Wednesday 28 December 2016

One Small Act Can Hugely Improve Your Quality of Life

“It’s just another manic Monday”, goes the song. Despite it being an old one, we whole-heartedly agree. Life in metros and cities has become unbelievably busy and chaotic. All of us want to have it all; and we are in a perpetual hurry to get to the top. To stop would be shameful and to hurry and be harried is glamorous, so we play up the fact that we are always busy.

Incessant hurry often leads us to make mistakes– personally and professionally. We often don’t have enough time for those closest to us who most need our attention. In our blind rush we can end up causing incidents and accidents. We miss life’s special little moments by not having time for anybody, including ourselves. This in turn leads to more stress, frustration, and regret.

When in doubt, pause.

We all know that stress can lead to bad decisions. Whenever you are in a chaotic frame of mind, be it those looming deadlines or that last-minute get-together, pause. This self-prescribed recess is a break for you to breathe, put things into perspective, and prioritize. A pause will give you constructive time to pull together your thoughts and yourself, allowing you to best deal with any situation in a manner that’s logical, sensible, and proactive.

What do I do when I pause?

We’re so used to filling up all of our waking hours with frenetic activity that a pause can leave us feeling lost. We are not sure what to do when we pause. The thing is, when you pause you more or less do nothing. While we are not advising you to sit and stare into a vast nothingness, a “take five” means just that: a self-imposed recess of five to ten minutes in which you can breathe, count till 100, have a cuppa, take a walk, practice mindful breathing, or meditate.

How will a pause help?

Pausing helps you pull together your thoughts and not get carried away by emotions. In any situation, taking a break from running in circles that take you nowhere can help you channel your emotions into thoughts and words, helping you figure out the whys and the wherefores in a clear, calm manner.

When faced with a situation that seems insurmountable, a pause can help you reach a solution or an enlightened approach. It gives you much-needed time to think through jumbled thoughts and emotions to reach what you need; a calm mind and heart. A pause is not procrastination. Procrastination is the utter avoidance of things due to fear or is simply a lackadaisical attitude, while a pause is a proactive step that you take in order to avoid becoming part of the problem. Procrastination is you not wanting to face a situation at all, and a bid to run away from it indefinitely. A pause is the first step taken to actively solve a problem that helps you clear your mind and reach a rational, well-thought-out decision.

For how long should I pause?

While we’d love to say that you should pause for as long as you need, with so much to do in such little time that’s not a possibility. From a 10-minute meditation break to a one-hour salon session, a pause is what you need to empower yourself. It needs to refresh you to better cope with your situation.

Take just long enough to pep talk yourself into facing the monster of the day or hour to the best of your abilities. Don’t let doubt enter your pause. A pause is your way of professing self-love and cheering yourself on, come what may.

Featured photo credit: GulfEyes via

The post One Small Act Can Hugely Improve Your Quality of Life appeared first on Lifehack.

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