Thursday 29 September 2016

8 Steps To Get Yourself Away From Procrastination


For many of us, the stresses and strains of life, in general, can be too much to handle. There is simply so much to think about along the way that getting to where you want to be can be hard work. Procrastination, as ever, becomes a significant problem along the way and can leave you chasing your tail a little bit. Getting away from handling a heavy workload is tough as that massive scale can make you only take on small increments as time goes on.

It’s not always an indicator of your ability – or lack of – but usually of an ability to stay focused and committed to getting the job done. When this happens, you need to be able to move heaven and earth to get yourself moving towards dropping procrastination from your life of problems for good. If you need help in breaking free of the grip of procrastination and never getting anything done, then this should offer the perfect solutions to you by making sure that you try and;

1. Set The Right Goals

The first thing you need to think about is setting the right goals. You might be looking at the end-game as the “right” goal. But, this is the wrong way to look at things. Instead, you need to look and find the best way for you to start building towards the goal. It’s not always about getting to the endgame, but making progress towards that. If you need to look at the goal in smaller increments, then it can help you stop procrastinating as the task feels less gargantuan in size. To minimize procrastination time, set yourself a deadline of 48hrs to work out what the right goals are.

2. Identify The Motivating Factors 

When we have a motivation to continue to push on even when we feel tired, it can make procrastination a lot easier to overcome. However, this takes a lot of hard work and self-determination to manage, so it will take a considerable amount of work on your end to get to this point. Take a half day or half night and work out what is driving you, why it’s driving you, and how you can make the most of that situation in the near future. Just having a reason which motivates you can be so useful to ensuring that things actually get done.

3. Create a Concrete Action Plan for the Final Goal

How are you going to achieve what you intended to? Do you have a concrete plan for doing so? If not, you need one. When you don’t know how to go about something, it’s a lot harder to actually convince yourself to try and do it. To avoid this problem, you just need to start taking a few hours per day to work out the path to success. Break it down into a small army of minor tasks that can be achieved on an hourly or daily basis. This keeps you moving towards the grand endgame, which is so incredibly useful to understand.

4. Create a To-Do List for the Day

Now we have a plan to work with and will be able to start moving towards something fresh and innovative in our lives, we need to start looking at building a To-Do list. Making a serious to-do list to follow is as important as seeing through all your objectives. Start by simply creating something that follows the Why, How and When pattern above. In no time at all, this will be built up with a structured list of tasks that can pay massive dividends when you are trying to start moving the project towards overall completion.

5. Set the Timer

How will you go about dealing with the procrastination side of things? You need to have a start date and a start time. Set strict deadlines that fit in with your personal and professional life and ensure that you adhere to them. Meeting targets in this fashion is great for your confidence and for helping you improve as an individual, in the long run, so make sure that you always consider this in your unique battle against procrastination.

6. Commit Yourself to the Plan

It is essential to follow a schedule in order to be fully accountable to your process and move forward towards progress. When you have clarity, a plan, and a way of going about that plan it becomes so much easier to manage and prepare yourself to do the job that you are being asked to carry out. Remember that avoiding tasks because you could not remember you had to do them, is also called procrastination!

7. Find Supporters

You need to be able to shut off that voice in your head that tells you to come back tomorrow, and the best way to do that is with all of the above. To get the help that you need with self-discipline, find some supporters. Share your goals and plans with people who you know will support and motivate you. It is important that you find the right cheerleaders as the wrong ones will actually pull you down and demotivate you.

8. Keep on Trying

As always, improving on any areas of your life is not an easy task. Make sure that even if you sometimes fail (even more often than you expected) you should keep on trying, no matter what. Be strong and accomplish your objectives. Remember, do not procrastinate!

Featured photo credit: via

The post 8 Steps To Get Yourself Away From Procrastination appeared first on Lifehack.

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