Wednesday 5 April 2023

Why You Feel Unproductive And What To Dot

Feeling unproductive is an all-too-common experience that can leave you feeling frustrated and guilty. It’s as if you’re stuck in quicksand—the more you try to get out, the deeper you sink. As the day comes to an end, you’re left with a nagging sense of regret, wondering where all the time went and why you weren’t able to accomplish more.

But it’s not just about feeling unproductive. The true danger of unproductivity is the cycle of time poverty it creates. When you’re unproductive, it’s difficult to manage your time effectively, resulting in a state of constant overwhelm. With seemingly too many things to do in too little time, you’re left with a sense of urgency that never quite goes away.

According to VoucherCloud research,[1] the average office worker is only productive for two hours and 23 minutes per day. Assuming an eight-hour workday, office workers waste an average of five hours and 37 minutes per day, which is more than half of the working hour. This represents a significant daily loss of time!

If you’re tired of feeling stuck in this unproductive rut, you’re not alone.

In this article, we’ll look at the causes of unproductivity and offer actionable steps you can take to reclaim your time and increase your productivity. You’ll find valuable insights and strategies to help you overcome the barriers that are holding you back, whether you’re a busy professional or simply someone looking to make the most of each day.

Why Do You Feel Unproductive?

Feeling unproductive is a complex experience influenced by a variety of factors. Let’s look at some of the most common reasons why you might be feeling unproductive and what might be contributing to this difficult state:

Overwhelmed by Tasks

The overwhelming sense of having too much to do is one of the main reasons people feel unproductive.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when your to-do list grows by the minute and you have a plethora of responsibilities to juggle. This sense of overwhelm can lead to decision fatigue, causing you to postpone action or become stuck in analysis paralysis.

The mental strain of juggling multiple tasks can lead to feelings of helplessness and lower overall productivity.

Lack of Distraction Management Skills

Distractions are everywhere in today’s hyper-connected world, from smartphones and social media to emails and notifications.

Without a strategy for dealing with distractions, it’s easy to become sidetracked from your intended tasks, resulting in fragmented focus and decreased efficiency. For example, you might find yourself constantly bombarded by emails, instant messages, and impromptu meetings, making it difficult to complete your core tasks and resulting in decreased productivity.

Wanting to Have Complete Control

Perfectionism and the desire to have complete control over every detail can stifle productivity. Pursuit of perfection can result in excessive time spent on minor details, ultimately delaying completion and preventing forward progress.

For instance, a writer who obsessively revises and rewrites every sentence may struggle to finish a draft, missing deadlines and feeling unproductive as a result.

To take meaningful action, you may need to let go of the need for total control.

A Lack of Clear Direction

Maintaining motivation and focus is difficult without a clear sense of direction or specific goals. Ambiguity about the desired outcome can result in ineffective efforts and disengagement.

I recall one of our editors telling me that he was feeling unproductive despite the fact that he was constantly researching new content ideas, editing articles, and communicating with writers. It turns out he wasn’t clear on his role’s objective with our new content direction. He was pursuing multiple ideas at the same time without making significant progress in any of them.

Clearly defined goals provide you with a sense of purpose as well as a road map to follow, allowing you to stay on track and avoid pointless effort.

Absence of Prioritization

Ineffective task prioritization can lead to unproductive behaviors. When everything seems equally important, you may find yourself jumping from one task to the next without making significant progress on any of them.

Think of a salesperson who spends too much time on administrative tasks while ignoring high-value activities such as building client relationships. They may struggle to meet their sales targets.

Short of Energy

To accomplish anything meaningful, both time and energy are required. If you arrive at work exhausted, you will be unable to perform to your full potential and will end up frustrating yourself by attempting to make up time. However, if you’re energized and alert, you’ll be able to work more efficiently and effectively.

So when you’re tired, burned out, or under chronic stress, your ability to concentrate and perform at your best suffers.

Today’s long shifts without adequate rest and self-care are an example of what leads to burnout in healthcare workers, which affects their ability to focus and deliver high-quality care and even results in medical errors.

Loss of Motivation

It is difficult to stay engaged and committed to your tasks when you lack motivation. Aside from internal factors like goal clarity and energy level, external factors like these can have an impact on your motivation:

  • Lack of recognition: Do your efforts and contributions go unnoticed or unacknowledged? Feeling unappreciated can lead to decreased engagement and effort.
  • Inadequate or unfair compensation: Compensation is an external reward, and when it is perceived to be lacking, it may reduce one’s motivation to perform well.
  • Limited growth opportunities: A lack of opportunities for career advancement, skill development, or personal growth can lead to decreased motivation, as we are often motivated by the prospect of achieving our career goals and growing professionally.

