Thursday 14 May 2015

8 Lists To Keep If You Want To Be Successful


Successful people keep lists so that they do not forget certain things or simply to track their progress. Most of the time, such lists have a way of contributing positively to their success, since they offer balance and direction. Also a list helps you to be organized and focused. I keep a list in my phone and my tablet so that I always have it handy. Wherever you keep your lists, here are some things you should keep written down to help you attain success.

1. Creative ideas

Ideas can be very volatile. They are important to your success, as one idea could change the direction and course of your whole life. This is why it is essential to have a list of ideas written down. These ideas should be the ones you want to act upon or that excite you just as you receive their spark. Many successful minds have a way of carrying a journal or notebook at all times. This way, when an idea pops up, they write it down so they won’t forget them for future use.

2. Books to be read

Every successful person reads. Reading books boost your chances for success, as they are one item that could challenge you intellectually and inspire smart decisions. Whether it is a non-fiction or a fictional work, always have a list of the books that will satisfy your career or success interests. Sometimes such books are recommended by others, while other times we simply stumble upon them.

3. Thoughts to share with others

Just like creative ideas that could trigger your success, it is important to write something that could inspire and educate others. Success is not just about you, but also offering others a hand in achieving their own success. You could be offering thoughts or knowledge in the form of blog posts, an article in a famous magazine, or a book. This could also propel your career and make you an authority in your field.

4. The interesting people you have met

I once met an important and knowledgeable person at a conference. Even after a very interesting discussion, I did not take down his contact information. This is something I still regret, because who knows what and when I would have needed his expert advice again? It is always important to keep a list of interesting people you have met and how you can once again reach out to them. Their knowledge and expertise could add to the talent pool of a business you are building or working for.

5. Media persons

From TV hosts to journalists, media persons can be pivotal to offering you the recognition you need to be successful. Reaching out and keeping a list of such persons can be rewarding and offer the needed boost in publicity you need. Don’t be shy to connect with a media person or to engage them on social media. Make sure you are noticed by them.

6. Progress journal

Success requires that you keep track of your progress. Many successful persons like Oprah, Eminem, and J.K Rowling have a journal which they use in tracking their progress. Progress may not mean initial and momentary success, but rather a holistic view of what you define as success. With such a journal, you can identify your areas of strength and flaws and see how you can navigate your terrain for the future.

7. To do lists

This is a list of things that you intend to accomplishing in the future. For some, it is a “bucket list,” yet this helps you identify what is important and what is not. It also helps you ascertain what direction you want to take. Each item on this list should help to make you a more fulfilled person.

8. Things to see list

Many may not consider this essential, but just as books engage and develop the mind, certain movies, documentaries, and TV shows have a way of making a considerable impact on our success. Try checking out reviews and listening or reading critics to know what shows would align with your goals.

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The post 8 Lists To Keep If You Want To Be Successful appeared first on Lifehack.

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