a professional or semi-professional team close by.

Take the family out to a ball game for the night. If you’re on a budget, go to the local park one evening and watch the kids play.

15. Catch some rays

Take the kids to the beach. With summer fast approaching, go visit it! It doesn’t even need to be summer for this, cloudy days mean it’s going to be less busy and give your kid more space to run and explore! Pack a picnic lunch and you’re basically set.

You can even check out these beach hacks before you head out to the beach with your kids.

16. Take a ride

One thing I love to do is go for local drives and find new places to explore. Doing this with the kids can be awesome!

Ask them what they see out the window, just make sure your destination has some space for kids to get their energy out!

17. Search out a new park

Do you have errands to run in a different part of the city? Google up the top playgrounds in the area and make that a pit stop after running your errands.

Who knows, it might just become a new favorite!

18. Farmers’ markets

You don’t need to be a farmer to attend a farmer’s market. Often times there are farmers markets or festivals that are free to attend and will have music and different performances. It’s a great way to check out different interests and businesses in your community!

And for your reference, take a look at America’s best farmers’ markets here.

19. Chalk it up

Chalk is great for a few reasons, it’s super cheap, fun for the kids and harmless on clothing.

You can pick it up from the dollar store (or make it yourself if you’re really ambitious, another thing to do with the kids) and head out your front door for some cheap fun!

You can have drawing contests, draw roads or play hop scotch. Don’t forget to bring out the kids toys to play on after or simply sit and play endless games of X’s & O’s. You can find even more ways to play with chalk here.

20. Go for a scavenger hunt

Scavenger hunts are great for kids. It gives them a task that they have to complete. If your kids are as determined as mine are, they will love it.

There are lots of free lists online or simply make your own before you leave. Head out for a walk and have your kids either gather the items on a list, take a picture or point them out to you. It puts a new spin on your ordinary walks.

21. Zoo-m off

If you have a zoo in your area, go spend the day there. If you don’t have a big zoo, maybe there’s a petting zoo close by. Pack a lunch for the day and head out!

Kids love animals and being able to walk around so much, this is a win-win situation.

22. Go chasing airplanes

One of the best dates I ever took my wife on was a trip to the airport late at night. We took a pickup truck, lots of blankets and pillow and laid in the bed watching airplanes land.

Chances are good that there is an airport near you, go spend an afternoon there. The kids can run around while you wait for any planes and then help count them, what colour are they, guess where they came from etc.

Tip – make sure you have ear protection for children that are really young!

23. Head to the great outdoors

Whether it’s in your backyard or out in the back country, camping was always a favourite memory of mine.

Getting out the tent and sleeping bags, and roasting marshmallows is a guaranteed good time for parents and kids!

Don’t miss these family camping tips to make camping safe and fun for everyone.

24. Fight the kids

Have a water fight! Kids love competition, especially if it’s against their parents. Find your inner child, get out your water gun and set teams, maybe even set up barriers and have a good old fashioned water fight.

We hope this list has given you a few new ideas to entertain both you and the kids.

This week choose one item from the list that you haven’t done before. No more using weather as an excuse either because we gave you indoor and outdoor ideas.

After you’ve done it, come back here and pick another one for the next week!

Featured photo credit: Unsplash via

The post 24 Fun Things to Do with Kids (From Indoor Activities to Outdoor Fun) appeared first on Lifehack.