What To Do When You Feel Unproductive

Feeling unproductive can be frustrating, but there are practical steps you can take to regain your sense of productivity and get back on track.

If you believe that your unproductivity is being caused by external motivation factors, it’s time to reflect and consider whether you should continue doing what you’re doing. You might find this article helpful: Signs You Need a Career Change

But if you believe you are unproductive for other reasons, here are 7 strategies to help you break free from the cycle of unproductivity:

1. Reflect on Your Goal

Spend some time reflecting on your goal or what you want to accomplish. A lack of clarity can have a negative impact on your motivation and productivity.

Consider why and what is truly important to you. Then, set a specific, measurable goal that is in line with your values and aspirations.

For instance, if you’re a freelance writer, think about your long-term objectives. Do you want to write for a major publication, write a book, or start a successful blog? Clarifying your ultimate goal will provide you with direction and purpose, allowing you to stay motivated as you work toward it.

If coming up with long-term goals is too difficult for you right now, try setting a daily goal or weekly goal. These goals can motivate you to kickstart working on something meaningful.

The Ultimate Guide to Goal Setting & Goal Achieving will teach you how to get back on track.

Reflect on Your Goal

3 Actions
Consider why and what is truly important to you.
Try setting a daily goal or weekly goal if you find it diificult to come up with a long-term goal for now.
Read The Ultimate Guide to Goal Setting & Goal Achieving and learn how to set a SMARTer goal.

2. Break Down Your Goal into Smaller Tasks

Large and difficult tasks can be intimidating, resulting in procrastination. So, break your goal down into smaller, more manageable tasks that you can complete one step at a time. Focusing on smaller tasks can help you in gaining momentum and making progress.

To effectively break down tasks, I use the Rewind & Reduce Method. Let me show you how I used it when I was launching a new online productivity course:

Step 1. Rewind

I began by determining the project’s ultimate goal: Launch an online productivity course with at least 1,000 enrolled students within the first month.

With this goal in mind, I worked backward to identify the key milestones required to achieve it:

  • Milestone 1: Develop the course curriculum and content.
  • Milestone 2: Produce high-quality course videos and materials.
  • Milestone 3: Market and promote the course to attract students.
  • Milestone 4: Monitor enrollment and gather feedback for course improvement.

Step 2. Reduce

Next, I broke down each milestone into bite-sized actions that could be completed in an hour:

For example, for Milestone 1:

  • Task 1: Research and outline the key topics for the course curriculum.
  • Task 2: Write detailed lesson plans for each module of the course.

Step 3. Summarize

Finally, I added up all of my estimates for each milestone to arrive at a reasonably accurate timeline.

Milestone 1 was expected to take four hours, Milestone 2 five hours, and so on. I had a clear timeline for the project after adding the estimated times for all milestones.

By using the Rewind and Reduce Method, I was able to break down my project into manageable tasks and create a realistic timeline to achieve my goal.

You can learn more about how to use the Rewind & Reduce Method here.

Break Down Your Goal into Small Tasks

3 Actions
Break your goal down into smaller, more manageable tasks that you can complete one step at a time.
Focus on smaller tasks to help you gain momentum and make progress.
Read How to Break Down a Large Project into Manageable Tasks to learn how to apply the Rewind & Reduce Method further.

3. Prioritize with the Superstructure Method

Prioritization is essential to avoid feeling overwhelmed when multiple tasks compete for your attention. You can use the Superstructure Method to intelligently prioritize tasks.

The Superstructure Method allows you to categorize tasks as “Must-Haves,” “Should-Haves,” or “Good-to-Haves,” and then schedule them based on their alignment with your goal.

Let me show you how the Superstructure Method works:

Imagine yourself as a project manager balancing a number of tasks. Using the Superstructure Method, you could categorize tasks as follows:

  • Must-Haves: Finalizing the project plan, securing stakeholder approvals.
  • Should-Haves: Scheduling team meetings, updating the project management tool.
  • Good-to-Haves: Organizing team-building activities, exploring additional resources.

To ensure the project’s success, prioritize the “Must-Haves.” This is how you avoid becoming overwhelmed by multiple tasks.


3 Actions
Use the Superstructure Method to categorize tasks into 3 groups: Must-Haves, Should-Haves, and Good-to-Haves.
Prioritize the must-haves and schedule other tasks in accordance with your goals.

4. Use the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique involves working for 25 minutes (a “Pomodoro” session) followed by a 5-minute break. This technique allows you to maintain mental energy by keeping you focused during each session while allowing for regular breaks.

