Thursday 24 November 2016

3 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Owing Guns For Self-Defense


Among various means of protection and personal safety measures, carrying guns is also one good way to ensure personal safety and self-defense measures. Owning a gun for a self-protective and defensive purposes actually is quite different than owning a gun to fight crime and criminals, such as those being used by police and military men.

The first question that you need to ask, however, before thinking of acquiring a gun as a means of self-defense, is would you or could you kill somebody with your gun in an act defending yourself in case some untoward incident would happen?

1. Understanding your purpose

Obviously, we need to first understand self-defense, the true meaning and the circumstance in which case having a gun would be worthwhile for own personal safety and the safety of the family. If we are just dealing with minor thugs, guns might not be an answer. Instead, installation of various alarm systems such as home alarm systems or latching up the bolts in windows and doors will be enough to solve the problem of such burglary.

But what if you are dealing with armed criminals who are intruding to your home and posing a significant risk to your own personal safety and to the safety of your loved ones?

Especially if you are situated far from the densely populated area where emergency help will take some time to reach you, guns might be considered a good way of making sure that we are protecting our loved ones. Use of guns in defensive purpose might not only save your lives but will also help avoid unfavorable circumstances. If you shoot the gun in the air, wouldn’t any intruders be alarmed enough to lose interest to risk their lives just to break in your house? That’s exactly what the defensive purpose of guns work like.

2. Gun ownership is not cheap

It is very expensive, especially when we talk about getting appropriate or revoking suspended license for the gun. It definitely costs much more than just installing a home alarm or maintaining a dog as a means of protection of your house. However, gun adds as a self-protective measure to a large group of the population and are often used by many political figures personally or through their bodyguards.

3. It is not meant for violence

It needs to be reminded, though, that gun ownership doesn’t mean the owner goes to fight the criminals. This is not allowed as well. There are some rules that need to be adhered and followed before the government authority issues you a permit. Firstly, getting a license to get a gun is a hard work. Getting a license for a gun is different from state to state and you may have to complete firearms safety course, submit your application along with fingerprints, and get your license. Only after you get a license will you be able to legally own a gun.

However, as seen in a large population, gun ownership is actually just a self-protective means. Once a gun has been acquired, what most people tend to do with it is just keep the gun in a drawer, in a safe deposit or tactical backpack where they can stash money, or similar location just to use it in an emergency life-threatening condition for personal safety and self-defense use.

In summary, a gun is a pretty effective means of ensuring a personal safety. However, one thing to be noted is the gun in itself is not an evil. It is how a person uses it that makes it a useful tool or an evil castaway. So if you plan to keep a gun for your personal safety, make sure you are using it at an extreme of self-defense.

The post 3 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Owing Guns For Self-Defense appeared first on Lifehack.

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