For instance, a marketing professional working on a campaign proposal can structure their workday into focused intervals like this:

  • Pomodoro #1: Draft the campaign objectives and target audience.
    Break: Stand up, stretch, and refill their water bottle.
  • Pomodoro #2: Create a list of potential marketing channels and tactics.
    Break: Take a brief walk around the office or step outside for fresh air.
  • Pomodoro #3: Develop the budget and timeline for the campaign.
    Break: Take a moment to relax and do some deep breathing exercises.
  • Pomodoro #4: Review and edit the proposal for clarity and coherence.

Continue in this pattern to stay focused, increase productivity, and avoid burnout. Remember to take a longer break after completing 4 Pomodoros in a row.

I go over how to use the Pomodoro Technique in more detail in The Pomodoro Technique: What It Is & How It Boosts Productivity

Use the Pomodoro Technique

3 Actions
Structure your workday info focused intervals with different Pomodor sessions: work for 25 minutes (a “Pomodoro” session), then followed by a 5-minute break.
Take a longer break after completing 4 Pomodoros in a row.

5. Eliminate Distractions

The number one productivity killer is distraction. Distractions are classified into two types: internal distractions and external distractions.

Internal distractions are negative thoughts and emotions brought on by a difficult or overwhelming task. These negative emotions cause you to want to avoid the task at hand and do something else that will make you feel better. Breaking down a difficult task is a good way to deal with this type of distraction. Simply go over the second strategy again “Break Down Your Goal Into Smaller Tasks” for details.

External distractions, on the other hand, come from outside of ourselves. Phone calls, notifications, social media, and noise are among them. When you need to focus, remove yourself from obvious sources of interruption by turning off smartphone notifications, closing social media tabs, and wearing noise-canceling headphones.

Training your focus muscle can also assist you in remaining productive in the long run. Here’s how it’s done: How to Focus & Stay Sharp – A Comprehensive Guide

Eliminate Distractions

3 Actions
Eliminate internal distractions by breaking overwhelming tasks into manageable ones.
Remove yourself from obvious sources of distractions such as phone notifications and social media when you need to focus.
Read How to Focus & Stay Sharp – A Comprehensive Guide and learn how to boost your focus.

6. Learn to Calm Your Mind

Meditation and mindfulness practices can help to calm an overactive mind while also improving focus and decreasing stress. Make daily meditation a part of your routine. You can use guided meditation apps or simply do deep breathing exercises for 10-15 minutes each day.

Also, learn to let go of what you can’t control and focus on what you can. For instance, when my team member was concerned about a delayed shipment, I encouraged her to focus on communicating with customers and finding solutions rather than dwelling on the delay itself. The article How to Learn to Let Go of What You Can’t Control will inspire you.

Calm Your Mind

3 Actions
Make daily meditation a part of your routine.
Use guided meditation apps or do deep breathing exercises for 10-15 minutes each day

7. Balance Your Energy Meter

Our energy levels fluctuate throughout the day, and certain activities can either increase or decrease our energy levels. Writing a proposal, for example, requires more mental energy than responding to emails.

It’s ideal to group together all of the important tasks, such as brainstorming ideas, writing proposals, and preparing for a presentation. However, with all of these energy-draining tasks crammed together, we will all be exhausted and our productivity will suffer.

In order to maintain a balanced energy level throughout, try to schedule activities and tasks based on the energy they require. Also, take regular breaks and engage in activities that recharge you, such as exercise, reading, or spending time outside.

Learn more about how to maintain your energy by reading Why Am I So Tired & How To Boost My Energy.

By implementing the above strategies, you can overcome inefficiency, increase focus, and improve overall performance.

Balance Your Energy Meter

4 Actions
Identify which activities give you energy and which drain it.
Schedule activities and tasks based on the energy they require and balance your energy level throughout.
Take regular breaks and engage in activities that recharge you, such as exercise, reading, or spending time outside.
Read Why Am I So Tired & How To Boost My Energy for more energy boosting tips.

Final Thoughts

Unproductivity is a challenge that many of us face from time to time, but it is not an insurmountable barrier.

Understanding the underlying causes of unproductivity—from feeling overwhelmed by tasks to external distractions, lack of motivation, and burnout—allows us to take proactive steps to address these barriers and reclaim our productivity.

Remember that productivity is a journey, and that small, consistent steps can lead to significant gains over time. While it is natural to have periods of unproductivity, the key is to not let these periods define you. Instead, use them to reassess, recalibrate, and regain control of your time and efforts.

So, as you go forward, I encourage you to take action and put the strategies outlined in this article into practice. With a positive attitude and a dedication to self-improvement, you can overcome the barriers to productivity and realize your full potential.

Featured photo credit: Remy_Loz via


The post Why You Feel Unproductive And What To Dot appeared first on Lifehack.

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